The best boy on campus

Chapter 159 Killing W City!

In fact, the man in the jacket also knew in his heart that although the string of subduing magic pestles was not easy to come by, with the knowledge of Mr. Liu, he still didn't like it. He came here today just to show his favor to the old man. daddy broke up

As everyone expected, this man in the black jacket is Liu Tianlong's fourth son, Liu Boyang's uncle Liu Zhenlong

Recently, he has been in a cold war with Mr. Liu, the reason is that he has been fooling around all day long, and he doesn't want to get married when he is in his 30s. I couldn't see it, and scolded him a few times, but he dared to talk back, and was almost broken by Mr. Liu

In the few days since then, he has always run away from home and confronted the old man, ignoring no one. Until today, he suddenly figured out something, and then he came back to please the old man.

Could it be said that Liu Boyang has the best relationship with his uncle at home?Although Liu Zhenlong is a good mess, he still has a lot of childishness in his personality. He loves to play and make troubles, and he doesn't want to start a family prematurely. At home, he never let Liu Boyang call him "uncle" or "little brother "uncle" he turned his face, and had to call him "brother"

However, having said that, you must not think that Liu Zhenlong is a troublesome person. If you think that way, you are completely wrong. Everyone is ruthless. How many bosses in the Golden Triangle have fallen under his hands. If he hadn't played hard this time and accidentally hooked up with the biggest drug lord in the Golden Triangle—the woman the "General" loves most, he would not have returned to this boring place. from H County

"Go away, I don't have time to talk to you now." Liu Tianlong waved his hand coldly, motioning for his car to give way

"Hey, old man, you are such an old man, can you stop being so narrow-minded? I am your own son, can you hold grudges against me?" Liu Zhenlong said childishly with his hands on his hips

"Don't forget me, I don't have time to chat with you, get out of here!" Liu Tianlong said angrily

"Why are you still so angry?" Liu Zhenlong curled his lips and asked unwillingly: "Look at you, you are aggressive, where are you going? Who messed with you again?"

"Little bastard, what are you doing in your spare time? Then get out of the car for me honestly, and go to see Boyang with me," Liu Tianlong said coldly

"Boyang? My brother?" When Liu Zhenlong heard this, he immediately put away the fun on his face, and asked, "What's wrong with my brother? What's the matter?" While talking, he took a big step and stepped on the car He walked down the windshield, obviously he was very sensitive to the name Liu Boyang, and immediately felt a little anxious

"He was hacked, and he is still in the hospital. Don't talk nonsense here. If you are worried about him, give way quickly and go over with me to have a look." Liu Tianlong said coldly, and stopped talking nonsense, got into the car, and Two bodyguards sat on both sides, one on the left and one on the right to protect him

"Which **** is so bold today? Old man, what are you talking about, hurry up and lead the way!" Liu Zhenlong jumped back into the car, angry and anxious, and said coldly to the woman next to him: "You I heard, I have something urgent right now, what are you still doing sitting here, hurry up, get out of the car and don't delay my business"

When the beautiful girl heard it, she immediately said angrily: "What's the matter with you putting me here? What do you want me to do with this black light? Why don't you take me back first?"

"Get out, go back by yourself, I don't have time to spare, if you don't go down, I will kick you down." Liu Zhenlong said angrily that his younger brother was cut off, how could he even think about flirting with girls? I can't even delay myself to see Liu Boyang

The woman saw that Liu Zhenlong was really angry, and her tone revealed a lot of impatience. She knew that Liu Zhenlong had always been the kind of ruthless person who said what he said and did what he did, so she didn't dare to provoke him anymore. Although she felt wronged, but Still honestly got out of the car and hid aside, out of the way

Liu Zhenlong didn't say much, he slammed the accelerator, turned the car aside, and then Liu Tianlong's car drove past the place he gave up, Liu Zhenlong caught up immediately, and the two cars drove towards the national highway one after the other, toward drive to w city

Just as the two cars got on the national highway, suddenly there was a long queue of motorcades chasing up behind them. It was majestic and frightening.

In the leading car was the tiger head with a full face. He was leading people to drive towards the ancestral house of the old man in Liujiawan. He knew the old man's temper. No. The old man would go to the ancestral house for a few days, but he had just walked halfway with his people, when he received a call from the old man, telling him his current location, so Hutou led his younger brothers to catch up

Hutou's car followed Liu Zhenlong's Mercedes-Benz directly. In terms of seniority, the two of them may not be of the same generation, but Hutou has a good relationship with Liu Zhenlong on weekdays. Liu Zhenlong's lustful but righteous character , quite right with him

Even if the two of them don't have the relationship with Mr. Liu, as long as Liu Zhenlong yells, he will rush over immediately without saying a word

In addition to Hutou, the other cars of Leopard Mountain, Black Eagle, and King Snake also turned their steering wheels, and they stood out among nearly a hundred different cars. They turned to the front and followed behind Hutou's car. They lined up in a row, and the cars behind all followed up again, and the whole convoy once again lined up in a long queue in an orderly manner.

Liu Zhenlong tilted his neck and glanced at the mighty convoy behind him, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, the old man was so flattering to those people, that he called so many people to come all at once, actually it was unnecessary, that person hurt After killing his own brother, is it necessary for other people to take action?I will tear him to pieces

In fact, he didn't fully understand the painstaking efforts of Mr. Liu. The reason why Mr. Liu brought so many people to City W this time was because he was anxious to visit his precious grandson and avenge him by the way. To make an example to the monkeys, to make an impression on the unscrupulous people in the whole city of W

Although the old man has been raising his grandson and letting him play by himself, but at this moment, his love for his son has taken over everything, so he can't control so many Boyangs who are about to be hacked to death, how can he not care? Regardless, how can we not seek justice for him?

At this moment, Liu Tianlong suddenly regretted a little. Did he do something wrong? Did his stubbornness help his grandson or hurt him?

Since Liu Boyang was put in stock, he has been in danger several times, and several times he was in danger, but this time was the most serious, and his life was actually in danger

Mr. Liu blamed his son Liu Zhenjiang for not being optimistic about his grandson, but what about himself?Have you fulfilled your duty as a grandfather?Not to mention my eldest son——after Liu Zhentian came back, his younger brother Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai couldn't give him an explanation, even as a father, he couldn't give him an explanation.

Before he left, he repeatedly told himself to take good care of Bo Yang for him, but he actually let him be hacked into a dying wound

Liu Tianlong sat in the car, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He was already very hot-tempered, but at this moment, he couldn't control it. He was so anxious that he coldly urged: "Hurry up!"

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