The best boy on campus

Chapter 160 Snake King!

The bodyguard driver in front knew that the car was already there, but he didn't dare to go against the old man's wishes at this juncture, so he continued to increase the accelerator and drove forward.

The old man's car shot out like an arrow, and Liu Zhenlong and others immediately followed closely behind. The whole long dragon speeded up a tempo in an instant, and moved forward in unison against the wind.

Ten minutes later, a toll booth appeared in front of the convoy, where two traffic policemen just stopped a long-distance coal truck to issue a ticket. The unlucky driver was arrested. Even at night, traffic police come out to patrol, and national highways are heavily patrolled

Suddenly, in the control room that controls the gear lever, a female toll collector in her 40s poked her head out and stared dumbfounded at the mighty convoy ahead. Flying in a uniform manner, like the wind and arrows, with an unparalleled majestic momentum, murderous, cold

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, the female toll collector would have thought that the scene in front of her was a movie, but the movie wasn't that exaggerated! Where did I find so many cars and people like this? Who would be willing to spend such a big amount of money?

Immediately picked up the pager, called the two traffic policemen over there, and told them to come over quickly. The two traffic policemen heard her haste, so they stopped delaying immediately, and gave the truck driver a few words, and let him go after collecting the fine. , and then immediately got on the motorcycle and rushed back to the control room

"It's so fucking unlucky that you caught me who eats people's food and doesn't do human business." The truck driver gave them the middle finger angrily, then climbed into the car with undiminished anger, and slammed it with a "bang". Get on the door, put your foot on the gas and drive away

It is also considered that he left early, if he was one second later, he would not be willing to leave, because he would never want to see the spectacular scene behind him for the second time in his life

The two traffic policemen drove to the side of the control room. Before they could ask the female toll collector what happened, they suddenly opened their eyes and stared at the rushing scene in front of them in shock.

This, what's going on?

The two traffic policemen suddenly felt that they were shocked, and their hearts were more tense than ever before.

There is no way, the scene in front of me is too magnificent, it is not enough to describe it as amazing, it needs to be scary

Both of them are ordinary police officers, and they usually check and record violations. Never have they seen such a big battle

However, regardless of what the mighty convoy was going to do in a straight line, their speed was obviously overwhelming. They looked at each other, became ruthless, slammed on the accelerator of the motorcycle, both rushed forward, stopped a hundred meters away from the convoy, and desperately raised their hands and whistled to signal them to stop

Mr. Liu narrowed his eyes, and anger rose in his heart. These two blind people actually waste time for him at this time

The bodyguard driver in front turned around and asked him, "Master, there are people blocking the way ahead, what should we do?"

Liu Tianlong frowned and thought for a while, then said impatiently: "Stop the car first, and leave it to the Snake King to deal with." Although he was furious at the moment, he was not to the point of madness. run over

Years of experience in the society let him know that it is a big taboo to make troubles out of nowhere, unless it is absolutely necessary, don't poke around everywhere, especially when you have important things on your body, it will only delay time

The bodyguard driver in front nodded, and slowly slowed down the car to avoid rear-end collision with the car behind, and stopped on the side, while the car behind Liu Zhenlong and others also slowly stopped behind him

After a few "bang bang bang bang", Liu Zhenlong, Hutou, Snake King, Black Eagle, and Baoshan all slammed the car door and walked down. They glanced at the two people in front of them unhappily, and walked to Liu Tianlong's car. He asked, "Boss, what are we going to do?"

"Snake King, you go and do it, don't waste time" Liu Tianlong said lightly

The Snake King nodded, and without further ado, he went straight up to negotiate with those two people.

Snake King is the wise general among the Hutou group. His real name is Wansen. There are some allusions to the name Snake King. Back in County H, when he was not well-known, County H had four nicknames including him. A fierce man with a "snake" in his middle, one named "Cobra". Younger brother, the boss who murdered him later took over the position, and designed to eradicate dissidents in extremely despicable ways, and established the No. [-] gang "Snake Gang" in H County at that time, secretly doing murder and arson.

The second one is called "Big Snake", which has nothing to do with the name "Snake". He is short, short and fat, with a smiling face, but his methods are no worse than "Cobra". He is also engaged in human trafficking and tinkering with powdered drugs in the casino behind his back, and has a good relationship with the county leaders. He can be regarded as a powerful person who kills both black and white. It is a truth that the people in the above villas have maintained more than 20 mistresses without revealing their wealth, but at that time he was already so awesome that he could ignore this truth, just wanting to be arrogant to the point of being seen by others

The third one is called "Red Snake", whose name is Wuxu, and she is a coquettish woman with a lot of means. At the beginning, she was the mistress secretly kept by "Orochi", but she took advantage of this relationship and used her beauty She was seduced and bought the younger brother of the "Orochi" at that time, she didn't care if she had a man or a son, she just wanted to get a foot in the underworld, which is enough to show her ambition. Later, her plot was seen through by the "Orochi", and the two had a quarrel ever since. They turned their faces, they were like fire and water, they were at odds with each other, and they fought so many battles, until they fell into the hands of Wan Sen together, and the grievances and resentments between the two gangs finally came to an end

As for the fourth one, of course it was Wan Sen who was known as the "King Snake" at the time. He gave himself the title of "King Snake". Although he followed Liu Tianlong from the beginning, he was Liu Tianlong's confidant and right-hand man. , but I also have my own ambition in my heart, that is, under the leadership of Liu Tianlong, create a large country, completely eradicate the three "snakes" that I can't see most in County H, and become the "snake king"

You know, in the natural world, all snakes with the word "king snake" in their names are all freaks in the snake world. The name is a public expression of one's ambition.

Facts have proved that Wan Sen did it in the end. Not only did he realize his dream, he wiped out the other three "snakes", but he also followed Liu Tianlong out of Liujiawan and became famous all over the world. The word "King Snake" was replaced by an outsider and changed to "Snake King".

king of snakes

ps: Brothers, to be honest, I am really a little selfish. I wanted to save the chapters until tomorrow, because tomorrow is my last day on the book list, and I urgently need to save the manuscript and explode it before rushing to the list

But when we got to the comments from the brothers, I am very grateful to everyone. I decided to go all out. For the sake of the brothers, I will not be so selfish. I will also post the chapter I prepared for tomorrow. In this way, I will not be guaranteed tomorrow. I am sure everyone will continue to give me Li, I thank you all. You don’t have to wait tonight after reading this chapter. There will be a chapter around nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

In addition, those brothers who scolded me, I believe that you must be the vests of other authors. Does it make sense to do so?If you scold me, you may not be able to write a good book by yourself. I believe that my readers are tolerant and large, and they will not be as uneducated as you are.

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