The best boy on campus

Chapter 1473 Seed down!

This flying drop is just that fateful medical specimen. Just imagine, a dead body that has been disembowelled, and a woman who can't even move her eyes, suddenly squats there like a normal person and looks at you with a sinister smile. What would this be? what kind of feeling? !

Seeing the opportunity, Tie Zheng rushed forward, handed the Liekong Daodi to Liu Boyang, and said, "Brother Yang, you deal with this one, and Lao Jiu and I deal with the other one! Let's get rid of these two girls first, otherwise we won't be able to deal with it at all!" There is no way to save Li Yuanhao!"

"You two are okay? As long as you are not afraid, you can talk about anything!" Liu Boyang said. ""(.)

Tie Zheng said: "No problem! Although I was a little scared just now, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of now. Just treat them as zombies in the movie! Brother Yang, let's make a quick decision!" After finishing speaking, he twisted and rushed to the kitchen Over there, the female Feixiang who crawled out of the tomb over there has also recovered, staring at Youlongjian, waiting for an opportunity to launch an attack!

"Ah!!" Suddenly the flying general in the living room uttered a voice that didn't sound like a human scream, and then pulled himself up and rushed towards Liu Boyang. With a flash of white shadow, she had already arrived in front of Liu Boyang. Facing Liu Boyang's eyes, Liu Boyang aimed his knife at her arm and chopped it off, like cutting off a wooden stick, and didn't see much blood spurting out. The whole arm of Nv Feixiang was chopped off by Liu Boyang. Nv Feijiang had no choice but to pause in the air, Liu Boyang grabbed his hair with one hand, pressed it hard on the ground, and then stabbed her into the back of the head with a "poof" with the splitting knife, and nailed her to the floor on the spot!

"Hehe...hehehehe..." Liu Boyang originally thought that nailing the girl Feixiang to death would be the end of the matter, but he didn't expect that this weird thing was still alive, her head was pinned by Liu Boyang, she couldn't break free, so she simply used her hands forcibly Standing up on the ground, she got up, and the sharp knife sliced ​​open her brain, split it in half and hung there, looking extremely terrifying!

"This fucking... can't be killed?" Even Liu Boyang was taken aback this time. It was the first time he saw an opponent whose head was rotting and could still get up. At this time, Na Chuanfeng who was hiding in the distance covered his nose with his hands, Resisting the urge to vomit, he shouted to Liu Boyang: "Brother, Feixiang, you can't be killed. They can still move even if they are torn apart, because they are dead themselves, and they don't feel pain or consciousness!"

"Then how can we get rid of them?" Liu Boyang frowned coldly and said, he doesn't think these two flying descendants are scary now, he just finds them hard to deal with!

"I don't know about this. I only heard that the "Jiang Seed" must be hidden somewhere on the body of Fei Jiang who was enlisted by the Jiang Shi! As long as the "Jiang Seed" is broken, the Jiang Shi can cut off the control of Fei Jiang Already!"

"Then what are you talking about called 'drop seed'! When will it be a head if it's cut off like this?!" On the other side of the kitchen, Tie Zheng and You Longjian struggled to deal with another female, Fei Jiang, who were stronger than Liu Boyang, At this time, both of the girl's hands were chopped off, and half of her neck was cut off, but the girl still refused to fall down, her hair was disheveled and she fought with them!

Na Chuanfeng said with a bitter face: "How do I know this, I'm not from country C..."

But at this moment, the little girl who had been hiding beside Nachuanfeng and was rescued by Liu Boyang suddenly grabbed Nachuanfeng's sleeve and said something eagerly. Nachuanfeng was overjoyed and shouted : "Yes! This little girl said that when she was a child, she watched a movie about flying down. Generally, the downing species are paper symbols, black pills and the like. You just need to extract these things from their bodies. !"

This is easy to say, there are so many places to hide things all over the body of these two women, only the devil knows where Jiang Zhong hides... Wait!Suddenly, Liu Boyang thought of a possibility, although he also knew that it was disgusting to go to this place, but the best place on this girl's body to hide her seeds was there!

Having made up his mind, Liu Boyang took advantage of the woman whose head was split into two by Feixiang to rush towards him again, and kicked her back. Quickly followed, he squatted down and pressed Nv Feixiang's waist and eyes, regardless of her fierce struggle and resistance, Liu Boyang slashed Nv Feixiang's tailbone with a hand knife, but nothing came out, so he slashed again, four times in a row After five strokes, he finally succeeded in cutting out a small black pill from the woman's rectum, which was stenchy, and there were some weird symbols painted on it!

At the same time that the small black pill was separated from the body, the female Feixiang really gave up struggling, stopped moving, and returned to her dead body, and after the small black pill came into contact with the air, wisps of blackness emerged from the fan surface not long after. Liu Boyang covered his nose to avoid the smoke, who knows if the smoke would be highly poisonous, and finally with a "poof", the small medicine pill was covered in black smoke as if it were natural, and it was "burned" away in a short while ...

Liu Boyang finally solved a female Feijiang, but Tie Zheng and You Longjian heard another emergency. They also imitated Liu Boyang's method and started from the dead body's rectum, trying to get it out, but the ass of the female Feixiang was almost crushed. They cut it up and didn't see any small black pills, but Nv Feixiang still resisted violently as always!

"Not in the back, you can look in the front, isn't there only two places where she can hide things?" Liu Boyang said speechlessly.

Tie Zheng and You Longjian suddenly realized that, in desperation, You Longjian directly used a kitchen knife to open the entire stomach of Nv Feixiang, and found something in her zigong, but it was not a small black pill, but a black pill that had been exposed to the sun. The shriveled little toad can be used as a "seed" after drying up?

The two women downstairs were settled, and suddenly Li Yuanhao's screams came from upstairs. Along with his endless begging for mercy, Liu Boyang knew that the most worrying thing had happened, and Li Yuanhao was indeed killed by those two women. I was entangled, and I told him not to run up alone, but he refused to listen, and now he has suffered a lot!

"Quick! Go up and save Yuanhao!" Na Chuanfeng remembered that there was another person upstairs waiting to be rescued, but just as he finished speaking, there was a "Boom!" from above his head, and he saw a man Flying down broke through the floor of the second floor and flew down from the top with his head down, grabbed Nachuanfeng's neck with both hands, and pulled Nachuanfeng up to the second floor like a green onion. There was no room for resistance, and during the process of lifting off the ground, his eyes widened, foaming at the mouth, and he kicked and struggled desperately with both hands and feet!

Liu Boyang, Tiezheng, Youlongjian and the three brothers were about to chase, when suddenly a cloudy wind rose outside the villa, more powerful than before, almost overturning the table, a large piece of flying sand and rocks were blown into the house, the three brothers had no choice but to block it with their arms face, squinting his eyes to avoid the wind and sand, but at this moment the white skeleton in mourning clothes floated in with a ghost banner, faster than the male flying down and the female flying down, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Liu Boyang, and the flying streamer smashed Going down, Liu Boyang slashed back with the Rifting Knife, the two collided, one side of the ghost banner was chopped off, but the Rifting Knife was unscathed!

The skeleton in mourning seemed to still have the ability to think. It floated to the back in the air, stared at its own ghost banner for a while, and dared not approach Liu Boyang again. It waved the ghost banner in the air, and suddenly the Yin wind in the villa became more fierce, and even the murals were blown away. It flew away, and then, those evil winds actually formed into a small wind that couldn't be resolved, smashing their heads and faces at the three brothers Liu Boyang, You Longjian was the first to get hit, and he seemed to be hit on the face The whip chou, fell on his back with a "slap", a bright red bloodstain ran across his entire face, directly stunned You Longjian!

ps: ask for a monthly pass, brothers! !

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