The best boy on campus

Chapter 1474 Surrender of the living!

"Old Jiu, are you alright?" Liu Boyang asked You Long Jiandao anxiously!

You Longjian covered his blush face, and said bitterly: "Brother Yang, I'm fine! Be careful not to get caught, it really hurts!"

But while speaking, the white skull flew down and vigorously danced the ghost flag, densely packed with countless wind scrolls and then flew towards him. Liu Boyang was fast enough to retreat and dodge quickly, but Tie Zheng had no time to dodge, and more than a dozen wind scrolls flew over. Chou fell on his body and flew Tiezheng directly, his clothes were torn, and he fell far behind before falling. txt e-book download** "".——Fortunately, both Tie Zheng and You Longjian were from the army, and their bodies are much stronger than ordinary people. If they were ordinary people, these dozens of wind rolls alone would choke their bones to pieces !

Liu Boyang suddenly turned his head and glanced at Tie Zheng, and then stared angrily at the White Skull. The White Skull rose upside down dancing with a ghost banner, streaked through the air, and suddenly attacked Liu Boyang. Liu Boyang fell back and looked up. Dodging, the ghost banner of the white skull brushed towards Liu Boyang's chest. Liu Boyang took advantage of the situation to put one hand on the ground, kicked in the air with both feet, and directly kicked the white skull's back, kicking it flying hard. !

The White Skull hit the wall before stopping, Liu Boyang was so powerful that he rushed forward with a few steps, and kicked the White Skull's chest again, almost breaking it into pieces, breaking several ribs, then The White Skull opened its big mouth full of teeth, and spewed out a mouthful of black air. Liu Boyang covered his nose and backed away, then took the knife and slashed down fiercely, directly into the White Skull's shoulder blade, almost cutting off its spine !

"Brother Yang, you did a great job!!" Tie Zheng and You Longjian had already run behind Liu Boyang. Taking advantage of Liu Boyang's nailing the white skull to the wall, Tie Zheng punched the white skull hard on the forehead. The skull of the white skull was cracked, and the rotten black brain slowly seeped out...

"This guy must also have a 'drop seed'! Old Jiu, let's look for it..." Before Tie Zheng finished speaking, the white skull suddenly "lived" again, and the white skull claws grabbed Tie Zheng fiercely. Zheng's wrist was like a big iron clamp, and Tie Zheng yelled out in pain!

Liu Boyang was in a hurry, he took the split knife and aimed at the head of the White Skull, and chopped off the top half of the White Skull's head with a "click", but it was still not fatal. Go out, grab Tie Zheng and You Longjian's necks, lift them up on the spot, its body also rises up, and its two soles are flattened into the air!

It wanted to fly up and strangle Tie Zheng and You Longjian to death!

Liu Boyang pulled back the Cracking Knife, cut off the two arms of the White Skull, saved Tie Zheng and You Longjian, and then punched the White Skull's spine. The white skull couldn't get up anymore, even if it could still move, it wouldn't be too lethal.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that such a thing really existed in the world. It's so damn difficult!" Tie Zheng sighed.

"There are too many evil men in the world, let's go up and save people!" Liu Boyang finished coldly, and quickly rushed to the second floor with a cracking knife in his hand. If you don't save her, it will be too late!

Liu Boyang had just rushed to the second floor of the villa, and suddenly saw Li Yuanhao crawling on the ground covered in blood, a male flying down floating in mid-air chasing him, and Na Chuanfeng being pinched into mid-air by another male flying down, struggling with strength It's getting smaller and smaller, seeing that it's more ominous...

Liu Boyang rushed up quickly, kicked the flying man floating in mid-air, and finally saved Li Yuanhao's life. At this time, Li Yuanhao had more wounds than he could count, and blood was flowing from his neck. , it was obvious that he was tortured a lot by the man flying down just now.Tie Zheng and You Longjian rushed to Na Chuan Feng's side, Tie Zheng rescued Na Chuan Feng, You Long Jian attacked the male Fei Jiang, and subdued the male Fei Jiang without much effort. It was far away, and was soon "reborn" and turned into an ordinary corpse.

"How do you two feel? Are you okay?" Liu Boyang looked at Li Yuanhao and Na Chuanfeng with a heavy face and asked.

Li Yuanhao was panting heavily with his face up, while Na Chuanfeng was kneeling on the ground panting heavily. They had all experienced near-death just now, and it was really not easy to survive!

"Take me to the hospital..." Li Yuanhao said with difficulty, his body was bleeding so much that he didn't even have the strength to speak...

Liu Boyang nodded, wanting You Longjian to call a car, but then he thought that this is in country c, the ghost knows the emergency number in this country, Liu Boyang just wanted to ask Na Chuanfeng, when suddenly there were footsteps on the stairs, what's the matter? Things are slowly coming up step by step...

Is there any "dead" in the flight just now?

This was Liu Boyang's first reaction. He didn't care about saving Li Yuanhao. Just as Liu Boyang stood up, he suddenly saw that the person coming up the stairs was Li Yuanhao's butler. It's just that he was a little different from before. Not to mention the stiff and dull expression, the whole person is hidden in the darkness, and the two pairs of eyes glow scarlet, and it can be seen that he is possessed by something!

"Fuck! Is this nonsense, and there is even something about the upper body of ghosts?" You Longjian asked seriously.

Na Chuanfeng looked up at the butler, and said with a choked voice: "He is not a ghost, but he is also controlled by Jiangshi! Jiangshi can not only enslave the dead, but also the living!"

"Then he is not invincible?" Liu Boyang asked with a frown.

"No! The people Jiang Shi can control are weak-willed people, especially those who are afraid of him. When people are afraid, they may lose their souls. He uses this to control the housekeeper! If I If you guessed correctly, the Jiangshi should be nearby, and he can see our every move at any time!" Na Chuanfeng said.

"Is there a way to release his control?" Liu Boyang asked.

"There are two! One is to kill the steward, and the other is to kill Jiang Shi himself, otherwise this technique will not be broken!" Li Yuanhao suddenly said with difficulty.

At this time, as the footsteps got closer, the butler came to the second floor. He held a kitchen knife in his hand and walked straight towards Li Yuanhao like a puppet. Liu Boyang had no choice but to kick him out, but he got up immediately. Continue to approach Li Yuanhao leisurely with the knife, Li Yuanhao was terrified, and shouted at Liu Boyang: "Kill him quickly! Otherwise, I will be the one who dies. If he doesn't die, this technique can't be broken!"

Liu Boyang was cruel, so he had to rush forward quickly, and pierced the butler's heart with the knife. Suddenly, the butler let out a scream, and the scarlet light in his eyes suddenly disappeared, showing a pair of frightened and desperate eyes, and then fell to the ground.

Liu Boyang knew that before the butler died, his sanity had recovered, and he could clearly see that he had killed him, but Liu Boyang was saved by a method. It's unjust for people to die like this!

This damned descendant is a murderer, with an endless legacy of poison!I have to kill him tonight to get rid of my hatred!

Just when Liu Boyang was determined to kill Jiang Shi, Tie Zheng saw that there was no movement around him, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Now...are you okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yuanhao on the ground suddenly got up slowly, raised his head, his eyes became exactly like the butler's, shining scarlet light, and his facial expression was dull and stiff, his movements resembled those of a dead man!

The butler just died, and Li Yuanhao was controlled again!

"Brother Yang, be careful!" Just as You Longjian finished reminding, Li Yuanhao picked up the kitchen knife on the ground and slashed at Liu Boyang!

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