The best boy on campus

Chapter 164 Chase!

The leader in the front was frightened immediately. When he saw Wu Tian chasing him from behind, he was so nervous that he didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat on his head. To the extreme, desperately fleeing forward

He was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out, his face was pale, the man behind him had a gun! If he was caught up, his life would be gone

But his car was too far behind Wu Tian's Hummer after all, and it was not at the same level of speed. It didn't take long for Wu Tian to drive the steel-like Hummer to follow him closely. The distance between them is getting closer and closer, and it is possible to catch up at any time

Wu Tian's face was extremely gloomy, his eyes coldly locked on the gray bread fleeing in front of him in a panic, no matter how much he flung him, he couldn't get rid of himself

Since the young lady wants him to die, then he should not even think about living.

But even Wu Tian didn't expect the leader in front to be so crazy, driving on a rampage without any regard for the consequences, making sharp turns at several forks, almost turning the car over

Fortunately, the "City View Garden" is located in the district, and the adjacent suburbs are sparsely populated. He didn't hit anyone in such a foolish way. If it were a downtown area, he would definitely kill [-] or [-] of them.

Wu Tian hated this person more and more in his heart, even if he didn't have Hong Shanan's orders, he would never let him go lightly when he saw that the guy in front was so crazy

This may have something to do with Wu Tian's background. If it weren't for this stubborn character of envy and hatred, he wouldn't have made mistakes back then, and he wouldn't have been dismissed from his life in the Wizard of Oz. Red Coral's Bodyguard

What Wu Tian is not used to most in his life is the kind of bastard who is not as good as pigs and dogs, and who doesn't take ordinary human lives seriously

If the leader in front was not too crazy, driving the car like an airplane, and the van would turn sharp turns from time to time and go off the road, Wu Tian would have caught up with him a long time ago, and then he would definitely be punished severely

However, the leader was a bit self-inflicted later on. He drove desperately, not caring about the road ahead. He just felt that he was about to suffocate from nervousness. While driving furiously, he suddenly noticed that the vision in front of him was getting worse and worse. As it gets darker, the surrounding scenery becomes more and more deserted and empty, the houses are rare, the road becomes bumpy and uneven, and the surroundings are gradually full of withered grass half a person's height

The leader immediately regained his composure, complaining incessantly, wanting to cry, and in a panic, he drove the car all the way out of the urban area and came to this desolate and inhabited suburb. I should have driven directly to Majiawan. Anyway, my boss is there and there are helpers

But now he can neither turn around, nor dare to stop at all, Wu Tian's car is already within a few meters of him, he has no choice but to continue running desperately

The two cars rolled over the long-abandoned turf, bumping and running wildly, the leader in the van was almost killed, but Wu Tian was hardly affected by sitting in the Hummer

One after the other, they came rushing forward. Their violent roar woke up the beggar who was stealing canned food in a grass nest in front. The beggar was originally mentally ill and didn't understand anything. Hearing the violent sound of the engine, he looked back in confusion, only to see the two sharp searchlights in front of him suddenly grabbing his pupils

He grinned like a child who couldn't dodge and was frightened, and instinctively let out a cry for help: "Ah... ah"

But it's too late...

"Ah" has become his last voice in this world. He only heard a violent "bang". Flying fiercely, thrown several meters away, sprinkled an arc of blood in mid-air, with no life left

The leader in the van trembled all over with fright, and actually killed a person, but he has already become ruthless now, so he has no time to care about this

The car continued to drive forward unabated, but to his surprise, the corpse of the unfortunate beggar in the sky suddenly fell from mid-air, with a "bang", it hit the glass of his car window, and then It rolled down again, and rolled directly under his wheels. The van suddenly rose and fell violently, and it probably ran over the beggar's body directly.

Turn the poor beggar into a meatloaf

Wu Tian, ​​who was behind, saw this scene clearly through the headlights, and suddenly felt that his whole body was blown up. This dog bastard is really hard-hearted, and he is not so cruel. When will human life be so worthless? Today, I will die this beast can't

And the leader in the front also hated it, where did the poor and dirty beggars come from, who actually ran in front of his car and waited to be hit? Wu Tian is following closely

In fact, killing people is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the beggar fell from the sky just now and smashed hard on the front window of his van, splashing a glass full of blood. can't see the way


Now he panicked even more, turned the steering wheel desperately, slammed on the accelerator and sprinted aimlessly, suddenly the car body staggered violently, with a bang, his whole body shook violently, and his body leaned forward. He slammed directly on the front windshield, his forehead suddenly fell into a daze, and the blood in his chest surged like a tide. Before he could react to what was going on, suddenly his whole body was spinning with the car, his head After smashing the glass and "bumping" a few times, even the people and the car overturned into a dry ditch in front of them

Seeing the car overturned in front of him, Wu Tiannian sneered, you can't run away if you want to run like a bastard?

Immediately stopped the Hummer, Wu Tian slammed the car door with a "bang", took off the watch on his hand, and strode down with a sneer, his face was sinking like water, and his face was as cold as frost. He knew that the leader was not so It's easy to die, and he can't die even if he hasn't dealt with him himself.

With the bright headlights of the Hummer, Wu Tian stretched his foot into the ditch, and forcibly pulled the half-dead leader inside out of the exploded van. He saw that the leader had already fallen with blood on his face and bones all over his body. At least seventy-eight out of ten were broken, but Wu Tian didn't mean to pity him at all. He dragged him like a dead dog to the Humvee. With the headlights, he pressed a special knife to his face and asked: "Wake up, take a breath, are you dead?"

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