The best boy on campus

Chapter 175 Doubt!

At that time, He Xiaobin explained his intention tremblingly: I am here to find Liu Boyang

Liu Tianlong nodded after hearing this, and said lightly: "Oh, he's not here, you wait outside the yard"

Then He Xiaobin backed out. In the hot weather, he felt cool all over. He turned to look at Yang Lin, and found that Yang Lin also had the same expression as him, his face was pale and he was sweating profusely.

The two of them were so frightened that they didn't dare to say a word in the yard, and they sat under the jujube tree honestly and waited for Liu Boyang to come back.

He Xiaobin still recalls Liu Tianlong's eyes at that time, and he still feels like a light is on his back, and he still has lingering fears. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't believe that anyone in the world would have such a domineering aura, such cold eyes, and such a powerful personality. Deterrence

The oppressive power of Mr. Liu, not to mention the boss Qiao Siye who is now in charge, even his grandfather He Jiuxiao can't match it.

He Xiaobin even believed that the longing in his bones to become a tiger man and the leader of the leader sprouted at the moment he met Liu Tianlong, and in the days that followed, this hope became more and more intense. The arrogance of the world, how many midnight dreams woke him up, made him envious, jealous, persistent, passionate, and finally it was it that led He Xiaobin to where he is today, on the road he is today

Maybe even Mr. Liu himself didn't know that his unintentional gaze would affect the life of a young man.

Now that He Xiaobin heard that Mr. Liu would come, apart from the shock in his heart, he was also uncontrollably excited. He could finally see the god in his heart again.

"Xiaobin, it was the old man Tianlong that I notified. Brother Yang is injured like this now, so it is right to say hello to him." Yang Lin walked up and patted He Xiaobin on the shoulder, and said lightly

"Well, it's time to let me know that I haven't seen Grandpa Liu for a long time, and I really miss him." He Xiaobin sighed

Yang Lin didn't say anything, and turned to look at Liu Zhenhai. At this moment, Liu Zhenhai was discussing the ambulance expenses with Dean Wang over there. Dean Wang politely said that he didn't need it now, and he would talk about it after Liu Boyang was rescued. And Liu Zhenhai said that one size is one size, the hospital has done its best, and he must express something on his side

Liu Zhenjiang saw the push of those two people, but he didn't intend to compete with the second brother to pay the medical expenses

The sons and grandchildren of the Liu family have always been a family, so there is no need to divide them up. When the time comes, he will absolutely do his part. The fourth brother Liu Zhenlong is a typical "warmonger". When it is time to deal with people, he is the right person

This kind of unity of the Liu family, everyone present can only see envy and admiration, their family is so united, the chances of conflicts and estrangement are almost zero

How can such a family lose?they will thrive

But at this time, He Xiaobin suddenly felt an inexplicable crisis in his heart, because he suddenly had a bad intuition that this member of the Liu family would become his enemy sooner or later.

The source of this feeling is my current identity and situation. I have already separated from Liu Boyang and my brothers.

I am the branch master of the Overlord Hall, and they are the members of the Jiulong Society.

Since ancient times, one mountain cannot contain two tigers. If one day my Bawangtang really confronts Liu Boyang's Nine Dragons Club, how should I make a decision?

He Xiaobin was suddenly disturbed, he had to think about this serious problem, his future was in jeopardy, he turned his head to look at his brother, Yang Lin was no longer standing by his side, but went over there to take care of Xiaoying

In fact, Yang Lin walked away on purpose. He Xiaobin's behavior just now made him feel very uncomfortable, even a little disgusted and nauseated.

Maybe even He Xiaobin didn't realize that he has now become a very powerful person. When he was talking to Liu Zhenjiang just now, how about "I" in one mouthful: "I" has a relationship with Brother Yang, "I" Will avenge Brother Yang, "I" has sent someone to investigate this matter...

He didn't even add the word "men", as if the other brothers were not in a hurry and didn't care about Brother Yang

you are in a hurry

as long as you can do

It's amazing that you are a member of Bawangtang

In fact, no one could see that He Xiaobin just took a fancy to Liu Zhenjiang's position as the mayor of Liu Zhenjiang, and wanted to curry favor with him so that he could handle affairs in the future and benefit himself?The eyeballs of the brothers are not blind, nor are the ears deaf, they can see and hear

He Xiaobin wants to play tricks in front of Yang Lin, he may not be Yang Lin's opponent

Of course, maybe He Xiaobin himself didn't think so much at this moment, nor did he have that kind of meaning, but his words and deeds, inadvertently, exposed his current heart and nature

After all, Yang Lin was disappointed, he was too happy earlier, third son, you have really changed

"Xiaoying, don't cry, I believe my brother will be fine." Liu Zhenhai's eldest daughter, Liu Xiaoman, with red eyes, hugged Liu Xiaoying's petite body and said that she is one year older than Liu Boyang and is the third generation of the Liu family. The oldest one, she also has a younger sister, Liu Shasha, the second daughter of Liu Zhenhai. These two have lived with their parents since they were young and enjoyed urban education. They did not live together with Liu Boyang in Liujiawan for nearly ten years like Xiaoying. Year

But the brother-sister relationship still exists after all, and they are really worried about Liu Boyang at the moment

"Hmm..." Liu Xiaoying sobbed in her sister's arms, seeking the comfort of such close relatives

"Damn it, why haven't there been any letters after being rescued for so long? Isn't this sincere and anxious?" The old cat stood outside the emergency room and kept looking in, stomping and saying that a person like him can calm down down is weird

Yang Lin is also very angry now, Brother Yang can't get away here, but Guo Xiao and the others don't know what's going on right now, they were brought back by the bastards of the Chen team, it is estimated that they must be cleaned up now Hey, they are loyal younger brothers to people like him! How can I just watch them suffer?

At that moment, Yang Lin's thoughts turned, and he walked over to Liu Zhenjiang and said, "Uncle Zhenjiang, can I tell you something?"

Liu Zhenjiang was upset, when he heard Yang Lin say this, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Yang Lin considered his tone, and then told Liu Zhenjiang all the ins and outs of what happened in school this afternoon, including how to deal with Li Zifeng and others, how the Chen team ran to arrest people, etc.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it, after saying this, a thrill flashed in Yang Lin's mind: You said that the people from the Chen team didn't come early or late, but they waited until the evening self-study to come in aggressively to arrest them, and they actually arrested them. It was so accurate, Guo Xiao and the others were captured in one fell swoop.

Is there such a coincidence in this world?Did someone play tricks on purpose and call Tiaozi away?

The more Yang Lin thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was greater, and he pondered in his mind, who is so messy to do such a bad thing?

I secretly made up my mind that when Brother Yang passes this test, I must find out this person, and I can't spare him.

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