The best boy on campus

Chapter 176 I Know You Already?

After listening to Yang Lin's words, Liu Zhenjiang also sighed in his heart. It seems that his nephew has really caused troubles at school these two days. Fortunately, he had greeted Zheng Yuanlong, the principal of S Middle School, and asked him to protect him. Otherwise, there might be something wrong with it.

How shrewd is Liu Zhenjiang, how could he not understand what Yang Lin meant? With his status, it is not easy for the police to release someone?Immediately, he dialed the number of the sub-bureau, and said what he meant in a disguised way, and it was fine to let them go about the formalities, so don't make it difficult for Guo Xiao and others

His words are of course useful. At that time, the subordinates of the Chen Division were on duty at that time. Chen Division and others were urgently called by Qian Daduan to discuss and deal with Liu Boyang's matter first. When the mayor called him, he immediately understood. What should I do, I dare not neglect Guo Xiao and the others again, after a cutscene, I agree to let them go...

Just as Liu Zhenjiang put down the phone here, the elevator door was opened again, and the person who came out this time was actually Red Coral

"Sister Yufei" Liu Xiaoying saw the red coral walking in the elevator, immediately shouted with red eyes, and gently broke free from Liu Xiaoman's arms, and then ran towards the red coral, her heart was full of anxiety, Sister Yufei, she Here you go, have you dealt with the matter with the police?Has her bodyguard caught the bad guy and found out who killed her brother?

The sudden arrival of Red Coral has attracted the attention of many people, even Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai, who are usually well-informed and calm, are slightly moved at this moment

Is it her?

How did she come?How did Xiaoying know her?

Red Coral stretched out her hands lovingly, and gently hugged Liu Xiaoying, who rushed up, into her arms. While stroking her hair, she said, "Xiaoying, don't cry, where's your brother? How's the situation? Did the doctor say anything?" What?"

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaoying choked up and said, "The doctor said my brother's condition is very bad..."

"Oh, that's it..." Red Coral felt a little disappointed in her heart, and felt self-blaming again. If she had been wiser at the time and asked Wu Tian to send Liu Boyang to the hospital in time, the situation would probably not be as it is now Oh no

"Don't worry, Xiaoying. Auspicious people have their own destiny. My sister believes that your brother will be fine. How can he let our well-behaved Xiaoying leave alone? Right?" Gently touching Liu Xiaoying's flushed pretty face and said

"Yeah," Liu Xiaoying cried and responded

This scene made Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai look stupid. It's really an anecdote in the world that the precious granddaughter of Mr. Liu's nemesis "Bu Jiushen" has such a good relationship with his daughter Liu Xiaoying. It's strange to jump into a rage

Yang Lin, Cui Guodong, He Xiaobin and others are also looking at Red Coral lightly at this moment. This is the first time they have seen this woman. The first visual impression is that this woman is not simple.

Enchanting by birth, charming by long looks, she exudes a delicate aura all over her body, it seems that she is not a good person to get close to

Yang Lin and He Xiaobin are also from a famous family, and they are most familiar with this kind of aura that imperceptibly rejects others and is superior. They all have guesses in their hearts: this woman is probably also a descendant of some awesome old man

It's just that I still have doubts in my heart: How can such a sharp queen-level woman have such an intimate relationship with the honest and simple Xiaoying?

While gently stroking Liu Xiaoying's thin back, Hong Shan raised her face to look at the group of people who were looking at her, smiled faintly, let go of Xiaoying, pulled her back to the row of chairs and sat down. On the other hand, he went straight to Liu Zhenhai and Liu Zhenjiang, and called out generously, "Hello, Uncle Zhenhai, and hello, Uncle Zhenjiang."

Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai both nodded when they heard the words, Liu Zhenhai said: "Girl, I haven't seen you for so long, you have become beautiful again."

"Hehe, Uncle Zhenhai is really good at joking, even if I keep changing, I'm not as beautiful as your two daughters." Red Coral smiled and said

In the face of Liu Zhenhai and Liu Zhenjiang, she changed her usual attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, and instead behaved like a sensible young lady

Both Liu Xiaoman and Liu Shasha, who were sitting in the row of chairs over there, looked up at her in astonishment. Judging from the tone of her words, it seemed as if they had known each other for a long time, but the two girls swear to God, this is the first time see her

Sitting in the seat, Liu Xiaoying was also staring blankly at Red Coral, her little head was full of question marks: Sister Yufei, she has known her father and uncle for a long time?

This is tantamount to an explosive message. Before this, Sister Yufei had never mentioned it to herself. If she hadn't helped her unintentionally, maybe the two of them didn't even know each other until now.

"You girl, you are getting better at talking, how do you know Xiaoying is here?" Liu Zhenhai asked

"Hehe, I asked her to come first, how could she not know?"

At that moment, before coming to the hospital, Hong Shanshan led someone to snatch Liu Boyang's life from those bastards, went through many twists and turns with Captain Qian, and finally returned to the police station to deal with Liu Boyang's matter in a nerve-wracking manner. Daolai

"Oh, Yu Fei, it's really hard for you this time, on behalf of our Liu family, thank you first," Liu Zhenjiang said with a sigh

They really didn't expect that Bu Yufei would help so much in this incident. In this way, Mr. Liu owes Mr. Bu another favor

"Hehe, what did Uncle Zhenjiang say? With the relationship between our two families, I should do what I can," Hong Shanshan said with a smile

"By the way, how did you know Xiaoying?" Liu Zhenjiang asked the crucial question

"This, it's a secret, I can't tell you for the time being." It's rare for a woman as enchanting as Hong Shan to show such a clever side, blinking her big eyes and saying as if deliberately whetting her appetite

Both Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai shook their heads, this girl is still so weird, there is really nothing to do with her

Hong Shan didn't say anything, but Liu Xiaoying over there was in a hurry. She was so confused that she ran up to grab Hong Shan's jade hand, gently pulled her aside, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yufei, what is this?" What's going on? How did you know my dad a long time ago?"

"Hehe, little beauty, this is a long story..." Red Coral smiled slightly, and said, "It's not the time to say this now, when I have time later, my sister can't tell you slowly , our sisters are really destined..."

The two of them were whispering here, while Yang Lin couldn't hold back the suspicion in his heart. He came up and asked Liu Zhenjiang in a low voice: "Uncle Zhenjiang, who is that woman? She seems to have a background, why haven't I seen her before?" Pass?"

"She is not from our County H, of course you rarely see her," Liu Zhenjiang said

"I just said, no wonder I don't have any impression." Yang Lin nodded

"You are right in saying that this girl is indeed not an ordinary girl, but also a typical little ancestor. Except for her grandfather, even her father can't control her." Liu Zhenjiang sighed and said that these young people are really terrible. They are all so thoughtful, and sometimes they don’t listen to what adults say, but fortunately, Xiaoying in my family is a sensible and good child, so I don’t need to worry about her being too rebellious

"Her dad? Who is her dad? Who is her grandfather? Uncle Zhenjiang, I'm not bragging. I've heard of almost all the famous people in and around W City, but I haven't heard of anyone named Bu either." Yang Lin wondered

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