The best boy on campus

Chapter 177 Step 9 Gentleman!

"Country Z has a vast land and rich resources, and outstanding people come forth in large numbers. There are many great people, and it's not just that there are tigers in city w and county h for fun! You don't need to know anything else, as long as you know that this girl and her grandfather are talking in the military. It’s fine to be a good person.” Liu Zhenjiang said, after all, he was still worried about his nephew, and he didn’t want to get too entangled in this issue.

"People from the military?" Yang Lin asked in surprise

Thinking about it in his heart, it seems that this military boss surnamed Bu has an unusual relationship with Brother Yang's grandfather Liu Tianlong, otherwise the two families would never have such a close relationship

Thinking of this, Yang Lin couldn't help but pay homage to Mr. Liu Tianlong again. Mr. Liu is really not easy, no matter what kind of world or field the masters can play with the relationship

It's no wonder that Yang Lin had never heard of Bu Jiushen's name before. Except for the closest people around them, no one else would know about the affairs between Liu Tianlong and Bu Jiushen. The military boss has a close relationship with an old mafia hero, and the influence is extremely bad

Bu Jiushen and Liu Tianlong are old "enemies". The first half of their lives was full of ups and downs. They either didn't meet each other, and when they met, they liked to point at each other's nose and scold non-stop. No matter how good Hanyang is usually, in front of each other , then they both become typical "old children", either I hurt you or you hurt me, and both of them have made a poisonous oath time and time again, never having any contact with each other

However, there are some facts that are very strange. When Mr. Liu’s reputation was not so great that the underground forces in the whole world looked at him, once in Japan with the Pheasant Gang. I really didn’t want to write about the Yamaguchi group and the soul group. , everyone is tired of watching it, the whole thing, this organization is not simple, I will introduce it later, it is absolutely devoid of conscience and heinous, it does all kinds of lewd deeds, you know... and Okio, who is known as the leader of the eighth generation It was only when a conflict broke out that he was about to be plotted against. The news came from the country that Liu Tianlong's life or death was uncertain. When the word reached Mr. Bu's ears, the old Jiushen was furious on the spot. Go to Japan to avenge Mr. Liu Tianlong

Afterwards, when Mr. Liu heard about it, he just smiled faintly and sighed inwardly: That old calf is really righteous...

And in the same way, there was a time when Mr. Bu was unhappy.

That time was at a banquet held by a state-level senior official. Bu Jiushen's deadly rival, a big man who also holds a lot of power in the military, was idle and bored during the dinner, satirized Bu Jiushen a few words, and gave in on the spot Nine Gentlemen can't step down in front of many people

Bu Jiushen was full of sulking, but he was also a big brother in the military, but he couldn't do anything to him

But later this matter was known by Liu Tianlong, without further ado, Liu Tianlong sent someone to arrest the big brother's precious grandson in a very low-key manner, and then kept making anonymous phone calls to threaten the other party

The big guy who was in a hurry almost had a heart attack. He had nowhere to vent his anger, and no one could find out. After being impatient for a week, he almost lost his anger

As a result, a week later, Mr. Liu actually sent someone to send his precious grandson back. His grandson was not wronged at all. He had a good meal and bought clothes for the past few days...

After his grandson came home, he still clamored for not wanting to come back, and expressed his willingness to continue playing with the so-called "beautiful big sister" sent by Liu Tianlong...

That big guy knew he was being tricked, and he was so angry that he was half dead on the spot. In fact, Liu Tianlong had no other intentions.

Later, this matter was also known by Bu Jiushen. He ran up to Mr. Liu in a "furious" manner, pointed at his nose and scolded, "Who the hell told you to meddle in my business? Why don't you I can't fix him by myself?"

Liu Tianlong said with a stern face: "You, who the hell told you to be passionate? I think he is not pleasing to the eye and want to punish him. Do something about you?"

"You shameless..."

"You want to lose face, you want to lose face, and you still pretend to be affectionate and come to me..."

The two have been together for most of their lives with such a complicated relationship that neither of them can understand the other on the surface, but secretly cares about each other in their hearts. Until now, the superficial relationship between the two has not been eased much.

Since the two old men are playing their own games, there is no need for their offspring to have a relationship, so at this moment, both Liu Zhenhai and Liu Zhenjiang are surprised that Bu Yufei and Liu Xiaoying are so close

"Boy, are you asking about our family?" Just when Yang Lin was pondering by himself, Red Coral walked up to him at some point and asked with her delicate white chin raised

"I'm a little curious," Yang Lin said honestly.

"With all this time, why don't you think about how to avenge Brother Yang, or think about how to help him get rid of the troubles in front of him." Hong Shan's arrogant energy surged up again, and said lightly

"It's about a heroine. From what you said just now, have you already found out who did this?" Yang Lin asked with a serious expression.

"Did your people miss that person? What's the situation?" He Xiaobin also came up and asked

Red Coral thought for a while, and said: "I don't know the specific situation yet, wait for my bodyguard to come over later, you can directly ask him that he called me just now, and he has rescued two girls from those people. He is rushing towards this side now, and he has initially figured out that the person dealing with Liu Boyang this time is a guy named Zheng Fanchen."

"Two girls? Why are there two girls? Could it be Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia?" Yang Lin didn't know that Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou had been captured by those people, so he asked in astonishment

"That's right, it's your brother Yang's two best friends. This is what your brother Yang told me at the end. Before he passed out, he asked me to help him rescue those two girls. I didn't expect that the bodyguard I sent at the beginning, Wu Tian, ​​was reliable. , Before I could tell you, he got the words out of the mouth of the fleeing leader, and then went directly to Majiawan, and rescued the two girls," Hong Shanshan said

After Yang Lin and the others heard this, they were filled with remorse. My brothers really deserved to die. When they saw Brother Yang's accident, they lost their sense of control. They didn't expect to find out what happened. Fortunately, Wu God, otherwise Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia will suffer

On the other side, Xiaoying felt extremely guilty when she heard this, she was only worried about her brother, why did she forget to tell Brother Yang Lin and the others about what her brother told Sister Coral before he fell into a coma?Fortunately, the two older sisters are fine now, if not, I will be annoyed to death

"Second brother, who is this guy named Zheng Fanchen? Why have I never heard of it? Has anyone of our brothers dealt with him? Or did he have a problem with Brother Yang?" The old cat heard about it. It was a person named "Zheng Fanchen", who immediately came up with a pale face and asked

ps: Brothers, I admit that this chapter is a bit boring, but I must introduce Bu Jiushen, he will be of great use in the future

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