The best boy on campus

Chapter 17 The Three Brothers

"Brother Yang, before you came to our school, there were a total of eight gangs in the three grades. In the first grade, there were Si Kongling, Zhang Qiang, and Sha Peng. In the second grade, Ning Gaoning, Xin Baokai and Li Zi The wind is three parts of the world, as for the third year of high school, it is the world of Peng Yousheng and Lan Jieyun, but these two people have not come out to take care of things for a long time, and now the actual bosses in the whole S are Ning Gaoning and the others Hou Qiang reports carefully

"Lan Jieyun, from this name, is it a girl?" Liu Boyang asked with great interest

"Brother Yang is wise, she is just a girl, there is a big sister in our school, and..." Hou Qiang laughed in a tone that a man could understand

"And what?" Liu Boyang asked

"She is still a super beauty. I heard that Peng Yousheng allowed her to gain a foothold in the third year of high school because he was interested in her. Otherwise, with Peng Yousheng's hot temper, how could he tolerate others being equal to him? He is not even a teacher and principal. " Hou Qiang said

"Oh" Liu Boyang nodded. He is no stranger to girls coming out to mess around. When he was in junior high school in County H, his younger sisters were typical big sisters. Many girls also like to trample on others. It's human nature to feel underfoot

Liu Boyang smiled lightly and said: "I really didn't expect it to be so complicated in a small S, with so many ways. Now that I have offended four of these people, I want to see how they come back to find a place. It’s also good for me to see their capital in s.”

Seeing the disdainful look in Liu Boyang's eyes, a group of younger brothers were deeply impressed by their boss. Usually, when they heard the names of Ning Gao, Ning Xin and Baokai, they would be terrified, but Now they are not afraid, because they believe that sooner or later, their elder brother will become the stepping stone for Liu Boyang to make his way to the east, and they will also be proud with Brother Yang

The afternoon passed quickly, and it was not long before school was over. After Liu Boyang left school, he called Gao Zhenfei and Huzi. The three found a place to meet, and then took a taxi together to a famous wine shop in Shixi. rendezvous with your brothers

At seven o'clock in the evening, when Liu Boyang and others were idle and squatting by the entrance of the restaurant, talking and smoking, three figures got out of a taxi, and one of them, a 1.9-meter-tall hunk, came up with two eyes. He yelled loudly, "Boss!"

Seeing his three long-lost brothers, Liu Boyang stood up from the ground with a smile, flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, and said, "Old cat, you are here, and you let me, the boss, wait for you, one by one." They are all big names.”

The fifth brother Yuan Dapeng, the "Dragon Back" in the Kowloon Club, nicknamed Lao Mao because of his round face, has always been the most forthright and righteous one among the nine brothers in the Kowloon Club. Holding a kitchen knife, he never takes it off whether he eats or drinks, and even goes to bed with prostitutes. My brother, who has never been a bird in this life, he is also the first one to follow Liu Boyang, because the first loss he suffered in his life was under Liu Boyang's hands, and then he willingly worshiped Liu Boyang as his big brother, and he will never regret it for the rest of his life

"Oh, Boss, you are wrong to blame the brother, is it because I went to pick up the second brother and the sixth, so I came late?" The old cat said with a smile like a child

If this guy's younger brothers saw it, it wouldn't be a surprise if he peed his pants. Their invincible and commonplace cat brother actually showed a groveling look in front of Liu Boyang. Is this Liu Boyang a god?

"Fuck, old five, what you said is so fucking fake, why do you want to pick us up? We are the two of you waiting for you for a long time, okay? Isn't it because your little hoof is so strict that you can't get out? ?” Second child Yang Lin said

The second child, Yang Lin, the "Dragon Neck" of the Kowloon Club, is not only comparable to Liu Boyang in heads-up, but also has an extremely agile and shrewd mind. He has always played the role of military adviser in the Kowloon Club. Mr. Yang Tinglei is his grandfather. He is a hero just like Liu Boyang, but because he admires Liu Boyang's loyalty and character from the bottom of his heart, he voluntarily conceals his light and worships Liu Boyang as the eldest brother, sitting in the second place in the Kowloon Society

"Oh? Old cat, you bastard, you don't even tell me, the boss, that you are looking for a wife. Your wings are hard and you want to fly?" Liu Boyang laughed loudly, clenched his fists, and pointed at The old cat showed a look of "you need to clean up the boy"

"Oh, take it easy, brother Yang, don't listen to the nonsense of the second brother, what's the matter? I haven't written my horoscope yet, and I'm in the process of pursuing her now." When the old cat saw his brother Yang, he wanted to relax his muscles and bones. I was so scared that I jumped several meters away, the huge body of 1.9 meters is called a vigorous

What the old cat is most afraid of is his brother Yang. I have seen his one-on-one tactics countless times, and my few ounces of fat are nothing in front of Brother Yang. I can't take advantage of it.

"Brother Yang, 'Cup', listen to the nonsense of the fifth brother, how many horoscopes are there, and he is still pretending in front of his brothers, who doesn't know how many times Brother Mao and his sister-in-law have gone out to open a house, which of our brothers does not know who? Brother Cat, you What are you pretending to be pure?" Cui Guodong, the sixth son, scolded with a smile

"Cup" means "no" in the local dialect of County H. Now facing his brother, Cui Guodong unknowingly regained the feeling of the past, blurted out his hometown dialect, and the cordial feeling followed.

Longyi Cui Guodong, ranked sixth, although he looks honest, in fact, when it comes to ruthless means, he is the only one in the Kowloon club other than Gao Zhenfei. The most amazing thing he did back then was to kill his opponent Dragged into a dark alley, roasted that guy's chin with a lighter for a full three hours, tormenting that guy to death, trying to survive or die. After three hours, he was completely shocked and he was like He was the grandson of Cui Bajuan, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and he was one year younger than Liu Boyang and others, so he was the sixth child.

Liu Boyang couldn't help laughing when he heard what Lao Liu said. It's hard to imagine that a domineering macho like Lao Mao is actually a wife who is afraid of his wife and is strict with men. Lao Mao has nothing but himself and his brothers. I was afraid of someone, but I didn't expect him to be subdued by a woman, what a great irony

"Sixth, don't talk nonsense, if I can't beat Brother Yang, can I still beat you? Is it itchy?" The old cat threatened Cui Guodong with a "fiendish look"

"Haha, Brother Yang, save me." Cui Guodong laughed happily, and jumped behind Liu Boyang, pretending to use Brother Yang as a shield

"Hehe, old cat, there is no such thing as wind and waves. Brothers say this, is it not unfounded? Are younger brothers and sisters beautiful?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile

"It's okay, I won't chase her if she's not handsome, right?" The old cat covered his head and smiled.

This sentence immediately led to a big laugh from the brothers. Even Gao Zhenfei, who has always been indifferent and reticent, showed a warm smile. Only in front of his brothers can he laugh so sincerely.

"Fuck, it's fine if Brother Yang makes fun of me, why are you also laughing at me, Fourth Brother? Don't you know how to laugh?" The old cat ran to the side of Gao Zhenfei who was still laughing and shouted as if he had discovered the mainland.

Gao Zhen pursed his lips, and said calmly: "How dare you beat around the bush and hurt me? The sixth child won't fight with you, how about I play with you?"

"Brother, it's not easy for me to grow these two pieces of flesh. Fourth brother, you must take care of me." The old cat was taken aback. He didn't know what his fourth brother was doing?Frightened and hurried to the side

The loud noise of their group attracted the attention of many people. An uncle in his 30s at the entrance of the wine was amused by the way the old cat jumped up and down, and he also stood there with a smirk

This pissed off the old cat. My brothers can do whatever they want with me, but you, a stupid stranger, laughed like hell! He immediately pointed at that guy's nose and cursed: "You laugh at your brother!" Damn, you're looking for a beating, aren't you?"

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