The best boy on campus

Chapter 18 Old 3 He Xiaobin

The man saw the old cat's swollen face, his huge bear-like figure, and the shiny waist that seemed to be carrying a dick. He didn't dare to fart, so he jumped into the wine in a panic.

"Fifth Brother, Brother Yang hasn't seen your sister-in-law yet? When will you hang out your sister-in-law?" The old seventh tiger said with a smile

"Huzi, are you looking for excitement? I won't punish you in front of Brother Yang and Brother Fei, and I will settle accounts with you later," the old cat scolded with a smile.

"Oh, don't, brother cat, I'm just talking, you can't bully me!" Hu Zi put on a "cute and pitiful" look

The brothers laughed, and Yang Lin said: "That's right, what are you talking about, Huzi? After all, the old cat's wife is also your sister-in-law. Why don't you hang it out in the sun? How ugly is the old cat, when will you bring your younger siblings out for a walk?" Let Brother Yang check it out for you."

"It's stupid, second brother, can you all 'cup' make fun of me today, can I 'cup' bully me?" The old cat also put on a wronged look

Can you imagine?How funny it is for a 1.9-meter strong man to act like a wronged little daughter-in-law in front of you

Liu Boyang waved his hands and said: "Okay, to be serious, don't tease the old cat, this kid is blushing."

When the old cat heard this, he gave Brother Yang a thumbs up and praised: "Look, it's better to be Brother Yang, who is considerate of brothers, unlike you..." After he finished speaking halfway, he looked at the old man. Liu Boyang's faintly smiling expression made his heart suddenly sore for no reason, and he hadn't seen Brother Yang's signature smile for nearly two years.

At that moment, my throat was a little choked up, and I stepped forward, opened my big hands and hugged Liu Boyang tightly, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, I haven't seen you for almost two years, brother, I miss you so much, I've been here for the past two years I miss you in my heart, do you miss my brother?"

When the other people heard Lao Mao mentioning the two-year separation between their brothers, they felt a little sad. Seeing Lao Mao hugging Liu Boyang and crying like a child, everyone felt sour. Yes, there are tears in the eyes of a group of big men

Liu Boyang suppressed the sadness in his heart, patted the old cat on the back, and said: "I think, why don't I think about it, I miss you too, I saw you all doing well in City W today, I'm really happy for you ah"

The old cat burst into tears at this time, like a child who was caught stealing candy and was caught by an adult, his face was so disfigured from crying, he wiped away tears and said: "Brother Yang didn't forget us, it's good that Brother Yang, since you came too City W is over, will we brothers never be separated again?"

"Success" Liu Boyang chuckled, "My brother does whatever he wants, and I don't want to be separated from you either."

The old cat finally broke through his tears and laughed. He knew that his brother Yang was always the kind of person who would do what he said, and he could finally fight the world with him again.

"Okay, old cat, don't cry, such a big man, let people see the joke and let me go first, if you hug me so tightly again, I really wonder if you have a problem with your sexual orientation in the past two years." Liu Boyang laughed

"Damn, brother Yang, you're just making fun of your brother." The old cat looked at his brother Yang resentfully, and finally let go of his hand, with a smile on his face all the time

The other brothers couldn't help but smile when they heard Brother Yang's joke, sweeping away the sad atmosphere just now

"Where are the others? Can't the old, the third, the eighth, and the ninth have something to come?" Seeing that there were still three people missing, Liu Boyang asked

"Brother Yang, you don't know yet? Both the eighth and the ninth went to serve in the army the year before last. Volunteer soldiers, and they won't be back until a year later."

"Oh" Liu Boyang felt a little regretful. He also misses his two youngest brothers very much. It's a pity that he can't see them today.

Old Eight, Dragon Claw Tiezheng, Old Nine, Longwei Youlongjian, these two were also at the level of Xiaobawang in County H back then, so I won’t introduce much here, and I will tell you about them in detail when they have a round with Liu Boyang Deeds

"What about the third child? Isn't he in City W? Why hasn't he come yet?" Liu Boyang asked, remembering a key person

"Oh, Brother Yang, you don't know something. Ever since the brothers separated from you and came to City W, the third brother joined one of the four major underground gangs in City W—Bawangtang. I heard that the head of a branch hall inside heard that the boss of the Bawang Hall appreciates him very much, and he is very interested in training him to be his successor. He is busy, and I think he will come over later," said the old seven tiger

"That's right." Liu Boyang sighed and nodded. He suddenly heard that his third brother had joined another gang, and he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for a while. I can't say anything more, that's the freedom of the third child, who let me not be here for the past two years?

"Brother Yang, don't worry. I believe that the third brother joined the Bawangtang at the time because he couldn't help himself. If he came out to hang out, he would have to find a backer. After he comes to see you in a while, he will probably leave the Bawangtang soon, and then Fight the world with our brothers." Seeing Liu Boyang's expression changed, Hu Zi comforted him.

"Well, I'm not worried. Xiaobin is doing well. It's too late for me to be happy for him. Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for him." Liu Boyang smiled forcefully.

Liu Boyang's expression was seen by others. Although Lao Mao and others felt resentful and dissatisfied with the third brother in their hearts, they couldn't say much. After all, he was a younger brother, and it was disrespectful to accuse his elder brother behind his back.

The second brother, Yang Lin, is the one who knows Liu Boyang best. Seeing that brother Yang has said this, he can’t say anything more. When he learned that the third child joined the Bawangtang, he was also very chilled as the second brother, so He can fully understand Liu Boyang's mood at the moment

While everyone was talking, a bright black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove over from a distance. Its license plate was quite impressive, four 8

"Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, look, the third brother is here" said Hu Zi, pointing to the car

A group of brothers turned their attention to the car, and saw that the car stopped slowly behind the group of people, and then the door opened, and a very handsome man with a shaved head, a black suit, and a fair face came from inside. walked out

Seeing Liu Boyang, the man smiled and called out: "Brother Yang"

The person who came was the youngest He Xiaobin

Dragon Breast He Xiaobin, the third in the Kowloon Club, if the second child Yang Lin belongs to that kind of shrewd person, then he belongs to the kind of person with deep scheming. He is also a tiger man, otherwise he would not be in the Kowloon Club Became the third child, this person fights very fiercely, even compared to Liu Boyang and Yang Lin. The three of them claim to be Shi Yuliang, but he has rarely fought. He used to wear a pair of glasses every day when he was in County H. , going out to hang out doesn't affect his studies at all, his grades are very good, those who know know that he is the third child in the Kowloon club, those who don't know think he is the kind of good student through and through

The old man in his family is He Jiuxiao, the boss of the Jiuxiao Gang, so he has a background that is not inferior to Liu Boyang, Yang Lin, Cui Guodong and others, but he also belongs to the kind of person who relies on his own ability to get around, and has never relied on his family.

For some reason, when he saw himself, the third brother who had been away for two years, Liu Boyang had a faint feeling of strangeness. He seemed to feel that the third brother had changed, and he couldn't tell what changed, of course not only The appearance is so simple, anyway, it is not as good as the feeling that the old cat Yang Lin brought to him. Logically speaking, brothers for a lifetime should not be divided just because of a short two-year separation.

"Hehe, third child, you're such an asshole now, it's been two years since you've seen each other with admiration." Liu Boyang said deliberately pretending that he didn't notice anything.

"No matter what Brother Yang says, I'm just fooling around. No matter where you go, you are still my big brother forever." He Xiaobin came up and patted Liu Boyang's shoulder affectionately, and said with a smile

"That's fine, I'm afraid you'll get carried away and you won't recognize me as a big brother." Liu Boyang teased with a smile

Looking at the familiar face of the third child and hearing his familiar voice, everything seems to have not changed much. Could it be that I am overthinking?

"Second brother, brothers, long time no see." He Xiaobin greeted the other brothers

Yang Lin nodded, Huzi Laomao and others responded: "Hello, third brother."

"Huh? Third, who is that girl in the car? Is it your wife? Why don't you bring it out for the brothers to meet?" Liu Boyang caught sight of a figure on the co-pilot in the car. pretty girl, so she asked with a smile

He Xiaobin nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Yang said, how could I forget her?"

He personally walked over and opened the car door, and led the girl down to face the group of people looking at him. The girl looked a little embarrassed, especially not daring to raise her head to look at Liu Boyang.

But the moment the girl stepped out of the car door, Liu Boyang was completely stunned, and his heart turned cold instantly.

That girl is none other than Zhao Jiayi, the girl whom I had a crush on in Songkou Middle School in County H for three years and whose pursuit failed in the end.

Who said that people who are out of society don't understand love?

This is actually wrong. Sometimes, they are the ones who bury their first love deep in their hearts and never forget it.

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