The best boy on campus

Chapter 1787 The biological mother kneels down!

The speed at which the War Soul Hall swept across Nanjing was faster than He Xiaobin had imagined. Nearly two hours later, the Yugoslav Alliance's power in Nanjing was basically wiped out by the War Soul Hall, and several traffic routes leading to the city were more difficult. The road was also blown up by Fenghu Duan Yi, and the few remaining roads were also focused on defense. After all, He Xiaobin didn't wait for the reinforcements to arrive. For the first time, he was completely confused and anxious.The news that he was hiding in the "Linglong Guild Hall" in the south of the city was finally discovered by the people in the Yinyin Hall. Ren Xiaotian called Liu Boyang immediately, and Liu Boyang set off decisively, leading Gao Zhenfei, Li Guihou Qiang and others to leave. Xia Yanglin continued to sit in charge of the overall situation.

But just as Liu Boyang walked out of the suite, he suddenly saw two people standing there that he had never even dreamed of before. Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened and his eyes narrowed.

Liu Zhentian rushed from the capital to Nanjing on the special plane of the security team. He was really in a hurry, and he didn't even have time to drink his saliva. Standing next to him was his wife Qin Lan, Liu Boyang's biological mother!

"Can I talk to you?" Liu Zhentian tried his best to control his tone and said calmly.

"I have nothing to talk to you about, don't get in the way." Liu Boyang said lightly, without even looking at him again, he strode forward with Gao Zhenfei, Li Gui and others, but when he came to Qin Lan's side , I accidentally saw the tears in Qin Lan's eyes, and my heart tightened inexplicably!

In this world, there are many things that you can't deny if you want to. The fact of mother-child relationship makes it impossible for Liu Boyang to ignore her.

"Liu Zhentian, you really have a lot of things to do!" Liu Boyang finished speaking coldly, then glanced at Qin Lan with a deliberate look of disdain.

"Boyang." Qin Lan opened his mouth lightly and called out Liu Boyang's name in a weak voice.

Liu Boyang paused on the spot, and said impatiently: "I'm really convinced of your shamelessness! Liu Zhentian, I said that I don't want to see you again in this life, didn't you hear clearly?"

Qin Lan said: "Boyang, Mom knows I'm sorry for you. This time I came to Nanjing, I really didn't ask for your forgiveness. Your father came to you under great pressure. He really has something to talk to you about. Can you give him a chance to finish his sentence?"

Li Gui, Zhang Qiang, Hou Qiang and the others all opened their eyes wide in surprise. They had known Liu Boyang for so long, but they had never heard that Brother Yang had parents. Didn't Brother Yang always claim that he was an orphan?

"Just be a mother, please." Qin Lan said with tears in her eyes.

Liu Boyang was really upset, he could point at Liu Zhentian's nose and yell at him without any leeway, but he couldn't be "vicious" towards Qin Lan, especially not seeing this woman cry.

Liu Boyang frowned and said: "Don't cry! Are you pretending to be pitiful when you come to me? It seems that I am sorry for you! Da Fei, you wait for me here. Liu Zhentian, come with me!"

After Liu Zhentian yelled involuntarily, he strode into another suite. The entire hotel was booked by Liu Boyang, and all the rooms could be entered and exited freely.

Liu Zhentian followed Liu Boyang to the room, Liu Boyang closed the door with an ugly face, and said bluntly: "Speak quickly if you have anything to say, don't delay my work! If you are here to persuade me to stop, you don't have to open your mouth." Mouth, even the old man was pushed back by me, your words are useless."

Liu Zhentian took a deep breath and said, "Boyang, you can't be so willful anymore!"

"Finished?" Liu Boyang sneered.

"Everything that happened back then was because I, Liu Zhentian, was sorry for you. You didn't recognize me as a father, so I have nothing to say. But can I ask you one thing, you will recognize your mother. Qin Lan is different from me. When I left When she ran away from home, she was far less decisive than me, and was taken away by force. For so many years, there have been countless nights, she woke up crying because she missed you, and she also scolded and complained about me more than once , Blame me for being cruel. She is actually a good mother, but she was dragged down by me." Liu Zhentian said.

"I said, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me! If you are here for this matter, I will not accompany you!" Liu Boyang said impatiently!

"I'm really not kidding you! We haven't had another child except you for so many years, can't you see it? We really can't let you go..."

Before Liu Zhentian finished speaking, Liu Boyang suddenly grabbed his neck with one hand, and said coldly: "Liu Zhentian, you don't have fucking ears? I told you to stop talking, you can't understand human words ?!"

Liu Zhentian took Liu Boyang's hand, broke it off with all his strength, and said, "Boyang, when you become a real father, you will understand my painstaking efforts. I, Liu Zhentian, dare to swear to God, I left Liujiawan to join The security team, it's really not for me, I just want to pave the way for you, I don't want to see you follow the old man's old path, I want you to be white, I want you to really stand out and make a difference!"

"Fuck you, it's really nice to say, but I don't care too much!" Liu Boyang sneered.

"But what you're doing now is ruining all my plans. You're pushing yourself to death, do you know that? Chairman Gao personally sent a message and only give me and Premier Song half a day. If within half a day We can stop your nonsense, and we can discuss everything, if you continue to make trouble like this lawlessly, the gods will not be able to protect you!" Liu Zhentian roared!

"If I were afraid of death, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today!"

"You are not afraid of death. Do you want those people under your command to die like you? Do you really think that no one can deal with you? Let me tell you, as long as the nearby military region sends troops over, it won't even take an hour. I can catch you all!"

"Really? Let's give it a try! If I, Liu Boyang, are really going to die, I will at least bring all the people I dislike to be buried with me!" Liu Boyang sneered and went out, leaving Liu Zhentian alone behind him. look at him.

"Da Fei, come with me!" Liu Boyang shouted loudly after he came out.

Gao Zhenfei froze for a moment, and then walked towards Liu Boyang, Li Gui, Zhang Qiang and Hou Qiang carefully avoided Qin Lan, and followed behind Liu Boyang.

"Boyang!" Qin Lan called softly.

Liu Boyang didn't look back, he was about to go downstairs when someone grabbed his hand suddenly, Liu Boyang frowned and saw that it was Gao Zhenfei.

Gao Zhenfei pointed behind him, his eyes wandering a bit.

Liu Boyang looked behind and was stunned in place!

I saw Qin Lan kneeling on the ground facing Liu Boyang, and her biological mother kneeling on the ground facing her son!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Liu Boyang's mind, and he said in a distraught manner, "What are you doing? Stand up for me!"

Qin Lan said softly: "Mom knows I'm sorry for you. For so many years, although I blamed myself and regretted, and missed you, I never dared to ask for your forgiveness. But this time, I beg you, please don't Let's make trouble again, okay? Everything you do now is pushing yourself into the fire pit, Mom really doesn't want white-haired people to give black-haired people!"

"You stand up first, stand up!" Liu Boyang shouted!

"No! Mom won't stand up unless you agree!" Qin Lan resolutely said!

"You dare to threaten me?!" Liu Boyang was furious, "Then you just kneel, I don't believe you can kneel to death!"

Just as Liu Boyang finished speaking, his cell phone rang suddenly. He took it out and saw that it was Ren Xiaotian calling. Liu Boyang asked with a bad attitude, "Old Ren, what happened?"

"Brother Yang, why haven't you come yet? He Xiaobin got on the helicopter, he wants to run away!"

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