The best boy on campus

Chapter 1788 Changing the sky and changing the sun!

He Xiaobin finally couldn't hold it anymore, the reinforcements he was expecting hadn't arrived yet, and Liu Boyang had blown up several main roads connecting Nanjing to the outside world. The place of burial!

When He Xiaobin escaped from Province S and headed south, he took two combat helicopters with him. They were all left behind by Liu Tianlong and the others when they fought in the world in the early years. Seven of them were obtained by Liu Boyang, and later they were confiscated. It was brought to Nanjing by He Xiaobin.Now Liu Boyang heard Ren Xiaotian say that He Xiaobin wanted to run away, and said angrily: "Old Ren, stop He Xiaobin no matter what, I'll be right there!"

After hanging up the phone, Liu Boyang gave Qin Lan a bitter look, and then took Gao Zhenfei, Li Gui and the others away with a livid face. It was because of the sudden appearance of Qin Lan and Liu Zhentian that he delayed Liu Boyang's time, otherwise it would have been long ago Get in the car.

Qin Lan watched Liu Boyang resolutely leave with tears streaming down his face, feeling like his heart was bleeding.

Liu Boyang left the hotel aggressively with Gao Zhenfei and others, got into the Bentley sedan, and hurried to the south of the city.

Because the entire city had been wiped out by the troops of the War Soul Hall, there were almost no pedestrians and vehicles on the streets, so the Bentley drove unimpeded, like lightning, and took various shortcuts to the south of the city.

At this time, on the roof of the "Linglong Guild Hall" in the south of the city, two combat helicopters were fanning their huge propellers, ready to take off at any time. He Xiaobin stood expressionlessly on the edge of the roof, surrounded by a few confidantes, at his feet, As well as on the street leading to the Linglong Guild Hall, there were countless people fighting. The elites from several halls of the War Soul Hall arrived, mercilessly beheading He Xiaobin's direct lineage forces, among which Ren Xiaotian's Anyin Hall took the lead , because they were ordered by Liu Boyang to keep He Xiaobin at all costs!

Seeing his men and horses being suppressed and beaten by the elites of the War Soul Hall from all walks of life, and the battle line constantly approaching, He Xiaobin knew in his heart that the Yugoslav Alliance's last line of defense in Nanjing had finally been defeated.This also means that the base camp of the Yugoslav League will be completely conquered by the Hall of Fighting Souls, and you will never even think about raising your morale to compete with the Hall of Fighting Souls!

He Xiaobin trembled with anger, he was very unwilling!The Yugoslav League was founded by him alone. Seeing that the world he created with all his painstaking efforts was completely destroyed by Liu Boyang in just one day, this kind of frustration and hatred really cannot be expressed in words. If Liu Boyang stands now In front of He Xiaobin, he really wanted to strangle Liu Boyang to death with his own hands!

"Brother Bin, it's getting late. Let's get on the plane, or we won't be able to leave!" A confidant walked up to the front and said to He Xiaobin with a serious face.

He Xiaobin looked at the bloody battlefield under his feet, laughed at himself, and said, "I never thought that, I, He Xiaobin, have been scheming to this day, thinking that I can fight against Liu Boyang, but in the end I still lost to him, and it was such a crushing defeat. Could it be that Is God destined to let me be crushed by him forever in this life?"

The confidant said with hatred on his face: "Brother Bin, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood! We just lost Nanjing. Who said we lost to Zhanhuntang? This civil war has just begun, who laughed Not sure in the end!"

He Xiaobin glanced at him, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Xuecheng, you won't understand. Many things can only be seen clearly from my position. The significance of Nanjing to Yugoslavia is beyond your imagination. Losing Nanjing means that we have lost all our morale, and it will be difficult to regain our fighting spirit in the future! This is why Liu Boyang is so reckless and bloody the whole city. He wants to crush me to death in one battle. ah!"

The confidant named Zhang Xuecheng thought for a while and said, "Brother Bin, what should we do then? Don't we just leave and stay and fight with them?"

He Xiaobin sighed softly and said, "Desperate? Whose life can we fight for now? Xuecheng, I have made it clear. I am the flag of the Yugoslav Federation. I would rather die than leave, so I want to die." Stay here! And you, take these two helicopters to retreat, and when you arrive in other provinces, you directly tell the truth about the situation here to other reporters, and you must let Li Qianlong, Fang Tianhu and the others avenge Xuehen for me!"

When Zhang Xuecheng and his confidants heard this, they immediately said anxiously: "Brother Bin, how can this be done?! If you don't leave, why do we have to endure the humiliation? We are willing to fight with you to the end!"

"Stop talking silly! I've made up my mind, so you guys just do what I say!" He Xiaobin said righteously!

"Brother Bin, we..."

"Don't you even listen to my words? Get on the plane quickly, if you don't leave, you really don't want to leave!" He Xiaobin said with a cold face.

Zhang Xuecheng and the others stopped talking, and several of them's eyes turned red. Their gratitude to He Xiaobin, the elder brother, at this moment was really as high as the mountain and as deep as the sea. Even if they were really asked to die for He Xiaobin, they would all be willing!

But they still didn't dare to resist He Xiaobin's order, they boarded the plane one by one in extreme discomfort, and looked at He Xiaobin through the window.

He Xiaobin said loudly to them: "Bon voyage! I am waiting for you to avenge me!"

The two helicopters finally took off, and they flew towards the neighboring province of ZJ, HB province. Zhang Xuecheng and others looked at the elder brother who was getting smaller and smaller, feeling like a knife was piercing his heart.

But at this moment, He Xiaobin on the rooftop had a weird smile that is hard to be grasped by ordinary people, and said lightly: "Liu Boyang, you want to kill me in your dreams, but you don't know that there is a saying in this world that good people don't live long, and bad people live a thousand years." ! Whether you can send me to hell depends on whether you can see through my trick of changing the world!"

The elite troops at the gates of the War Soul Hall finally killed all the people who held He Xiaobin in the "Linglong Guild Hall", and were rushing to the rooftop, ready to kill He Xiaobin, when suddenly two big dragonflies fought like dragonflies The helicopter flew over covering the sky and covering the sun, and fled straight into the distance!

Ren Xiaotian, Wan Ziliang and others who had rushed to the compound of "Linglong Guild Hall" were shocked. Is He Xiaobin finally going to escape?But Liu Boyang hadn't come yet, and they wouldn't dare to let He Xiaobin go if they had ten guts.

Wan Ziliang said decisively to several subordinates of Blast Xiong Tang: "Bring me my howitzer!"

Immediately, someone handed a rocket launcher-like grenade launcher to Wan Ziliang. Wan Ziliang raised the grenade launcher, aimed the infrared light directly at a helicopter that had just taken off, and cursed sinisterly: "I told you to fly!" !"

As soon as the finger pressed the launch mechanism, a fish-shaped grenade roared out of the gun barrel, dragging its long white tail and chasing directly into the sky, "Boom!!" With a loud noise, one of them flew straight The tail of the helicopter was blown off, and billowing black smoke billowed from the tail of the helicopter. It spun and fell from the sky on the spot, and the people inside suddenly shouted hysterically!

"It tastes good? How about another one?" Wan Ziliang said with a sneer, and pressed the launch mechanism again, and the second grenade hit it, directly hitting the cockpit of the smoking helicopter. An earth-shattering explosion was triggered, and the sound could be heard in the entire "Linglong Clubhouse" and the surrounding area for thousands of meters. The huge dragonfly helicopter turned into a big fireball with thick smoke and fell from the sky!

The other helicopter was affected by the explosion, and it was also on the verge of falling, and was almost overturned by the strong airflow!

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