The best boy on campus

Chapter 1789 End?

The original grenade launcher, although the lethality is astonishing, has a limited range and cannot hit the plane in the sky, but the two helicopters that Zhang Xuecheng and the others took took off not long ago, just in the middle of the grenade launcher. Within the effective range of the launcher, it is not difficult to explain the reason why it was blown up in the air.The other one that was almost overturned by the high-air waves was the one Zhang Xuecheng was riding in. He forced himself to steady himself and said through gritted teeth, "Damn it! The dogs of Zhanhuntang, It’s too deceiving, let’s fight them!!”

"That's right, Brother Bin is here, why do we have to run away by ourselves? I, Deng Luanchang, swear to live and die with Brother Bin!" Another guy named Deng Luanchang shouted: "Pilot, turn the plane around immediately. Open fire on the people below, we can't live, we have to drag them to be buried with us!"

The pilot was not afraid of death, and he really turned the helicopter that was wobbling in mid-air, like a huge predatory dragonfly, swooping towards the soldiers and horses of the Hall of Souls on the ground, sweeping the machine gun holes on the two rows of wings together. She, the bullets were like a violent storm, sweeping away a large group of war spirit hall elites on the spot, even Wan Zi Liang Long Tian Yang and the others were a little surprised, those gang of lingering guys really dare not fear death revenge? !

"Old Wan, why are you still standing there?! Hurry up and shoot it down!" Long Tianyang roared.

Wan Ziliang reacted suddenly, and quickly loaded grenades into the grenade launcher, but the pilots in the sky did not intend to give him a chance. The primary goal was to shoot at him, and two more barrels were set up under the cabin, facing Wan Ziliang. Two cannonballs were fired at the same time!

"Fuck! Nima is faster than me!" Wan Ziliang yelled, and rushed forward holding the grenade launcher, barely avoiding the position where he was standing just now, and then there was a tragic explosion in that place, and the gravel flew, Anger rose, and several elites of the Exploding Bear Hall were blown to pieces by those two shells!

"Ri-you-zu-zong!" Wan Ziliang fell into disgrace, and finally raised the grenade launcher again. This thing is easy to use, but it needs to be reloaded every time it is used. It can be used at critical moments. Anxiety!

He raised the gun hole of the grenade launcher and pointed it at the helicopter in the sky, but at this time the helicopter had already fanned its huge propeller and dived to the position above his head. If Wan Ziliang fired at this time, he would be blown to pieces together with the other party. He was so angry that he cursed: "F-you-mother! Just look for me!"

The grenade launcher would be useless in a short time, so Wan Ziliang could only throw him aside first, then get up and dodge and escape quickly. The bullets crackled behind Wan Ziliang, and Wan Ziliang might be smashed into a sieve if he moved a little slower!

The elites of the War Soul Hall, who were still dominant just now, were also thrown into disarray by the rampage of this helicopter. Among so many people, only Wan Ziliang had the grenade launcher. After all, no one thought When you come here, you will die with the helicopter!

Seeing Wan Ziliang dodging in such a panic, many people wanted to come and help him, but they couldn't, so they could only keep yelling in the distance, and Ren Xiaotian kept shouting: "Old Wan! Run to a place with few people, don't get close to a place with buildings!!"

In fact, there is no need for Ren Xiaotian to remind, Wan Ziliang also knows in his heart that in this "eagle chasing chicken" chasing battle, running towards buildings or places with walls is to speed up his own death. As long as a shell falls, those collapsed roofs and Crumbling bricks and tiles will kill you!

Long Tianyang saw that Wan Ziliang was about to be cornered, he raised his eyes to look at the rooftop of the guild hall opposite him, and rushed in with a big axe in his hands, and appeared on the rooftop of the guild hall in a short while, standing there He bent over and approached the helicopter carefully, and was blown by the huge propeller more than 20 meters away. Long Tianyang wanted to take advantage of it. Unprepared, he quietly threw the big ax over and smashed the propeller, but the consequence of doing so was that it would be all or nothing. If he was swept by the propeller or hit by the heavy machine gun under the cabin, Long Tianyang would probably die first. up!

After a strong ideological struggle, Long Tianyang finally took the risk. When he finally reached within ten meters of the helicopter, he fought against the huge wind pressure and the feeling of being torn apart. Throw the mountain ax in his hand with all his strength!

"There's someone over there!!" The moment the big ax flew over, Zhang Xuecheng saw Long Tianyang's existence from the cabin window, and quickly pointed it out to the pilot who was engrossed in it, but it was already too late, and Long Tianyang's big ax It hit the propeller fiercely, spurting out glaring sparks, and then the helicopter flew out obliquely uncontrollably, everyone in the cabin tilted accordingly, Zhang Xuecheng, Deng Luanchang and others all rolled to the ground!

"No, the plane is going to be recovered!" The pilot shouted in a hurry!

Seeing this scene, Wan Ziliang, who was "ravaged" on the ground, felt a bad breath in his chest, and shouted: "Old Dragon, well done, hahaha!"

Long Tianyang stood on the roof, raised his thumbs to all his brothers, and made a "victory" gesture in a very frightening way, but when he suddenly realized that the helicopter passed by him and headed towards the outside of the hall When flying over, I couldn't help being surprised: "Ri! Where is it going to fly?!"

On the road in the distance, a Bentley car drove faster than a rocket, and there were seyin-faced Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei sitting in it. Before they arrived at the clubhouse, they saw a top-heavy helicopter flying towards them , Li Gui shouted: "Fuck! Brother Yang, is that the helicopter that He Xiaobin is flying in?"

Liu Boyang was expressionless, and Gao Zhenfei, who was driving next to him, said, "It can't be wrong!"

Quickly parked the Bentley aside, after Li Gui, Zhang Qiang, Hou Qiang and the others rushed out of the car, they wanted to draw out their pistols to shoot down the approaching helicopter, but only when the other party flew obliquely did they know what happened. How naive the idea was, I quickly threw myself on the ground subconsciously, only to see that helicopter flew over, impartially, and just hit a huge glass building, triggering a catastrophe like the end of the world. All the glass buildings were crashed and collapsed, countless glass shards splashed out, the helicopter became a raging fireball in an instant, and the heat wave swept across the sky to destroy everything, Zhang Xuecheng and others inside were afraid that there would be nothing left of them!

Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei left the Bentley immediately, and soon the car was smashed to the ground by a huge "meteorite" falling from the sky. Zhang Qiang, Hou Qiang, Li Gui and others got up in a panic and ran wildly. In the sense of fighting for life with the god of death, there is a steady stream of fireballs and glass bricks falling behind!


After more than ten minutes, everything finally settled down. Except for some tiny collapses, finally there were no new explosions. Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei stood expressionlessly in front of the burning ruins, followed by Li Gui Zhang Qiang, Hou Qiang and others.

Not long after, Wan Ziliang, Long Tianyang and others who rushed over from the "Linglong Guild Hall" finally arrived. Ren Xiaotian looked at Liu Boyang apologetically and said, "Brother Yang, did you hurt you?"

They didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, it was just like making a movie, it was too thrilling.

Liu Boyang was silent for a moment, and asked, "Where is He Xiaobin?"

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