The best boy on campus

Chapter 1792 Charge the capital!

After Liu Boyang finished speaking, he respectfully kowtowed three times to Cui Bajuan, Cui Bajuan frowned, and sighed softly: "Boyang, get up, with my friendship with your grandfather, you say this The words are far away. Liu Boyang stood up helplessly, and turned to look at his biological parents. In the end, Liu Boyang could not completely ignore them. After all, the fact of kinship is there. He walked up to Qin Lan , Gently knelt down, and only said nine words: "Thank you for your hard work for me. "

Qin Lan burst into tears, hugged Liu Boyang tightly and refused to let go, Liu Boyang didn't move, letting her mother's tears wet her shoulders.

After a long while, after Qin Lan cried until he was tired, Liu Boyang finally got up, walked to a large group of brothers who were looking at him with red and swollen eyes, looked at Yang Lin, and said calmly: "Old-two, after I die, the war spirit The family business of the hall will depend on you, and from now on you will be the top spot in the Hall of Fighting Souls, and Da Fei will be the deputy head of the Hall, so I can rest assured that you two will take over the Hall of Fighting Souls."

Yang Lin wanted to say something with tears in his eyes, but Liu Boyang interrupted: "When I am still your eldest brother, take what I say to heart, and don't say something that makes me uncomfortable like Da Fei."

Yang Lin had no choice but to swallow the words that filled his stomach.

Liu Boyang looked at the other brothers again. He had a lot to say to each brother, and just 10 minutes was not enough for him to say them one by one. In the end, he could only condense thousands of words into a few words: "Brothers, take care and live well."

Immediately, Li Wanhao, Ren Xiaotian, Tantai Mieming and the others burst into tears, the most important thing is that their lips did not cry out.

At this moment, the door of the suite was suddenly opened, and several middle-aged men in casual clothes walked in. The leader, with a crew cut, walked steadily and capablely, walked up to Liu Boyang, with a bright expression on his face. Release the handcuffs.

Liu Boyang hesitated for a moment, but finally stretched out his hand calmly.

With the sound of "Crack!", Liu Boyang's hands were tightly handcuffed by the silver handcuffs, and then the short-haired man put his hands on Liu Boyang's shoulders and escorted him to leave together.

Behind them, there were two more sounds of handcuffs. They were Long Tianyang and Wan Ziliang being handcuffed. They were as calm and calm as Liu Boyang, and walked out without looking back under the gaze of the whole room.

At that moment, the heart-piercing voices of two women, Song Jiayao and Qin Lan, sounded in the room. Unfortunately, they couldn't chase out of the room after all, and were stopped by others.When the door of the room was closed, it was doomed for their eternal farewell to Liu Boyang.

The middle-aged men who escorted the three of Liu Boyang away looked ordinary-looking, but Liu Boyang knew in his heart that these were the expert guards around Prime Minister Song. Resist, but even if you really want to resist, it may take some effort to settle these people.

As I said before, this hotel has long been taken over by Liu Boyang. The hall masters lived upstairs, but downstairs were hundreds of elite boys from the War Soul Hall. Most of them were sitting in the lobby. They chatted enthusiastically about the glorious deeds of suppressing the Yugoslavia today, but they didn't know what happened upstairs.

Before going downstairs, Liu Boyang said to the crew-cut man next to him who was escorting him, "Do me a favor, can you cover the handcuffs?"

The crew-haired man looked at him meaningfully.

Liu Boyang smiled lightly: "Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to cause trouble for you."

The crew-cut man took off his suit and covered Liu Boyang's hands, and the others followed suit, covering the hands of Long Tianyang and Wan Ziliang, and they strode downstairs.

Seeing Liu Boyang coming down, the chattering elites of the Battle Soul Hall in the hall immediately stood up as if seeing their emperor, and shouted respectfully: "Brother Yang!"

Liu Boyang nodded with a faint smile, without saying anything, walked past their slightly admiring and puzzled gazes without any disorder.

The sky quickly darkened, this night was supposed to be a night of victory for the Battle Soul Hall, a night worthy of glorious celebration, but just as all the boys in the Battle Soul Hall were looking forward to the big brother Liu Boyang's celebration banquet, A sudden news spread to everyone's ears like a thunderbolt, that is, the unshakable young emperor "Emperor Yang Qing" in their hearts was arrested by the authorities in the afternoon and dusk, and had been secretly escorted back to the capital, the so-called celebration The banquet was canceled temporarily, and everyone had to wait for the news.

In an instant, the originally extremely jubilant atmosphere inside the Battle Soul Hall suddenly became gloomy. Many people felt it was unbelievable and tried every means to reveal the authenticity and exact source of the news, but more people felt that they were filled with righteous indignation And full of anger, they really wanted to rebel at that moment, and they fought with Bai Dao!

Liu Boyang was imprisoned amidst the uproar. The so-called "Nanjing Chaos" had no victors at all. The Yugoslav League lost, but Zhanhuntang also lost. It was the officials who had the last laugh. Li, easily disintegrate the two major gangsters!

Liu Boyang, Wan Ziliang, and Long Tianyang were rushed back to the capital. Prime Minister Song had seen with his own eyes Liu Boyang's prestige among the brothers, as well as the cohesion and centripetal force of the entire War Soul Hall. It's troublesome if it really triggers a riot in the Battle Soul Hall.

Originally sent troops to attack the three major military regions in Nanjing, but received orders from their superiors again to stand still for the time being and not to attack Zhanhuntang.However, the police system in the city acted quickly, and within two hours, five hundred elite boys from the War Soul Hall were arrested. The policemen, who had suffocated their anger, finally let out a breath of "bad air", and regained their face.

Together with Liu Boyang, Cui Guodong, the head of the Cheetah Hall, Wan Ziliang, the head of the Burst Bear Hall, Lao Mao, the head of the Tiger Hall, and Long Tianyang, the head of the Qinglong Hall, were also arrested. These news spread quickly.With the "sacrifice" of himself, the four hall masters, and five hundred younger brothers, Liu Boyang saved the entire War Soul Hall and preserved the backbone to the greatest extent, which can be regarded as a consummation of merit.

However, what made Liu Boyang feel very ironic was that Liu Boyang was escorted back to the capital overnight, but was actually imprisoned by that flat-headed man into Prison No. [-], which was the dark place where Fang Qingzhi and Qin Que lived before.Thinking back not long ago, Liu Boyang was the most promising young team leader in the security team, but he became a prisoner in the blink of an eye. This is really a turn of events!

Cui Guodong and Lao Mao were escorted back to the capital later than Liu Boyang. At first, they didn’t know the news of Liu Boyang’s arrest, and thought that the people who came to arrest them were dead. After Lin Kouzhong learned the ins and outs of the whole incident, he accepted his fate calmly and surrendered.

Cui Guodong and Lao Mao were escorted back to the capital one step later than Liu Boyang. Regarding the upcoming trial of fate and the most incredible reversal in life, these two heartless guys did not complain much, nor did they feel aggrieved Instead, he felt that Prime Minister Song was quite "humanized", because among so many brothers who wanted to die with Liu Boyang, Premier Song was the only one to pick them, and they were very content.

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