The best boy on campus

Chapter 1793 Imprisonment!

I don't know if it was Premier Song's special arrangement, but the Liu Boyang brothers were locked in the same cell after they were escorted back to Prison No. [-].There is no difference between every two cages, except that the cages on the lower floor are different from the upper ones. The lower the floor, the stronger the cages. At the bottom of Prison No. [-], No. [-] On the first floor, those cages are as hard as iron walls, and they are worthy of being the place where the top felons in the country are held.

The Liu Boyang brothers were locked in a certain cage on the ninth floor. In fact, Liu Boyang felt that Prime Minister Song was really unnecessary. If he really planned to escape or something, this seemingly impregnable cell would not be able to hold him at all.

After being locked in the cage, Liu Boyang and Wan Ziliang Long Tianyang looked at the dark environment, somewhat depressed in their hearts, but before the flat-headed man left, he came over with a black plastic bag and walked in. Throwing the cage on the ground, he said to the three of Liu Boyang, "The prime minister knows that you didn't have dinner, so I specially asked me to prepare it. There are also beer and drinks in it."

Liu Boyang smiled and said, "Is this the so-called 'decapitation meal'?"

The flat-headed man glanced at Liu Boyang, turned around and walked out without saying anything.

Long Tianyang opened the plastic bag and looked inside, and said in surprise: "Hey! Brother Yang, look, this is really rich. After all, the Prime Minister is really kind to us!"

"Is that so? Let me have a look!" Wan Ziliang also walked over and took a look inside the bag, and saw that there were all kinds of delicious food, snacks, fruits, beer, liquor, and even cigarettes. Considerate!

"Tsk tsk! This roast duck is still hot! Could it be really Quanjude?" Wan Ziliang unbelievably took out a pack of time-honored roast duck in paper with the words "Quanjude" on it, and it was still warm to the touch.

Liu Boyang was not as rare as them. He took out a bottle of canned beer from the bag, sat cross-legged on the ground, and drank it by himself.

The flat-headed man who had been standing in the dark and looking at this side finally showed a look of admiration on his face, and murmured: "Sure enough, these guys are worthy of their reputation, and they still have such a good mentality when they come to this kind of place." He was a little helpless Shaking his head, this time he really walked away.

Wan Ziliang and Long Tianyang's surprise and joy were not pretended on purpose, nor were they carrying forward the style of the older generation who had fun while suffering. They really saw life and death apart, and felt that they could die together with Liu Boyang, so there was nothing to complain about.

"Damn it, Brother Yang, there are actually playing cards in it! Premier Song is too considerate, how about we fight the landlord?" Long Tianyang said as if he took out a few decks of cards.

At this time, Liu Boyang had already drank a can of beer, and said with a smile: "Come here, I have nothing to do anyway. But let's make it clear first, you can't play for nothing, if you lose, you will put a note on your face!"

Ever since, the three of them really got carried away and played cards in the slightly dark cage. When Lao Mao and Cui Guodong were brought in four or ten minutes later, the two of them stared wide-eyed. He shouted frantically: "I'm not stupid, brother Yang, you guys didn't wait for me when you played cards?!"

Wan Ziliang snorted and said, "Who knows when you will come here? If you're hungry, there's food and wine here!" Greasy roast duck wrapping paper.

Lao Mao and Cui Guodong hurriedly dug out a lot of cooked food and beer from the bag, and squeezed into the middle of Liu Boyang, Longtian and Wan Ziliang while eating big pieces, and joined them in life and death. In the end, there was really no other way, Liu Boyang had to play Fighting the Landlords in full swing ended, and then the five of them had a blast of golden flowers with gusto.

The flat-headed man shook his head again, curled his lips and said, "A group of monsters!" He turned and left.

There is no concept of time in Prison No. [-]. It is not like those ordinary prisons in China. There are fixed hours for you to work, educate, and relax every day. There is no boundary between day and night. Liu Boyang and five people After playing for an unknown amount of time, I was finally a little tired. Everyone ate with a round belly, and felt sick to their stomachs when they saw food.

Cui Guodong lay on the ground with Erlang's legs crossed, his hands under his head, and said, "I never thought that being in prison would be like this. It's good to eat and drink like this, but it will get boring after a long time. I hope we can accept it sooner." Trial, even if I shot him earlier, I would accept it."

The old cat drank the last sip of beer, and scolded disdainfully: "Bear, you are satisfied with eating and drinking? When the prime minister sends each of us a woman, it will be consummated. If you don't work every day, you will be satisfied." Enjoy, the life of the gods is nothing more than this."

"Brother Cat, dreaming of you! Do you think we can eat and drink like this every day? I guess today is just the prime minister's outpouring of kindness, and tomorrow it may be Xiaomi Rice Wowotou. I have a younger brother who has been in prison under my command, tell me Living his life in prison will make you so hungry that you are willing to eat chaff and vegetables." Wan Ziliang said leisurely.

Hearing these heartless guys still talking nonsense, Liu Boyang sighed helplessly, took out a few cigarettes from the cigarette case and threw them to them, and took a smoke in his mouth, Sighing softly: "I've hurt you, suffer with me. In the next life, you will be reincarnated as a human being. Remember not to mess with me anymore. I'm not very competent as a big brother."

Cui Guodong stood up suddenly, and said dissatisfiedly: "Brother Yang, what do you call this? Don't talk about the next life, even in the next life, the next life, I, Cui Guodong, will recognize you as the eldest brother! Follow you, no matter what Wherever I get, no matter what I do, I have no complaints and no regrets!"

"That's right! Brother Yang, you're really rude. The big deal about this time is death. What's the big deal? We're not afraid of it, and we don't take it to heart. What are you thinking about? Let's talk about the few of us here, Which one doesn't have dozens of lives in his hands? Our life has long been worth it." Long Tianyang chimed in.

Of course Liu Boyang knew that what they said was to comfort him, he just smiled and said nothing, leaning against the wall behind the cage, smoking a cigarette deeply, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Second-brother, I can't just watch Brother Yang and the others die. If something happens to them, I won't be alive either!" In the hotel in Nanjing, Gao Zhenfei said to Yang Lin with a serious face.

Yang Lin was also sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, and said calmly: "Da Fei, we have been brothers for so many years, I know your temperament, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"If Brother Yang and the others are really going to be shot, I will rescue them even if it is a jailbreak!" Gao Zhenfei said.

Yang Lin frowned slightly and said, "Da Fei, don't be arrogant. Brother Yang specifically told us before leaving that we two would take over the War Soul Hall for him. If you lead someone to rob the prison, you will definitely offend the War Soul Hall again. And then lead to even heavier consequences, are you doing this right to Brother Yang?"

Gao Zhenfei said with red eyes: "Second-brother, our brothers kowtowed to the ground at the same time, can you really ignore Brother Yang's life? , Guodong and the others, even if we give us the whole world, can you laugh?"

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