The best boy on campus

Chapter 180 Fang Yuyan's Big Trouble!

"This..." Red Coral recalled Wu Tian's phone call just now, feeling a pang of regret in her heart, and sighed, "No, it was my bodyguard who was careless. He killed five people from that side, but Zheng Fanchen, who took the lead, ran away. In the end, I saved two girls before I realized that I accidentally let one go, but I couldn’t find it when I went back and searched.”

"Ha..." Yang Lin sneered when he heard it, "It's nothing, it's fine if that guy ran away, but our brothers haven't dealt with him personally, so what if he dies?"

Yang Lin's words surprised Red Coral quite a bit, Wu Tian was unfavorable at the last moment, and he felt pity for him, but Yang Lin didn't blame him at all, instead he was a little happy?

In fact, this is the truth, Zheng Fanchen asked someone to cut Liu Boyang, and violated the biggest taboo of a group of brothers, how could he die at the hands of others?

He is dead, who will the old cat chop up?Whose tendons and skins did Yang Lin pull?Who did Gao Zhenfei torture?Who will Huzi and Cui Guodong deal with?

Of course, at this moment, Red Coral can't understand this meaning. As a woman, she will never understand the kind of brotherhood between men that is more affectionate than gold.

With a sigh at the moment, Red Coral continued: "Actually, the most important thing right now is not Zheng Fanchen. The matter of revenge can be put aside for now. The most urgent thing is to solve Liu Boyang's own troubles first."

"What do you mean?" Cui Guodong frowned and asked her

"Don't think too naively. Liu Boyang has put so many people to death this time. If he survives, there will be many troubles waiting for him."

"Before I came just now, I had already discussed with Captain Qian, who was in charge of this matter, in the police station. In terms of public security, they would choose to deal with it in a low-key manner, but this time the commotion was too big. Many people saw it and wanted to suppress it. It's not that easy to press, I guess after Liu Boyang wakes up, a lawsuit is inevitable."

"**** Is there still any law? Those bastards have so many people hacking Brother Yang, can't Brother Yang resist? Just let them chop? My old cat doesn't know the law anymore, and I know there is a word in the law Is it justifiable to defend Brother Yang, is it justifiable to defend?" The old cat shouted immediately after hearing what Red Coral said.

"It's not that simple, what's the use of arguing with me? It's not that I want to deal with you Brother Yang." Red Coral was a little dissatisfied with the old cat's loud tone, but she also knew that now was not the time to show her temper, so she continued: "Just when There is also a limit to defense, this time Liu Boyang killed so many people at once, if one fails, he will be sentenced to excessive defense, and he will go to jail."

"Why are there so many broken things in the law?" the old cat scolded angrily

"Old cat, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. Uncle Zhenjiang and Uncle Zhenhai are here, so you don't need to worry about it. Listen to what they say first." It will only get worse and worse, I can't help scolding him

"Uncle Zhenjiang, Director Li Qirui has already called you about this matter?" Yang Lin's words reminded Hong Shanhu, she turned her head and asked Liu Zhenjiang

"Well, don't worry, he knows what to do. I told you guys, you don't need to think about these future things. After Boyang's grandfather comes, we will discuss it ourselves and help him handle it properly." What happened next time is that Boyang is the victim, we don’t take anything wrong, even if we really go to the court, it will still have to weigh and judge what you have to do now, is to hope that Boyang can wake up early.” Liu Zhenjiang said

With these words, Yang Lin and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Since there are big figures like Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Tianlong coming forward, it is estimated that the possibility of Liu Boyang being sanctioned is very small

The most important thing now is, Brother Yang, he has to wake up quickly

Yang Lin was distracted when his cell phone rang suddenly. It was an unfamiliar number. Yang Lin answered impatiently, "Hello, who is it?"

There was also an angry voice on the other end of the phone: "It's me, principal Zheng Yuanlong, where have you bastards gone? You haven't come to class so late, don't you miss this book? Hurry up and give me the fastest Hurry up to the school or don't blame me for not reminding you." I guess Zheng Yuanlong was mad by a series of things tonight, and he burst into foul language as soon as he came up.

When Yang Lin heard that the call was actually from the principal, he was so irritable that he almost started arguing with him. What happened today? Why did troubles keep coming?

Yang Linqiang suppressed the anger in his chest, frowned and said, "Principal, I'm really sorry to cause trouble for you, but we really have something to do now, so we can't leave."

"I don't care what you have, the biggest thing is to get me to school right now, do you know how many people are waiting for you here? If you don't come, don't blame me for being business-like. There are so many people waiting for me to give them In other words, I can't favor you too much," Zheng Yuanlong said coldly

The school is really messed up right now.

After Zheng Yuanlong came back from the school gate, he was immediately surrounded by impatient parents of the students who were waiting. He had no choice but to send students out to look for Liu Boyang, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time, so he had to send someone to go to Liu Boyang again. I want his phone number, I want to call Liu Boyang and others in person

But what the hell is, after asking countless students, they all said that they didn't know the numbers of Liu Boyang, Yang Lin and others

Zheng Yuanlong was in a hurry, knowing that these students were intentionally making trouble, but he had nothing to do with them. In the end, he had a flash of inspiration and suddenly remembered that Fang Yuyan, the head teacher of Liu Boyang's class, might have the contact information of those brats, so he sent the students Call Fang Yuyan over

At that time, Fang Yuyan had just arrived at the school, and she had just heard that there was a big incident in the school, and the whole school was a sensation. Before she could figure out what happened, she was suddenly summoned by the principal. Lock that bad intuition on Liu Boyang

There is no way, Liu Boyang has caused too many troubles for her these two days, she can't even think about being insensitive

Being led by that student, Fang Yuyan had just walked up to the principal's office building. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she immediately saw a large group of people who looked like parents of the students standing there, pointing at the principal's nose and scolding them. It's ugly, that's called being unrelenting and Zheng Yuanlong's face has already turned into a pig's liver with anger

Fang Yuyan was terrified by this scene. It seemed that she had underestimated it. This matter was much more serious than she had imagined before.

As soon as Zheng Yuanlong saw her coming, he could be regarded as catching a useful person, so he immediately waved and called her over, and said coldly: "Mr. Fang, you can count yourself here, take a look, look at the good things your good student Liu Boyang has done, I almost got angry How do you want me to give them an explanation?"

Fang Yuyan was a little startled, she turned her head to look at the group of clamoring parents dumbfounded, and suddenly felt her scalp go numb

My previous conjecture was not wrong, and the matter in front of me was indeed related to Liu Boyang. Why is that kid so disobedient? I agreed not to cause trouble for myself.

As soon as the parents of the students heard that the female teacher was the class teacher surnamed Liu, they all quit. They didn't care whether your student came or not. Anyway, they didn't plan to reason today. Fang Yuyan scolded:

"Your teacher is the head teacher named Liu boy? What did you do? Hmm? Tell me, how do you educate your students?" A shrew-like parent walked over with her waist in her arms, pointing at Fang Yuyan's nose just scolded

"Even if you teach such students, are you still worthy of being a teacher? Do you know what it means to be a teacher?" Another parent also booed

"That's right, a person like you is not worthy of being a teacher, principal, we strongly urge you to resign from her."

"Yes, quit her. If you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work. Even the students can't manage well. Why do you want to be a teacher?"

"Resign her" the rest of the parents also booed

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