The best boy on campus

Chapter 181 Unreasonable!

Fang Yuyan has only been a teacher for a few days, and she has never faced this kind of situation before. At the moment, she feels wronged or wronged. She really doesn't know what Liu Boyang did. Even if she knew, with her strength as a woman, she couldn't hold back him

How could these parents be so unreasonable?If I can control Liu Boyang, will I still ignore it?I said a lot about him, but he didn't listen

"Parents, listen to me..." Fang Yuyan was on the verge of tears, and said helplessly with trembling lips

"Say? Say what? If it works just by talking, will our son be beaten? What did you say? Now that you know what to say, why did you go?" The shrew at the front was still relentless

"Parents, can you give me a chance to catch my breath and say something? I really don't know about the beating today. If I knew, I would definitely hold him back..." Fang Yuyan finally cried anxiously come out

"If you don't listen or not, people beat you. What else can you explain? Don't say anything. You can't solve the problem with your mouth. Now it's none of your business. We're talking to the principal, you go away Stay” A group of people are going to focus on Zheng Yuanlong again

"You don't want to do this, can you? Don't embarrass the principal. He knows nothing better than me. Please calm down. Can I apologize to you on behalf of my students?" Fang Yuyan cried and bowed.

"Come on, what's the use of making an apology? Is an apology useful? There are still police officers in the world? We won't listen to you. You should leave quickly. I'll be annoyed when you see you," the shrew cursed.

"How could you do this? What are you doing against me? Did I ask the students to beat your son?" Fang Yuyan finally couldn't take it anymore, she stood up and argued hard

"You still have the face to say this? Isn't it your student who beat someone? Why are you crying? We have wronged you? Don't pretend to be so pitiful, you leave quickly, you are not qualified now, we have to talk to the principal"

"How can you be unreasonable?" Fang Yuyan said hoarsely

"Whoever you say is unreasonable, whoever you say is unreasonable?" The shrew at the front became angry when she heard this, and directly came up and pushed Fang Yuyan twice, it seemed that she was about to pinch Fang Yuyan

Zheng Yuanlong next to him couldn't stand it anymore, he stood up and shouted angrily: "Stop!"

"If you have something to say, you don't want to do anything here. We don't want to see this kind of thing happen in school. We are more angry than you, can you give us a little time? We also need to clarify the whole thing. , I promise you, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, can you stop being so aggressive?" Zheng Yuanlong really couldn't bear to see Fang Yuyan being bullied, and the anger in his heart had turned to sympathy for him, and he said

"Hmph, what time do you want? What should I do? You just said here. How can we have time to wait for you? Are so many people waiting for your decision? You have to finish the matter now" a parent shouted

"The student hasn't come yet, what do you want me to do? Don't I have to listen to his explanation before I make a decision?" Zheng Yuanlong said angrily, that bastard Liu Boyang would really give himself a hard time. Someone stabbed him and still didn't come to school, isn't this sincerely trying to piss himself off?

"What? Principal, you dare to say that so many of us came to you, and the children were lying in the infirmary. Isn't that enough evidence? So you just want to favor that student, right?" a parent said. shouted by the neck

"You said he didn't come? Why didn't he come? What time is it and he hasn't come? It's obvious that you are lying. You want to protect him and you hide him." Another parent echoed.

It’s like this when you meet a group of unreasonable people. You can’t explain why you are reasonable. You will be mad at you

Of course, not all parents are like this, only those standing in the front are gossips, and those parents behind are relatively more sensible, and they turned red with anger when they saw Zheng Yuanlong, and they didn't follow the example of those in front come up and accuse him

They were also secretly blaming the parents in front of them for being too ignorant, so what could be solved by arguing like this?Can arguing settle things?Apart from venting the anger in my heart, it won't do anything, and on the contrary, it will arouse the disgust of others as the principal. I didn't want to favor the students and I did.

But after all, everyone is eager to love their son, and it is not easy for anyone to stand up and speak out, so they can only let the women who are the most noisy in front of them make trouble.

"It's a joke that I, Zheng Yuanlong, sit upright all my life. Why do I favor the students when I have nothing to do? Can you make some sense?" Zheng Yuanlong said angrily.

"What is unreasonable? Are we wrong? Isn't beating people a fact?"

"Then what do you think?"

"How about it? Pay for the medical expenses, fire the student who beat someone, and fire the teacher who can't teach." The shrew in front pinched her waist and shouted too much

"Compensation for medical expenses"

"fired him"

Zheng Yuanlong sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "Your request is too excessive, I cannot agree to it."

Isn't this bullshit?People are not beaten by the school, so why should the school lose money? Is the school a charity?

As for the expulsion of Liu Boyang, we have to wait until he is called to clarify the ins and outs of the matter. Even if you really want to be expelled, you have to let Liu Boyang know in person. Call out an unsuspecting student in a muddle?

As for dismissing Fang Yuyan, that would be absurd. Zheng Yuanlong is not an idiot, of course he knows that Fang Yuyan has nothing to do with it at all. A kid like Liu Boyang can't even control himself, let alone Fang Yuyan.

"What, principal, are you still being unreasonable? Why don't you pay for the medical expenses? Why don't you fire him?" The shrew screamed at the top of her voice

I really don't know which student's parent this is, that student really has a good mother

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. If you are so unreasonable, I'm sorry, I don't have time to waste with you. I still have business to do. I don't want to accompany Teacher Fang. Follow me in." Zheng Yuanlong was about to open the principal's office The door, let the two of you go in first, don't bother to talk to these low-quality people and continue arguing with them, it's meaningless at all, so old man Zheng won't be so useless

"Are you going? Where are you going..."

The shrew in front was about to grab Zheng Yuanlong, when suddenly a cold voice came from the entrance of the corridor: "Who said it can't be done? Parents, don't worry, I will make the decision. I will pay for the medical expenses. I will fire that kid surnamed Liu." As for his head teacher, I won't let her come to work tomorrow"

At the other end of the corridor, the fat-headed and big-eared He Juxiong suddenly walked over with a sullen face

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