The best boy on campus

Chapter 182 Arrogant He Juxiong!

"Your teacher is..." the shrew parent immediately asked joyfully when he heard that someone was calling the shots.

"I'm the age director of the school, don't worry, what I say will be good." He Juxiong directly didn't give Zheng Yuanlong face, and he walked up to the group of parents and said without even looking at him.


"You teacher really speaks well?" the parents asked in disbelief

"Yes" He Juxiong nodded as if no one else was around, "What my old man said in this school is absolutely true. Don't worry, I will go to the finance department to ask for money tomorrow. You can just come and get the money tomorrow."

Although He Juxiong just came to the school, he heard about Liu Boyang as soon as he came, so he immediately seized the opportunity. He has long disliked Liu Boyang, how can he let him go this time?

And since Fang Yuyan refused to let him take advantage, with He Juxiong's small belly, it would be strange not to seize the opportunity to fix her

"Director He, do you know when it's your turn to decide what school you're talking about? Is Zheng Yuanlong dead?" Zheng Yuanlong said angrily

How could he not be angry?

In the past, He Juxiong only occasionally contradicted him behind the back, or refuted his opinions at the school leadership meeting, but it was the first time that he seized his power and smeared his face face to face like now.

It is estimated that Mr. Zheng is extremely tragic today. He has encountered so many annoying things in a series

"You're not dead, but isn't it far from retirement? I said, Mr. Principal, don't worry about these little things about beating people in the future. Don't you still have me? I will deal with it. You are not young anymore. I retired in two years, and enjoy more leisure and happiness when I have nothing to do." He Juxiong said very arrogantly

"You..." Zheng Yuanlong's lungs were about to explode, he snorted, and said angrily: "He Juxiong, don't be too presumptuous. Even if I really retire, you will not be the top leader of this school. Who do you think you are? School If I hand it over to you, wouldn’t it be a mess?”

"Oh, that's not necessarily true, old man, you have the guts to yell at me when you tell me what the hell you say? Are you fucking tired of living?" He Juxiong wanted to confront Zheng Yuanlong completely today, and started yelling

"He Juxiong, you, don't be arrogant!" Zheng Yuanlong was so angry that he couldn't breathe well, he swayed and almost fell down

Fang Yuyan saw it, and hurried over to support him, and persuaded in a low voice: "Principal, principal, don't be angry, Director He is deliberately angry with you, if he hurts you, he can step on you earlier Ah, you must not be fooled by him, you have to hold on! Liu Boyang’s matter is still counting on you to solve it.”

Zheng Yuanlong panted heavily and glanced at Fang Yuyan. How could he not understand what was going on here?How old is he, but sometimes people are like this, knowing that they shouldn't be angry, but they just can't control themselves

He Juxiong is so domineering right now, seizing power with him in front of so many people, smearing his face, and even threatening him with Chi Guoguo, how can you let Zheng Yuanlong bear it?

But when He Juxiong saw that he had angered old man Zheng into such a virtue, he felt extremely proud. His plan succeeded, and this effect was what he wanted. You can really cover the sky with one hand

"He Juxiong, let me tell you, as long as I, Zheng Yuanlong, don't die for a day, I won't let the school be destroyed in your hands, so stop dreaming about your youthful dreams." Zheng Yuanlong said with a blue face

"Hehe, old man, don't talk so early, I will let you see for yourself how I kicked you down step by step, and then came to be the principal of this school." He Juxiong laughed very disapprovingly

The two of them made such a fuss, but the group of parents behind looked stupid

Where is it all?My son's matter has not been dealt with yet, why did the two of them quarrel?

But as long as you are a discerning person, you can see that there is a contradiction between these two people - Zheng Yuanlong and He Juxiong

But it doesn't matter, who the hell has time to care about you?What are we here for?It's not here to interfere in your school's internal affairs.

At that moment, a male parent pushed aside the other parents and came to the front, frowning and said: "We don't care about any conflicts between the two of you, it has nothing to do with us. We are standing here to let you give a reasonable The solution is to lose money or be fired, please give me a good word."

"I still say the same thing, don't worry, I, Zheng Yuanlong, swear that this matter will be done in a formal manner. After Liu Boyang, the troublemaker, comes, I will ask the matter clearly, and I will do whatever I want, and I will never favor him. But You want me to give an answer now, but I don't have it." Zheng Yuanlong said neither humble nor overbearing

"What's the matter with you, the principal? Why did you go back and forth again after talking about it? How can you do it? If you don't have us, go find someone to reason with?" surrounded by scolding

"Okay, okay, parents, don't worry, didn't I promise you just now? Just come to the school tomorrow to get the money. I promise to expel Liu Boyang. As for his head teacher..." He Juxiong turned his head coldly Glancing at Fang Yuyan, "Hmph, I also guarantee that she will no longer be a teacher in our school."

"You really mean what you say?" A group of parents asked suspiciously. They are not fools. They still know which official is the principal or the director.

"Count" He Juxiong said with a sullen face that what the parent said just now strengthened his belief in seizing power

***, in this society, even primary school students know that the principal of the school is the biggest, and with old man Zheng on top, he himself will never be the top leader

A few parents still couldn't believe his words easily. Looking at this man's sultry face, he knew that he was not a kind person. How could there be such a person as the director in the school?

Instead of believing what he said, it's better to ask the headmaster to give him a good word. After all, old man Zheng is a positive person at first glance, and he is much more reliable than him.

"Principal, what do you want to say? We have been here with you for so long, and you haven't said a word yet. You always say wait for that kid surnamed Liu to come. How can I have time to wait with you? Besides, if it is true as you said, that kid hasn’t come to school until now, you should expel him. He obviously doesn’t take your school’s rules and regulations seriously.”

This parent is quite powerful, and he hit the point with one sentence. This is the only sentence that Zheng Yuanlong cannot refute so far.

The other parents also responded one after another:

"That's right, the kid hasn't come yet, it's obviously a guilty conscience and he didn't dare to come, principal, don't you understand? You don't want to be a mother-in-law, hurry up and do business."

"It's just that he is despising you. What else can you say if you don't take you and the school's rules and regulations seriously?"


Zheng Yuanlong couldn't say anything this time, these words really attacked his weakness, even if he wanted to speak for Liu Boyang, he couldn't do it

He Juxiong is standing aside at the moment and just sneers, the old man will see how you end up this time

Fang Yuyan next to him saw that Zheng Yuanlong had been scolded by those parents and was speechless, and suddenly felt extremely sore in his heart. The troubles that Liu Boyang caused her in front of her had already exceeded the limit of the school's ability to protect him.

no one can save him

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