The best boy on campus

Chapter 183 Fired!

But for some reason, until now, when thinking of Liu Boyang's always smiling face, Fang Yuyan still doesn't blame him much, because Fang Yuyan herself doesn't know why, deep in her heart, she has always believed in Liu Boyang, always I think that kid has his reasons no matter what he does.

Fang Yuyan didn't know if it was right for her to think this way. She was really tired. She never thought that being a teacher was so difficult. She was worried all day in school, and there was a bully behind her who was always coveting her. She has to walk carefully in the school at night. There is also a mischievous student in the class. No matter what she says, she doesn’t listen to her. cornered

And Fang Yuyan also knows that the insidious He Juxiong will probably take advantage of this opportunity to make a big fuss at the next school leadership meeting and severely criticize Zheng Yuanlong. At that time, Zheng Yuanlong will inevitably fail again.

At this moment, Fang Yuyan looked at Zheng Yuanlong's powerless face, and suddenly felt that he was so pitiful. When he reached the age of retirement, he always encountered so many unfavorable things. The trouble Liu Boyang brought him was still temporary, and the most important thing was He Juxiong stared at him behind him

As Zheng Yuanlong said, if the school falls into the hands of He Juxiong, it will be over

For the current matter, in the face of these aggressive parents who are asking for an explanation, someone must stand up and make a sacrifice, so as to protect the school to the greatest extent: if the school does not make any further remarks, it will really become more and more troublesome

For the sake of the school's face, for Zheng Yuanlong's care for her teacher all the time, and for the bad boy Liu Boyang who bravely stood up to protect her and moved her for a long time, Fang Yuyan finally made up her mind.

She stood up and said, "Parents, please listen to me. What happened today, to be honest, I didn't expect that it was all my fault. It was because I didn't educate my students well, and it had nothing to do with the school. "

"You're right, I'm really an unqualified teacher, I didn't fulfill my duty, I didn't manage my students well, I'm sorry everyone"

"Everyone wants the school to dismiss me, I fully understand, but please don't embarrass the principal, I will take the blame and resign, okay?"

"I'm going back to pack my things right now, and then I'm leaving this school. I believe that the teacher who came here must be more capable than me to lead the students well, but can I make a small request to you at the end: Please don't make things difficult for the principal again. This kind of thing hurts him more than any of you, even if you don't understand him anymore, since he is already an old man who is nearly 60 years old, don't push him too hard, okay?"

"That's all I have to say. I hope everyone can understand that I'm leaving now. Please calm down."

When Fang Yuyan said the first sentence, she hadn't shed tears yet, but when she finished the last sentence, she had already shed tears

It's not that there is a bully like He Juxiong in the school threatening her, and a student like Liu Boyang is making trouble for her every day, Fang Yuyan doesn't love this school. On the contrary, she can be said to be the most beloved teacher in the whole school.

Fang Yuyan's wish since she was a child was to be a teacher, so she cherished this opportunity very much, no matter how threatening He Juxiong was to her, she would not leave

But now, she has to leave

When the parents of the students heard what Fang Yuyan said, they felt a little bit uncomfortable. In fact, they were just angry. Anyone who is unreasonable has a conscience. What's wrong with being a teacher?

But since the words just now have been uttered, there is absolutely no reason to take them back at this moment, so everyone looked at Fang Yuyan coldly and said nothing

Among them, only one male parent felt a little sorry, and stood up and said: "Hey... Actually, this teacher, we are not targeting you..."

Fang Yuyan looked at him and smiled, turned around and left without saying anything

Suddenly Zheng Yuanlong stretched out his hand to grab her, and said in a calm voice, "Teacher Fang, where are you going? You are not allowed to go."

How could Zheng Yuanlong not understand Fang Fang Yuyan's good intentions?Can I let her go?Where can one find such a good teacher these days?

"Principal Zheng, I'm sorry. I didn't take care of that kid Liu Boyang and caused you trouble. Now I solemnly propose to you to take the blame and resign. I hope that the next teacher who takes over Class [-] will be more capable than me in managing the students." Fang Said with red eyes

"No, you can't leave. Who allowed you to resign? I don't agree. As long as I, Zheng Yuanlong, are in this school for a day, you will be the best teacher in our school for a day. No one can do anything to you," Zheng Yuanlong said decisively.

"Principal..." Fang Yuyan is a woman after all, and she is still a very tired woman at this moment. She is caught in the middle of a dilemma, and her heart is really sour. She never thought that Zheng Yuanlong, a dignified principal, would value her so much. Made of water, Zheng Yuanlong's kindness made her so grateful that she couldn't help but choked up

"Mr. Fang, you don't need to say anything. What happened today was caused by that bastard Liu Boyang. You first give me the phone numbers of him and those boys named Yang Lin Cui Guodong who transferred to me. Call the group of bastards to talk again"

It was under such circumstances that Zheng Yuanlong called Yang Lin, no wonder he scolded Yang Lin as soon as he came up, the matter at the school was really urgent

Now Yang Lin heard Zheng Yuanlong's rough report on the phone, and he was so angry that the matter on Lei Yang's side hadn't been resolved yet, and the school was impatient again

That group of adult parents can really pick their time to make trouble, isn't this sincerely pushing my group of brothers to a desperate situation?

At the moment, he could only say to Zheng Yuanlong angrily: "Principal Zheng, I won't lie to you, we really have something going on here, we really can't leave."

"I don't listen to your nonsense. If you don't come again, you can blame me for being unreasonable. You won't use it for class in the future."

"In this case, Principal Zheng, I have nothing to say, just fire us." Yang Lin was also angry. In his heart, nothing is as important as Brother Yang's life. What's the big deal about being fired?Do you think there is no way for me to learn except for the old people in s?

Both Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai over there heard Yang Lin's impatient voice, and Liu Zhenjiang walked over frowning and asked Yang Lin, "What happened?"

Yang Lin covered the microphone, turned his head and told Liu Zhenjiang the shit that Zheng Yuanlong said just now, and Liu Zhenjiang frowned after hearing it. This shit really made things worse and added fuel to the fire.

At that moment, he directly took the phone in Yang Lin's hand, and wanted to talk to Zheng Yuanlong in person.

And Zheng Yuanlong over there has already exploded, why is there no sound when he is talking?That little bastard Yang Lin doesn't take himself too seriously?

He kept yelling: "Hey, you bastard, are you still listening? Who are you messing with? What's the big deal about being fired? You little bastard is too arrogant"

Liu Zhenjiang didn't expect that as soon as he answered the phone, he heard old man Zheng scolding the street, his face immediately sank, and he shouted: "It's me"

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