The best boy on campus

Chapter 184 Secret love!

"Who are you?" Zheng Yuanlong suddenly changed into an adult's voice when he heard it, and the voice was still familiar, so he was taken aback immediately

"Can't you tell who I am?" Liu Zhenjiang frowned, "Old Zheng, what's going on over there? Is it that serious?"

"Yes, it's Mayor Liu?" The anger in Zheng Yuanlong's chest dissipated most of it immediately, and he asked anxiously who he was getting angry with, and he didn't dare to get angry with the mayor.

"It's me, what's the situation on your side, tell me clearly." Liu Zhenjiang said with a straight face. The most annoying thing is that troubles come one after another, and no one can help being angry

"Alas..." Zheng Yuanlong sighed, and had no choice but to briefly tell him about the current situation at the school.

"Old Zheng, to tell you the truth, my nephew Boyang didn't mean to make you difficult. He is lying in the hospital now, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. He won't be able to get through this time. Just treat me as Liu Zhenjiang this time. I owe you a favor, you can deal with the matter at the school yourself, it’s really not good, as long as it’s not expulsion, you can give me whatever punishment you want, and I’ll go to S to deal with the matter in person later,” Liu Zhenjiang said helplessly

"Mayor Liu is too polite to say that. I haven't forgotten what you told me. Please rest assured that I will do my best to deal with the matter here. But what do you mean by what you just said? Liu Boyang is hospitalized? Now? How could he be hospitalized?" Zheng Yuanlong asked

Liu Zhenjiang thought about it for a while, and knew that Zheng Yuanlong was also a smart person, and it would be defenseless to tell him, so he also roughly told him the situation on Liu Boyang's side, so that he could have an idea in his heart.

As expected, Zheng Yuanlong was shocked when he heard it.

"Mayor Liu, what you said is true? That kid Liu Boyang...hasn't woken up yet?" Zheng Yuanlong asked in astonishment

"Yes, otherwise we wouldn't all stay here Lao Zheng, my nephew is not up to snuff, I'm causing you trouble" Liu Zhenjiang said with a sigh

"Mayor Liu, what are you talking about? I knew that Liu Boyang, although he can cause trouble, is still very reasonable in major matters. He would not intentionally create problems for me. I didn't expect it to be so good, Mayor Liu Don't worry, leave the matter here to me, and you can take care of Liu Boyang over there." Zheng Yuanlong promised immediately

"Well, thank you for your hard work"

Zheng Yuanlong hung up the phone, his heart was in a mess, but he still bite the bullet and explained: "Parents, you see, I just finished calling, that kid Liu Boyang is really in a hurry and can't come to school, I won't lie to you In this way, let me be fair, our school has no proper discipline and poor protection, and we are indeed responsible for what happened today. I promise you, we will pay half of the medical expenses, and Liu Boyang and those who beat people Boy, I will punish each of them with a major demerit, and when they come to the school later, I understand, and if they are serious, what do you think?"

This is an expedient measure, Zheng Yuanlong has no other choice in this situation, he can only give up his pawns to save the car, and take a step back if he can

"No, you are unfairly treated too lightly, how can you only pay half of it? How can you only give him a major penalty? You must pay all the compensation, and you must fire him"

"It's just that you didn't deal with it like this. It's clearly still towards that student. We don't care how you deal with him. You have to pay the full amount and make appropriate compensation for the mental damage." This parent didn't know that the TV series was too much. Even the mental damage fee was called out

"Parents, it's unreasonable for you to be like this. I, Zheng Yuanlong, say here as the principal. What I said just now is the limit, and there is no way to back down. If you really want full compensation, you will wait for the compensation later. The kid who hit someone is here, if you go ask him for another half, the school has already done its best.”

Old man Zheng was forced to do nothing at the moment, so he had to hand over Liu Boyang as a shield. In fact, he knew better than anyone else that this group of people would never ask for money from Liu Boyang. just scare them to death

That said, it's also a tactic to delay the attack.

Seeing that Zheng Yuanlong had shown his last sincerity, the group of parents probably couldn't regress any further. They were not fools, they knew the truth that when things go wrong, they accept what they see, so they turned around to discuss Zheng Yuanlong's words noisily. rationality

Over there, He Juxiong realized that he had been ignored. He wanted to come up and say something, but he suddenly recalled Zheng Yuanlong's attitude on the phone call: at first he was furious, and the voice was so loud that he could even hear him, but then his attitude changed 180 degrees. He Juxiong couldn't help being suspicious because he even spoke politely, what's going on?Who was the old guy talking on the phone just now?

It was because of his worries that he didn't dare to stand up and shout

"Principal Zheng, did you call Liu Boyang just now? Where is that kid now? Why isn't he here? Does he know what's going on here?" Fang Yuyan suddenly walked up and asked in surprise

Zheng Yuanlong looked at this kind and beautiful female teacher, and couldn't bear to hide it from her right now, after all, she also worried too much about Liu Boyang's affairs, so he had to whisper to her about Liu Boyang's affairs

"What?" Fang Yuyan was taken aback when she heard that, she opened her mouth wide and covered her small mouth, and said in shock, "Is this true? Liu Boyang... is in the hospital where life or death is uncertain?"

"Yes" Zheng Yuanlong sighed and nodded. How could Liu Zhenjiang's own words be false?

"No, I'm going to see him." Fang Yuyan said, turned her head and ran back. She didn't know why she was so anxious when she heard the news of Liu Boyang's accident. jump out

This is really the most absurd joke in the world. Liu Boyang was still making trouble in front of her during the day, but now she suddenly heard that Liu Boyang was about to die

what kind of anxiety is that

At this moment, Fang Yuyan finally realized how important that boy Liu Boyang is in her heart, and she has definitely surpassed the teacher-student relationship. Perhaps it is Liu Boyang's unconcealable loneliness emanating from the inside out, which has already touched Fang Yuyan's kind heart unconsciously.

Liu Boyang is like a naughty younger brother, but Fang Yuyan has already put herself in the position of his sister without knowing it

How can a sister not feel sorry for her brother?

"Hey, Teacher Fang..." Zheng Yuanlong was also startled by Fang Yuyan's sudden action. When he came back to his senses, Fang Yuyan had already run away, and it was too late for him to stop

And here Fang Yuyan just ran to the stairs, and suddenly almost bumped into a student who had been hiding there secretly before.

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