The best boy on campus

Chapter 185 The whole class takes action!

The student's name is Tong Liang, and he is the younger brother who just talked to Yang Lin on the phone. At that time, Yang Lin asked him to keep an eye on the school's situation, and he immediately obeyed. So since Fang Yuyan was called over by Zheng Yuanlong, he followed Fang Yuyan secretly , I want to see what happened here, so I can report to Yang Lin in time *Book*(

Unexpectedly, after reading the situation over there, before Tong Liang could report, Fang Yuyan rushed over in a hurry, causing him to be bumped into before he even had time to dodge.

Fang Yuyan was also taken aback, panting heavily and asking with a icy expression, "Why are you hiding here when you're not in class?"

"Uh, teacher, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I just happened to come here to go to the bathroom, and I accidentally saw so many people around there, so I couldn't help but hide here and take a look." Tong Liang was also talking nonsense, and immediately said Fang Yuyan was so anxious at this moment that she couldn't hear anything.

"Mr. Fang, where are you going in such a hurry? Is something wrong with Brother Yang?" Seeing that Fang Yuyan remained silent, Tong Liang immediately asked anxiously

"You... heard it all just now?" Fang Yuyan frowned and asked in surprise

"Well, I heard Principal Zheng called Teacher Fang. What's the matter? Can you tell me? I'm worried about Brother Yang"

Just now Zheng Yuanlong walked to the side to make a call, and happened to be not far from Tong Liang, so he vaguely heard the news that Zheng Yuanlong mentioned Liu Boyang, but he didn't hear the specific situation clearly.

But the more this is the case, the more anxious Tong Liang is. He is also a student in Class [-]. Before Liu Boyang came to s. Including those people, they all became Liu Boyang's younger brothers, and Tong Liang himself had to follow the general trend and choose to follow Liu Boyang

At this moment, Fang Yuyan saw that he was more anxious than herself, and knew that he really cared about Liu Boyang, so she bit her lip and said, "Liu Boyang is in the hospital now, don't say anything, if you are worried about him, go to the hospital with me to see him."

"What?" Tong Liang was taken aback when he heard that, and said in a deep voice without hesitation, "Okay, Teacher Fang, let's leave right away."

The two of them didn't talk much, and ran down the stairs one after the other, but just after they left the teaching building, Tong Liang felt something was wrong, so he left by himself. Who will watch over the principal?What if something happens?How can I explain to Yang Lin?

How did he know that Liu Zhenjiang had personally settled the whole matter?

After thinking twice, Tong Liang decisively took out his mobile phone and called a buddy in the class, Zhao Xingyu, told Zhao Xingyu about the situation on his side, asked that guy to take over his class, and went to the principal's side to find out the wind and see Zheng Yuanlong What kind of agreement did you reach with those parents in the end?

However, I didn't expect that Zhao Xingyu was also impatient. At such a critical moment, he did something stupid, and even shouted in a high voice: "What did you say? Something happened to Brother Yang!"

Immediately, everyone in Class One and Twelve, including Bingshan beauty Ning Yeqi, turned their heads in unison, and instantly set their sights on Zhao Xingyu alone

"Fuck you uncle, please keep your voice down, what the hell is your name, you are looking for death, hurry up and do as I said, you go to the principal and keep an eye on it, if you have anything to say hello to brother Lin or me in time, I'm in a hurry, No time to talk shit to you, I hung up"

hang up the phone

Running ahead, Fang Yuyan looked back at him blankly, and asked, "Who did you call just now?"

"Oh, it's okay, teacher, don't ask, it's urgent, let's go to the hospital first." Tong Liang also regretted his arbitrariness, Zhao Xingyu's idiot is too unreliable in his work, why is Gou Ri shouting so loudly?

Time was running out, Fang Yuyan frowned and looked at him without asking any further questions, the two continued to rush out of the school gate, hailed a taxi, and then ran directly towards the city center hospital

At this time, in the classroom of Class [-]

"My day" Zhao Xingyu, who had just hung up the phone, cursed bitterly, wondering why I said Brother Yang hasn't come yet, so something happened

Damn, why are you still going to the principal?Hurry up and go to the hospital to see if Brother Yang is urgent.

At that moment, without any hesitation, he decisively pulled the stool away and was about to run out. Whether it was out of worry for Liu Boyang from the bottom of his heart, or because he wanted to show his sincerity at a critical moment, he felt that he could not delay another second

"Hey Lu Zhao Xingyu, what are you doing?" Several boys in the class asked in astonishment seeing him so flustered

"Brothers, something happened to Brother Yang. He is lying in the hospital. Anyone who is worried about him will follow me." Zhao Xingyu thought he had done such a heroic and remarkable thing, so he waved his hand and strode out of the classroom back door

People who are just starting out are like this, they are inexperienced, they like to act aggressive, and they want to mess with big things, everyone knows it, and they use this to show their might

But he didn't know what he was doing was an idiot thing

"What did he say? What happened to Brother Yang?"

"That's a tough self-study brother, let's go to the hospital together."

The other seven or eight boys in the class also stood up in a hurry, and a group of people followed Zhao Xingyu's footsteps and ran out of the classroom together.

These boys, like Zhao Xingyu, were unknown before, and later they followed Liu Boyang when the general trend followed. Now that they suddenly heard that something happened to their elder brother, how could they not be in a hurry?

When some nympho girls in the class heard that something happened to Liu Boyang, they couldn't sit still immediately, and they ran out one after another with their worries about Liu Boyang in their hearts.

In the end, there were only a group of top students left in the class who were still staring at each other, but in the astonishment of everyone, the iceberg beauty Ning Yeqi suddenly stood up, pursed her lips, and ran out without saying a word. back door

From the moment when Zhao Xingyu said that something happened to Liu Boyang just now, Ning Yeqi's heart was severely hurt. At this moment, how could she have time to care about her own face and self-esteem?

I just pretend to be Liu Boyang in my heart, this is a fact that no one can change

Seeing this, the other students hurriedly followed. Some of them were not used to Liu Boyang's actions, but after all, they were all students in the same class, so it would be good to go and have a look

After everyone was gone, only the back of the classroom was a beautiful girl with heavy makeup who was still sitting upright. When Zhao Xingyu called just now, she was lifting a jade foot to the table to paint her toenails. Something happened to Liu Boyang, after he was surprised, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth

What happened to that bastard?He finally got his comeuppance?

Hehe, you surnamed Liu must not die! Our accounts have not been settled yet.

With a "snap", the girl stomped her jade feet covered with crystal nail polish back to the ground, and followed the group of people out of the back door with a gloating expression on her face.

Going to the hospital to watch the liveliness at no cost is much more interesting than going to self-study...

ps: I saw the book reviews that everyone gave me. Some people said that I talk a lot of nonsense and deviated from the main line. Please rest assured. I really didn’t take care of it on the train two days ago. Today is the last chapter. I will return to the topic tomorrow. Please continue to subscribe and support writing passion. In addition, some brothers said that I am short. With all due respect, I have 107170690 words a day. Although it is not a lot in the book city, it is definitely a lot. , If you want to join the group, please add: [-]

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