The best boy on campus

Chapter 186 Turning the crisis into "safety"!

In the hospital, Liu Zhenjiang, Yang Lin, Hong Shanshan, He Xiaobin and others were still waiting anxiously outside the emergency room, their minds were in a mess.

And the red light in the emergency room is still bright as always

Suddenly, I don't know who shouted: "The operation is complete!"

In an instant, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all turned their heads to look, and sure enough, the bright red sign on the emergency room darkened.

Yang Lin Laomao and his group of brothers were overjoyed immediately, and immediately ran a few steps to the door of the emergency room, waiting for the doctor to come out and asking about the final result

At this moment, one of their hearts has jumped to the throat

For the first time in their lives, they were so nervous

Liu Zhenjiang, Liu Zhenhai, Xiaoying and others also rushed over immediately

A group of people are looking forward to it, as if waiting for the final judgment of fate

In the emergency room, there was a sound of clearing up equipment, and then the closed door finally opened again. The first people who rushed out were two male doctors. When they saw so many people around, they immediately shouted. Said: "Please let me go first, please?" While talking about the two people, they kept waving their hands, making gestures to disperse people

Although Yang Lin and the others were anxious, they had no choice but to dodge to the side. Only then did they see two male doctors holding a stretcher bed behind each hand. As the two ran, the stretcher bed finally He was slowly dragged out, and the person lying on the bed was the unconscious Liu Boyang

At this moment, Liu Boyang's face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood, and his face, which was not very handsome but never lacking in spirit, was also without the slightest bit of anger at this moment, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was dreaming what kind of nightmare dream

His body was covered with a white sheet, and the bandages wrapped around his shoulders were faintly exposed, making him look extremely haggard

"Brother Yang"


The old cat Liu Xiaoying and others, seeing Liu Boyang's appearance, how can they not feel sorry for each of them, and their hearts are about to be broken. While shouting with red eyes, they hurriedly chased after the stretcher bed.

Yang Lin also wanted to chase after him, but in the end he stayed. He wanted to hear the final result from the doctor.

Not long after, in the emergency room, Dr. Shang Mingyu came out with several assistants and the head nurse. They were already sweating profusely and exhausted. The operation just now was worse than a cruel war. To destroy people's hearts, they are racing against the god of death

When Shang Mingyu took off the plastic gloves and walked to the door, he suddenly saw so many people guarding outside, but finally a smile appeared on his tired face

Seeing his expression, Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai immediately seemed to have taken a reassurance, and felt a little comforted in their hearts. Liu Zhenjiang couldn't help but walked up and asked, "Doctor, how is my nephew?"

Shang Mingyu also felt that the person in front of him looked very familiar, and asked in surprise, "Are you Mayor Liu?"

"Well, it's me and you are Dr. Shang. It's really hard for you. How is my nephew? Don't worry about it, just say it straight," Liu Zhenjiang said

"The patient's operation is considered a success. We have tried our best, but whether he can survive or not depends on his own good fortune and will to survive." Shang Mingyu said with a wry smile

"What does this mean?" Liu Zhenhai asked with a frown

"With all due respect, from the moment the patient was sent to the hospital, he was close to death. He lost a lot of blood all over his body, and many internal organs also suffered from bleeding to varying degrees. Even the brain suffered from intermittent hypoxia. Ordinary people, it’s been bad for a long time, but I don’t know why he has persisted until now. Until we just finished the operation, the signs of his life have not disappeared. Although it is very weak, it is trending towards getting better. progress"

"The patient's perseverance and belief are really admirable. He can survive in that situation. I, Shang Mingyu, have never seen him in my life. He has created a medical miracle."

Hearing what Shang Mingyu said in person, Liu Zhenjiang, Liu Zhenhai, Yang Lin and the others were overjoyed. It really is that God has the virtue of good life, and it is true that auspicious people have their own gods. Their hearts, which had been tense all night, finally came back Relieved, one by one took a deep breath, and there was a feeling of collapse

"Then doctor, how can Brother Yang be completely out of danger?" Yang Lin asked

"I have already sent someone to transfer him to the intensive care unit. If the patient can wake up within 24 hours, he can continue to survive. Of course, if his heart rate becomes unbalanced during this period and his condition deteriorates again..." Shang Mingyu didn't go on, but anyone can guess that if things get worse again, then Liu Boyang will really be hopeless.

Yang Lin didn't listen any more when he heard this. Since he already knew the general situation, there was no need to waste it here. He immediately turned around and ran towards Liu Boyang's intensive care unit.

Only Liu Zhenjiang and others were left behind to learn more about the situation from Shang Mingyu, and to say some necessary words of thanks. These are no longer what Yang Lin needs to hold hands with.

Intensive care ward entrance

"The patient needs to rest. You can look at him here, but you must go out early after finishing. The most important thing is not to make loud noises, you know?" The male doctor told the old cat Cui Guodong and others while putting Liu Boyang in place.

For the first time, the old cat Cui Guodong and the others nodded without temper, and then continued to stare blankly at Liu Boyang's hospital bed

The two doctors sighed, looked at each other, and finally walked out helplessly. The old cat walked to Liu Boyang's bed with red eyes like a fool, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, can you hear me?" Shall I speak?"

He clearly knows that Liu Boyang can't hear the sound of the outside world at this moment, but he still wants to talk to him. How much he hopes that Liu Boyang can hear his own voice as usual, and then jump up and joke with himself. How could the majestic Liu Boyang, who was on the lips, become weak like this? The more the old cat looked at it, the more worried he became.

Except for him, the others, including Xiaoying, gathered quietly around Liu Boyang's bed without saying anything, but their eyes were also red. Surprised Liu Boyang, they all silently prayed for him in their hearts

At this time Yang Lin ran in from the door, glanced at Liu Boyang's unconscious state, and was about to say something when He Xiaobin walked up to him and asked in a low voice, "Second Brother, what did the doctor say? When will Brother Yang leave?" Danger?

"Within 24 hours, if Brother Yang can wake up safely, he will be fine," Yang Lin said truthfully.

He Xiaobin took a deep breath when he heard the words, as expected, it's too early to breathe a sigh of relief, everything will have to wait 24 hours later

As soon as the two of them finished talking, Hong Shanan came in from the outside after answering the phone, walked up to the two of them and whispered: "My bodyguards have arrived with two girls. If you want to know the exact identity of Zheng Fanchen?" I'll go ask him later."

After hearing this, Yang Lin and He Xiaobin looked at each other and nodded. They both saw the murderous intent and flames in each other's eyes.

Since Brother Yang still has 24 hours to wake up, it is useless for the brothers to wait here, so you might as well use this time to do something meaningful, for example - find someone to settle the ledger

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