The best boy on campus

Chapter 187 Check! !

"Brother Wu Tian, ​​that damned bastard, what is his name Zheng Fanchen, did you really let him run away?" Outside the intensive care unit, Yang Lin, He Xiaobin, Lao Mao and a group of brothers stood around the corridor, looking at Wu Tian and asked

Although the expression on Wu Tian's face was still as indifferent as ever, he still felt a little guilty after hearing this, and said blushingly: "Yes, it's all my fault for being careless. I didn't see clearly when it was dark, and I couldn't get rid of the roots. I'm sorry, little brothers."

Red Coral next to him glanced at him, feeling a little sad, but didn't say much

"Oh, brother Wu Tian, ​​what are you talking about? It would be best for us if you didn't kill that bastard on the spot. If the bastard finds someone to chop up Brother Yang so badly, if our brothers don't even see his face , let you die, where are we going to reason? Brother Wu Tian helped our brother so much this time, I am really grateful, on behalf of the brothers, I thank you for the rest, just leave it to us." Yang Lin Nianya smiled

Wu Tian originally thought that after Yang Lin and the others listened to his words, they would inevitably blame him, but who would have thought that this group of brothers didn't even have the slightest intention to blame after hearing what he said.

This made Wu Tianjia feel very sorry. After thinking for a while, he continued to add: "Thank you a lot, brother. In addition, let me tell you that this time, in addition to finding out that the black hand behind the scenes is Zheng Fanchen, I also found out who is behind the scenes. A guy named Hua Snake was also involved in this matter. If you guys want to find out where Zheng Fanchen escaped to, you might as well start with this Hua Snake."

this is explosive information

"Flower snake?" Yang Lin asked in shock

"Yeah, most of the incident this time is related to that guy. I want to ask my brother if he knows this guy. Part of the reason why Liu Boyang was attacked this time was that Hua Snake was the one who contacted him. Zheng Fanchen," said Wu Tian

With a sound of "shua", Yang Lin turned his head and stared at Cui Guodong and the old cat coldly, his eyes pierced the bone marrow, making people feel chilling

Lao Mao and Cui Guodong were also shocked

Flower snake?Isn't that offal dead?I chopped off one of his arms with my own hands, and threw him into the river. Could it be that the **** would still survive in that situation?

"I want to know, how did the two of you do it?" Yang Lin looked at the two in a cold voice, "How did the two of you make a promise with me earlier? Didn't you say that everything was done? Is this called getting it done?" ? You two have only been in W city for two years, are you so fucking soft that you can't even kill people?"

Lao Mao and Cui Guodong didn't dare to say a word after being taught by Yang Lin. They couldn't help but blushed and lowered their heads in annoyance. In fact, there was no need for Yang Lin to say it. They had 1 regrets in their hearts.

It's really fucking forced to live for thousands of years! That bastard was treated so badly at the time, and he still survived?

"Second brother, who is Hua Snake?" Gao Zhenfei heard this name for the first time, and seeing Yang Lin's face at this moment, it seemed that besides himself and Huzi, Yang Lin, Guodong, and Lao Mao all knew what was going on. ?Why haven't I heard of it myself?

It was only then that Yang Lin remembered that he hadn't had time to tell Da Fei and Hu Zi about the birth of the flower-splitting snake at noon, so he had no choice but to keep everything simple, starting from Song Qianxia's arrest at noon, and roughly told these two people the ins and outs of the whole thing again

Gao Zhenfei was also furious when he heard that, there are still such bold people in the world, and they all provoke Brother Yang

The next moment, he also looked at Cui Guodong and Lao Mao with cold eyes. Although these two people did not intend to let the flower snake go, but if their methods were more aggressive and clean, Brother Yang's catastrophe this time Wouldn't it happen?

Gao Zhenfei's gaze once again burned the cheeks of Lao Mao and Cui Guodong, feeling ashamed

Fuck his uncle, were the two of us stupid at the time?I didn't see the flower snake dying with my own eyes, so let's go

The old cat here is full of remorse. At that time, he dragged Cui Guodong away. Cui Guodong originally wanted to confirm whether Hua Snake was dead or not.

"Second brother, fourth brother, don't talk about it, my old cat knows it's wrong, I'm sorry Brother Yang, I'm fucking going to find the flower snake and cut the grass and root it out. If I can't chop him up, I won't come back" said The old cat turned away with red eyes

"And I'll go too this time, I'm going to skin that beast with my own hands." Cui Guodong finished gritting his teeth, turned his head and prepared to leave, and just shouted: "Brother Cat, wait for me..."

"Stop for me." Suddenly, Yang Lin's cold drink of cutting ice and snow came into the ears of the two, "You two are going to make a fool of yourself, and you will lose everything. Get out of here and reflect on what I did this time." I go out on my own, I don’t need you.”

"Second brother, give us a chance to make up for our mistakes..." Cui Guodong frowned, looked at Yang Lin's face, and said timidly

"I really didn't expect the opportunity of bullshit. In the end, it was the two of you who planted the culprit. You made Brother Yang like this. Do you have the face to go?" Yang Lin scolded.

The old cat and Cui Guodong had to lower their heads again and remained silent.

Come out to mix, if you make a mistake, you have to admit that you are beaten and stand firm

Although every sentence of Yang Lin's words was sharp and ugly, but none of them were true. If it wasn't for the negligence of the two of them, how could it have caused Brother Yang to become what he is now?

These two people can't tell what they're suffering now, so they can only let Yang Lin scold them pitifully and shamelessly.

"That's right, I'm not talking about you guys. When are you still careless? Do you two know where the flower snake is now? It's running around like a headless chicken. You think you can find him by looking around with a knife Is it? Use your brain to think about things, okay?" He Xiaobin also walked up and shouted

Recently, He Xiaobin spends little time with these brothers. He doesn't know anything about the flower snake, and he just heard Yang Lin talk about it, but his brain is much faster than Cui Guodong's old cat. wide awake

What problem can impulse solve?Could it be that if you look for someone everywhere with anger, can the flower snake come to your door by itself for you to chop?

Cui Guodong and Lao Mao were choked again and had nothing to say. They blamed themselves once again. When will they be able to correct their recklessness?

Wu Tian next to him couldn't stand it any longer, and walked up to Yang Lin and said, "Actually, we can't blame them all for what happened this time. Flower snakes only accounted for a small part of the reason. That guy named Zheng Fanchen There is also his own purpose in it, so you don’t have to criticize the two of them too much.”

"Other purpose? What purpose?" Yang Lin asked Wu Tian with a frown

"I don't know about this, I need you to investigate it, I just know it's going on now," Wu Tian explained

"It doesn't matter, anyway, everyone related to this matter will die." Yang Lin said bitterly, "Third brother, let your younger brothers not have to ask who killed Brother Yang, except for this central hospital. , all the hospitals and clinics in W city sent people to find out where Huashe is." Yang Lin didn't need Wu Tianduo to say, he also knew which hospital Huashe must be living in now, that guy was almost drowned , and lost an arm, it's hell not lying in the hospital at the moment

"No problem." He Xiaobin didn't hesitate, walked a few steps to the side, dialed the phone, and said coldly: "Hey, I'm the one who passed on my words, and I asked all the brothers in the hall to dispatch to me, and all the people in W City, big and small, were dispatched. Check all the hospitals and clinics for me, and you must find a person nicknamed Hua Snake. If you find out, you will be rewarded.

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