The best boy on campus

Chapter 188 It's time to kill without blinking an eye, it's time to kill without ambiguity

After He Xiaobin hung up the phone, a group of people walked back to the ward. At this time, Ning Yeqi and Song Qianxia were lying beside Liu Boyang's bed, their eyes were swollen from crying. Sun Xiaorou gently held Liu Boyang's hand and stuck it on his own. Tears flowed unstoppably on his face, wetting the back of Liu Boyang's hands

But she didn't dare to cry. The doctor said that Liu Boyang needed to be quiet, and she couldn't let herself disturb him no matter what, but seeing Liu Boyang, who was still alive and kicking in front of her during the day, was so weak now, how could she not distressed

On the other side, Song Qianxia sat there blankly, wringing her two little hands weakly, biting her lips tightly, trying not to let herself choke up. Apart from the endless grief in her heart, she was extremely self-blame: If she hadn't been too I am not sensible, he ran around before school was over, and walked out of the school gate clumsily, so he would not attract Hua Snake's attention out of thin air, would not be kidnapped by him, and finally made Yang brother rush to save himself, and then So a series of things happened...

Sitting on the side, Xiaoying kept crying with red eyes. Similarly, there were Liu Xiaoman, Liu Shasha...

Only Zhao Jiayi sat on the side blankly, looking at the sleeping Liu Boyang in a daze. She didn't want to cry, but she didn't dare to cry, and she didn't have the status to cry, and she didn't have the status to cry...

Now this room is too depressing, it is simply not suitable for men to enter, there are girls crying everywhere, which makes people upset when they hear it

Although Yang Lin and the others came in, they couldn't say anything, they could only stand aside frowning. These girls are all close relatives of Liu Boyang, and they are not so confused as brothers that they dare to criticize them.

Outside the door, Kang Liang, Le Guang and Qi Hai looked inside, and finally decided to leave quietly

Now that the mayor Liu Zhenjiang has personally come forward to this matter, small people like them can't get involved anyway. If this is the case, staying here will only increase the jokes. I believe Team Qian will soon There will be a set of solutions, so they no longer hesitate, and leave quietly without saying hello to anyone

Liu Zhenjiang, Liu Zhenhai and their two wives have not come up yet, and they are probably secretly discussing the aftermath of Liu Boyang's incident

Yang Lin and the others are also smart people, so don't disturb them. Anyway, with them around, you don't need your group to deal with those difficult things. The most important thing for your group of brothers is to find Hua Snake first and replace them. Brother Yang solved the first enemy

Just when Yang Lin and the others were getting irritated by a group of women in the room, suddenly He Xiaobin's phone rang, and it was a call from one of his younger brothers. information

I have to admit that Bawangtang's current strength is huge, with many eyes and ears under its umbrella, and the vast city of W has more than a million people, but in such a short period of time, it is possible to find out the trace of a person

Of course, it could also be a coincidence. That guy Huashe was a little too careless. We know that people who are out in the society, if they are injured, in most cases, they dare not go to a regular hospital. In case someone finds out It's all over if you lose your old self, so they usually choose some private clinics to treat injuries

At this moment, Hua Snake is like this. Although his arm was broken and he almost died of bleeding, he still did not go to some big hospitals for emergency treatment. Instead, he asked Li Dongyang and others to send him to a famous private clinic on Huanan Street. The half-year-old female doctor is very famous. Not only is she highly skilled, she is also very coquettish. She is half a doctor and half a salesman.

It is also because of this that the younger brothers of Bawangtang locked the first stop of the search there, and they did not expect that this investigation actually found it.

Probably Hua She herself expected that Liu Boyang would die, and no one would find out about him, so she chose such a "reputable" place

Now that you've heard the news, it's easy to handle

Huanan Street is not far from here, and it takes only 10 minutes to get there by car. Yang Lin and the others immediately turned around and left without saying anything to the girls inside.

Men's affairs should be handled by men. When women should not intervene, some things should be kept secret

Huzi was the first to go down and drive. He Xiaobin wanted to drive his own Mercedes-Benz, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was too eye-catching, and it would not be good not to go all the way with his brothers, so he went there with his brothers in the end. car bread

This is the first time in the history of the Kowloon Club, other than Liu Boyang, the six brothers in City W gathered together to take action. A group of people easily regained the feeling of killing people in County H back then.

They always pay attention to vigorous and resolute actions, they should kill without blinking an eye, and they should be slaughtered unambiguously. No one talks nonsense and the tiger drives the car, and the others rush in. Although the car is a little crowded, no one cares. Those who go to kill people, not to enjoy themselves

Huzi has always been a fast driver, and he still has some scruples in the hospital, so he drives more prudently, but when he leaves the hospital, he drives desperately

The van jumps like an arrow in the wind, as fast as electricity, and is extremely powerful. Every second it advances means that someone's life is shortened by one second.

At this time, in the private clinic on South China Street, Hua She was also worried: Li Dongyang should have come back to report the situation by now, so why hasn't that bastard come back yet?

Nothing will happen to him?

No, it shouldn't be possible

What happened this time was Zheng Fanchen himself, how could there be an accident?That kid Li Dongyang must be "playful". After the group finished their work, they were taken out by Zheng Fanchen to "hey"

Well, it should be like this

Hua She kept using these words to hypnotize herself, trying to force herself to calm down. To be honest, he just faced death at noon today, and he still has lingering fears when he recalls it. He was really scared. Every bit of it was unusual. all feel jittery

"Brother Snake, what's wrong with you? Sister Yan'er is working so hard, why do you always look absent-minded?" Next to Hua Snake, a sweet voice came over

This is a woman who is flirting to the bone like a vixen. At this moment, she is wearing a slender suspender top, showing thin shoulder blades. With the dim light in the room, she looks very tempting. The two pairs of plump breasts seem to be supporting her The torn blouse broke free, it was big and bulging, and the two buds at the front stood proudly, making people covet her. She put on a pair of blue hot pants that only covered the thighs, revealing two snow-white and delicate thighs. On the jade feet are a pair of blue flip-flops, which complement the hot pants on the lower body. The facial features are not perfect, but they are also top-notch, but the make-up is too thick

The room where Hua She is lying now is the most hidden room in the entire clinic, and it is adjacent to the medicine store. For a person like him who is extremely slippery, no matter when and where he is, he will put his safety first. One, wherever he goes, he chooses to hide and stick himself in a place that is not easy to be noticed by others

Not to mention that it is night, even in the daytime, there is very little light coming into this room. At this moment, there is only a [-]-watt dim light bulb burning in the room, illuminating the whole room with shadows and shadows. The feeling of an old house from the [-]s

Don't look at Hua Snake who can't move by himself, the broken arm is still wrapped in a thick bandage like a mummy, but he has always been a typical pervert, as long as he is still alive, he must never stop playing with women

At this moment, besides this woman named Hu Jiao helping him peel and eat fruits, there is also a seductive woman named Yanzi who is doing the work with her lower body, doing the work for him with her small mouth, but No matter how hard Yan Zi tried, Hua Snake just refused to shoot, and her small mouth was almost numb from sucking. Who made Hua Snake really absent-minded just now?

These two women are the famous pheasants that Li Dongyang found for him in South China Street before he left. Now Yan Zi raised her head after hearing Hu Jiao's words and said, "That's right, Brother Snake, I'm so tired. , your tongue is swollen, you've persisted for too long haha, it's really not good, how about letting the little girl use the 'little mouth' below to solve it for you?" The swallow blinked his eyes in a seductive way while talking

Hua Snake looked at her with an evil smile, lifted her foot, pressed her toes on her plump breasts, and teasingly said, "Lost, are you wet?"

"Oh, Brother Snake, you are so annoying. Why do you say that about him? He is thinking of you. You have endured it for so long and still refuse to vent your anger. Isn't it just to take advantage of him? Hehe, I just give it to you." Yanzi covered her mouth with a duplicity and smiled coquettishly, obviously she was also in love with her, but she didn't want to admit it

While talking, she stood up, took off her high sandals, and took off her milky white bikini-style panties, then stepped on the bed with her bare feet, lifted her short skirt, and faced the flower snake. I sat down with my lower body, wanting to play Guanyin sitting on the lotus

"Hey, Brother Snake is blessed. Sister Yanzi's job is great. You can enjoy it," Hu Jiao said with a smile while handing a freshly peeled banana to Hua Snake's mouth.

Hua She didn't speak, just smiled obscenely, and was about to enjoy it comfortably, when he heard a "crack" outside the clinic, and suddenly there was a sound of brakes

Hua She shivered violently, sat up from the bed, frowned and said coldly: "Someone is here, Hu Jiao, hurry up and see who it is."

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