The best boy on campus

Chapter 189 What a spicy way, what a cruel heart! !

Hu Jiao saw that Hua She's face suddenly became so panicked, she was also very nervous at the moment, she nodded "Oh" in a hurry, then turned her head and ran towards the outside, who knew that she ran too fast and lost her by accident He took off a slipper, jumped back on one foot in fright, put it on, and continued to run outside

Hua Snake frowned at the sight, as expected, women are just playing around, but when it comes to the critical moment, they will hold back

And the swallow who originally wanted to sit on Hua Snake was also frightened, jumped off Hua Snake's bed at once, dressed in panic while asking with disheveled hair: "Brother Snake, who is it?"

Hua She gave her a cold look, and said: "It's none of your business, you're so nervous." Suddenly regretted in her heart, she really should have kept two more younger brothers by her side. unreliable

At this time, outside the infirmary door, just after the van stopped, people No. 1.9 and [-] opened the door and rushed down, each with a machete in their hand. It was hidden under the seat for the purpose of taking it out at such a critical moment. I saw a burly man with a height of [-] meters zero rushing to the front, with a group of equally murderous people behind him, striding forward. came in

In the consultation room, a man and a woman were hiding behind the table and doing something tricky. The man just put his hand into the woman's professional skirt to touch her thigh, when he suddenly found someone rushing in, he immediately pulled his hand away in fright. Staring in astonishment at the people outside the door

This man is just the owner of a barber shop on Huanan Street, and the woman who is half-year-old but still charming is the owner of this clinic——Huang Fengying

"You are..." Huang Fengying was also terrified. This is the first time she has dealt with such a situation. Although many gangsters came to him to "play" in the past, she did not seldom brag about those vicious murders and arson on her bed. , but she mostly just laughed it off, and just listened to it as a joke, but she didn't expect that she would actually meet such a day

With a "bang", the old cat's machete did not hesitate, and directly slashed into the table in front of Huang Fengying.

Huang Fengying screamed "Ah" in fright, put her head in her hands and twisted her body against the wall, and asked frantically, "What happened to you guys? How did I offend you..."

"Fuck you, call me uncle," the old cat roared, grinding its teeth

"Uncle, uncle..." How dare Huang Fengying refuse to obey, and hastily changed her words

"I ask you, is the **** flower snake with you?" the old cat asked

"Flower Snake?" Huang Fengying was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately realized that she settled down a bit, it's ok, ok, the other party didn't come after her

The old cat didn't intend to talk nonsense to her, so he strode up and grabbed her by the hair, and shouted: "If you ask me something, just be honest and dare to say a little more, don't blame me for being blind"

Huang Fengying yelled at being pulled by him, her disheveled hair begged for mercy in a hurry: "I said I said he was here, and he was infusion in the back ward..."

Before she finished speaking, the old cat grabbed her head with a "bang" and slammed it hard against the wall, turning Huang Fengying's eyes white all at once, and before she could even cry out in pain, her body went limp. He fell down and sat motionless on the ground.

The legs are spread apart, and all the white underpants are exposed.

The old cat spat bitterly at her on the ground. This woman has the guts to hurt Hua She. Isn't she sincerely doing right to her brothers?It's cheap for her

After learning about the hiding place of Hua Snake from Huang Fengying, Yang Lin Laomao and others immediately rushed towards the ward inside

At this time, Hu Jiao rushed out and saw this scene, she couldn't cover her mouth in time, and instinctively let out a scream, before she had time to dodge, Hu Zi had already rushed up and slapped her hard on the ground, only to hear "" With a bang, blood was seen on the corner of Hu Jiao's mouth, she rolled to the side, hit the table leg and passed out

Don't blame me for not knowing how to pity and cherish jade, no matter who it is, anyone who has something to do with flower snakes will end up like this

After a group of people rushed in, the man in the barber shop who tried to wipe Huang Fengying's oil just now was so scared that his pants were wet by the violent scene in front of him. Fortunately, Yang Lin and others didn't even bother to look at such a useless man like him The last time I glanced at him, I didn't clean him up, he was so frightened as if he had killed a dog, he ran out in a panic

In the dark and cramped corridor behind the consultation room, only a "boom" was heard, and Cui Guodong kicked open the door of a ward next to him, and found that it was empty, isn't it this one?then next

There was another bang, and this time it was Yang Lin who kicked open the door of a ward. There was a middle-aged woman inside who was suffering from a high fever and was lying on the bed moaning and unable to move. Being kicked away, she suddenly sat up, and the sit-ups she did were standard. She pulled out the needle on her wrist and looked at Yang Lin and the others in horror.

Yang Lin glanced at her lightly, didn't pay attention to it, and went on to the next room

Seeing that Yang Lin and the others had left, the woman remembered that she was still running a high fever, so she rolled her eyes and continued to lie back on the bed, moaning...

Although the scale of this private clinic opened by Huang Fengying is not too big, it is not too small. There are nine separate wards in this corridor. I couldn't find it, and finally there was only the one opposite Gao Zhenfei didn't hesitate, he rushed forward and kicked the whole wooden door down, just as he rushed in, suddenly a blood stream rushed up his face The woman with disheveled hair rushed towards him with her hands outstretched

Gao Zhenfei was shocked, this house is still haunted?But my group of brothers originally crawled out of the dead, how could they be frightened by this?

At the moment when the calcium carbide sparked, Gao Zhenfei instantly jumped up and swept across his legs, kicking the rushing woman aside with a "slap", and immediately the whole wall was splattered with shocking blood.

The old cat Cui Guodong and the others behind were also a little surprised. Where did this woman come from?How can it be so scary?

Taking a closer look, I saw that the woman fell crookedly along the wall after hitting the wall, and finally sat on the ground with her whole body, with her neck tilted and her eyes staring, staring straight at Yang Lin and the others. people

Those wide-eyed eyes were full of fear and unwillingness.

This woman is exactly the swallow who wanted to please Hua Snake a few minutes ago, but at this moment, she is no longer human, and ghosts are not as scary as her

I don't know how many times I have been stabbed all over my body, my clothes are ragged, my chest, arms, arms, face, legs, all have vicious stab wounds

A scarlet knife mark on the neck is the most shocking. This is the fatal wound. At this moment, blood is bubbling out from inside...

It turned out that at the unstoppable moment just now, Hua She jumped off the bed at the first time, ignoring the severe pain of the wound on her left arm, grabbed a sharp knife with her right hand and rushed up to cut off the neck of the swallow who was caught off guard. Yanzi couldn't make a sound before she had time to resist. After being thrown, she desperately grabbed Hua She's clothes and tore them desperately, but she couldn't do anything...

Before she died, Hua Snake bled her alive, slashed left and right on her body with a knife, and made countless shocking knife wounds, until the blood dyed her into a bloody person

When Gao Zhenfei kicked the door open, Hua She violently pulled up Yanzi, who was still breathing her last breath, and pushed her straight towards Gao Zhenfei, trying to take advantage of Yanzi's horror, which is comparable to a female ghost, to temporarily scare her. Stay with Gao Zhenfei and the others to buy time for your escape

Unexpectedly, this trick didn't work very well. Gao Zhenfei was only bluffed for a few seconds, and then kicked Yanzi away. At that time, Hua She just opened the window opposite the ward and jumped out. Did not escape Gao Zhenfei's eyeliner

Gao Zhenfei immediately understood that the scene just now was deliberately done by the guy outside the window who was trying to escape, what a damn hot way, and a cruel heart

Without any hesitation at the moment, the one who strode forward chased after him, and shouted: "Where are the bastards running away? I must have fucked you alive today!"

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