The best boy on campus

Chapter 1800 The Mountain Protector!

Mount Fuji is the highest peak in country j, straddling the dormant volcanoes of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures, with an altitude of ... meters, close to the Pacific coast, about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo, it is not only the highest peak in country j, but also the world One of the largest active volcanoes in the world.Mount Fuji soars into the clouds, and its snow-capped peak looks like a fan hanging upside down, so it is also called "jade fan".

Surrounding the jagged crater edge are the "Fuji Eight Peaks", namely Jianfeng, Baishan, Jiuxuzhi, Dairi, Izu, Achievement, Koma and Sanyue.

However, including many people in country j, they only know that Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano with beautiful scenery and rich species, but few people know that on the top of the snow cliff on Izu Mountain, the "Fuji Eight Peaks", from ancient times to Today, there is a hidden mountain temple, in which there have been two mountain guards since the Warring States Period (Autumn and Warring States are two different things). Up to now, it has been handed down for five generations. The two mountain guards of the fifth generation The Venerable is an old man named You Gong and an old woman named Ma Zuo.

Don't underestimate Yougong and Ma Zuo. These two old people are the inheritors of Yuedu and Tianzhao, the two great gods of J country. They are both over a hundred years old. In addition to protecting the sacred mountain of Fuji, they also protect People of the world, I wish the prosperity and prosperity of the entire Yamato nation.

The family elders of Fenglin Huoshan and the Five Elements League are some of the few people in China who know the existence of the two bodyguards. When they were beaten away by Liu Boyang from the private manor at No. 64 Xiting Street, they fled all the way to Izu Mountain to complain Hei Jing explained Liu Boyang's numerous crimes, and finally knelt on the ground together and begged the two mountain protectors to make decisions for them.

You Gong and Ma Zuo, the elderly couple, have always been indifferent to worldly affairs, but they couldn't stand so many people kneeling on the ground begging, and looking at them in distress, with snot and tears, it is indeed pitiful, and what Liu Boyang did What he did was really excessive, he bullied him to the door of his house, he clearly despised the lack of superiors in Country J, so these two mountain protectors agreed to the request of the elders of Fenglin Huoshan and the Five Elements League for the first time, as long as they could bring Liu Boyang to Mount Fuji Come, and they will stand up for justice.

Therefore, the elders of the "Fengxuan" and "Lindi" families adopted the method of kidnapping Ma Ling to hold Liu Boyang hostage, forcing him to rush to Mount Fuji before dark.

Firstly, Liu Boyang was eager to save people, and on the other hand, he really didn't expect that there would be such a recluse and expert in country J. After his soul came out of his body, he rushed to Mount Fuji in a hurry. Although he didn't know the exact location of Mount Fuji, he flew After being in the air, I saw a series of towering mountains in the southwest direction at a glance, so I flew all the way here. The tallest of the mountains must be Mount Fuji.

Since this is the hot summer season, there are not many people visiting the top of Mt. Fuji. Only in winter when the snow is deep and the ski field is good, people will come up to ski.Liu Boyang lightly landed on a certain mountaintop, feeling a little annoyed in his heart, because Mount Fuji is so big, there are eight different peaks just around the crater, who knows: "Fenglin Volcano" and those old men from the Five Elements League Where did things take Ma Ling!

In desperation, Liu Boyang could only continue to search around the crater. Suddenly, he caught two extremely powerful auras coming from one of the eight peaks below, and that mountain suddenly seemed like a huge magnet. , invisibly emitting a vast and majestic traction force, sucking Liu Boyang's whole body to that side.

Surprised, Liu Boyang forcibly stabilized his body from the pulling force, but the pulling force was stronger than he imagined, and he still slowly sucked Liu Boyang closer to the mountain.

That mountain is naturally the Izu Mountain where You Gong and Ma Zuo are located. Since the mountain temple is built on it, and the three great gods of country J are enshrined inside, it emits a powerful aura invisibly, which is also the soul. The reason why Liu Boyang in this state is naturally restrained and suppressed by him.

While Liu Boyang was struggling, he vaguely saw the images of three shining golden gods slowly appearing in the sky of Mount Izu.

Liu Boyang didn't know the gods of country j, so he naturally didn't know that these three were the famous Gods of Moon Reading, Amaterasu and Suge Mingzun in country j. occupies a pivotal position in Taoism.

Liu Boyang is in the state of a soul at this time, and the soul is a kind of evil itself, just like demons and ghosts, so he inadvertently angered the three ancient gods, so that he was illuminated by the radiance and suffered unspeakably.

While Liu Boyang was struggling, two old men, You Gong and Ma Zuo, who were located in the Izu Mountain Temple, suddenly opened their eyes, facing a group of Fenglin Volcano and Wuxingmeng who were walking back and forth in the temple with uneasy expressions. The elders said: "Someone is coming!"

The elders were shocked, turned their heads to look at Ma Ling who was tied to the foot of the altar and sealed his mouth, and asked: "You two lords, who is here? Is it the kid we are looking for?"

Venerable Ma Zuo frowned slightly and said: "It doesn't seem to be the case. It's not a human being, but an evil spirit. Let me see his true face!"

There was a golden basin on the altar table, which was only half filled with water. No one knew what it was for, but after Venerable Ma Zuo got up, he swept his hand over the entrance door, and the scene in the sky was reflected in it , I saw the illusory Liu Boyang trying his best to fight under the light of the three great gods, his expression extremely strenuous.

The elders of the four major families of Fenglin Huo and the Five Elements League also came to take a look curiously. Immediately, an elder of the "Tu Nin" family pointed to the image in the basin and said to Venerable Ma Zuo: "Venerable Ma Zuo, This is the person we are looking for! This kid is from country Z. He not only killed our family elders and descendants, but also killed countless ordinary people. He bullied us people from country J! You and Mr. You Your lord must make the decision for us!!"

Venerable Ma Zuo looked very confused, glanced at Venerable You Gong who was also confused, and asked: "If things are really as you said, then this kid should be a human being, but how could he appear in the body of a soul?"

There is no such thing as "soul out of body" in country j. Both "soul out of body" and "primordial spirit out of body" are the first creations of Taoism in Z, so Venerable You Gong and Venerable Ma Zuo have lived for more than 100 years. I have never seen such a situation before, so I will inevitably have this question.

The elders of the "Fengxuan Family" quickly stood up and said, "My lords, this kid is not a human! He can also use magic tricks! If not, so many of us wouldn't be able to do anything about him. Today this kid Send it to the door yourself, you two must not spare him lightly!"

Venerable Ma Zuo nodded and said, "If it's really a demon, it would be easier, and I'll meet him when I go out!"

After finishing speaking, Venerable Ma Zuo left the mountain temple for a moment, and appeared in front of Liu Boyang in the air, with an indifferent expression on his face and tightly closed lips, but an old voice frightened Liu Boyang's ears: "The evil spirit of country Z , You are so brave, dare to come to our country to act wildly and bully no one in our country?!"

Liu Boyang was in the midst of being imprisoned by the divine power, when he suddenly heard someone talking, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be an old woman in plain clothes and trousers. He was startled at first, and then said coldly: "You are the evil spirit! I came here to rescue Man, where did you come from?!"

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