The best boy on campus

Chapter 1801 Monthly reading space! (1st more

Venerable Ma Zuo sneered: "I am the venerable guardian of the mountain on the top of the snow cliff of Mount Izu! How dare you appear in the sky above the mountain temple in the form of a soul, it is a blasphemy against the great God of Yuedu! I just ask you one question, Feng Lin Did you kill the four major families of Huoshan and the elders of the Five Elements Alliance?!"

Liu Boyang said disdainfully: "That's what they asked for! If they didn't go to country Z to play wild, and didn't have bad intentions, I wouldn't be bothered to kill them!"

Venerable Ma Zuo narrowed his eyes and said with a sarcasm: "It's good if you are willing to admit it! Then today I will avenge and avenge the dead elders!"

As he spoke, Venerable Ma Zuo pinched his fingers and recited the incantation. Liu Boyang was imprisoned in mid-air and could not move. There were crows screaming around him for no reason. Eight black swords suddenly appeared around Liu Boyang in eight directions, spinning rapidly. Attacking towards Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang shouted instinctively, but before he could yell out, the eight black swords had all been inserted into his body, Liu Boyang's eyes went dark, and he lost all consciousness in an instant!

I don't know how long it took, when Liu Boyang opened his eyes again, he found himself in a dark space, surrounded by myopia and pitch-black, with his hands raised to the sides, and behind him was tied a huge cross.Liu Boyang was very shocked. He couldn't figure out why he came to this place in a single thought. He tried to move his arms, but it didn't help at all. Both arms were tied tightly, and his whole body was pushed on the cross. .

There was the sound of rushing water in his ears, Liu Boyang looked down, and saw that his chest was submerged in the water, the surface of the water was sparkling, and he didn't know where the light was reflected, it looked like a pool , but more like an underground river, the bank and source cannot be seen.

"What is this place?" Liu Boyang asked subconsciously.The sound echoed throughout the dark space, echoing rumbling.

"This is the monthly reading space I summoned just for you. You are going to die here." Following the old man's voice, I saw the old woman in plain clothes and trousers walking slowly from the dark front with a bucket in her hand. Zhong walked over with no expression on his face, but his voice was eerie and strange.

"Yuedu Space?" Liu Boyang asked in confusion.

"That's right! As the protector of the mountain and the inheritor of the Great God of Yueyue, I can directly communicate with the Great God of Yueyue with my thoughts, and borrow his space magic. In the space of Yueyue, all time, space, and matter are Those under my control, including you! I want you to die, which is easier than starving an ant to death!" Venerable Ma Zuo came to a position five meters in front of Liu Boyang, and said lightly.She was able to stand on the water, and the slow-flowing water didn't even soak the soles of her shoes.

"Old woman! I have no grievances with you, and I came here to save people. Why did you kill me? Are you in the same group as Feng Linhuo and the Five Elements League?" Liu Boyang struggled again A few times, and then asked in a hateful voice.

Venerable Ma Zuo slowly squatted down, opened the lid of the bucket in his hand, and said lightly: "Whether it is Fenglin Huoshan or the Five Elements League, I have no direct relationship with them, but as the Venerable Mountain Protector , my duty is to protect the citizens of the entire country j, you have killed people in our country, and you are an evil spirit, I definitely have no reason to sit idly by!"

"But I won't let you die easily. You first taste the taste of being devoured by piranhas. The moon reading master likes demons and evil spirits to die under torture. These piranhas will eat your skin and flesh dry, leaving only Bones, you will die of pain!"

At this moment, Venerable Ma Zuo smiled like a devil, and as she tilted the bucket towards the water, all the palm-sized red piranhas jumped out of it, and plunged into the dark river where Liu Boyang was soaked.

At this moment, Liu Boyang was so frightened that he lost his mind, struggled and shouted: "You damn old woman! Kill if you want to kill, let you dead fish go away! Is your Yuedu master a human or a monster? You can use all kinds of indiscriminate methods!!"

Venerable Ma Zuo Yin sneered and said: "You dare to speak harshly when you are about to die, I want to see how long you can scold!"

After those piranhas dived into the water, they quickly swam towards Liu Boyang. Since the water surface was dark, Liu Boyang couldn't see them at all, and only vaguely felt that they were swimming towards him. Sao, and then it seemed that some small sawtooths tore off several pieces of his flesh. Liu Boyang suddenly screamed, and the cold sweat burst out of his face all of a sudden!

These piranhas released by Venerable Ma Zuo are not ordinary piranhas. They were summoned by Venerable Ma Zuo in the moon reading space. Their bite force is ten times stronger than that of ordinary piranhas. They are full of sharp sawtooth, although they are small in size, they cannot stand up to a large number, so many piranhas are gnawing and biting around your waist, abdomen and thighs, even a tough guy can't stand it!

Liu Boyang was tortured and screamed again and again, and his face was covered with beads of sweat. Unfortunately, his hands were tied to the cross and he couldn't move at all. He could only bear the inhuman pain deep into his bones. He even saw his body The surface of the water below was stained red with his own blood...

Liu Boyang really regretted his recklessness. He knew that he should not have come to Mount Fuji alone. At this time, if Gao Zhenfei and Lao Mao were there, he could help him anyway!But when will they arrive, and will they be able to save themselves in time?Are you really going to die here?

Miscellaneous thoughts surged in his head, and Liu Boyang's will soon became muddled. The pain under his body had completely numb him, and his head, which had been unwilling to give in, finally couldn't bear it and buried it...

"Haha, Venerable Ma Zuo is really powerful! So what if this kid surnamed Liu knows magic tricks, didn't he be stopped by Venerable Ma Zuo as soon as he came up?! Haha, did he just die like this?"

In the mountain temple of Mount Izu, the four major families of Fenglin Huo and the elders of the Five Elements League gathered around the entrance, looking at the scene reflected in the water, which showed Liu Boyang's vain and floating In mid-air, Venerable Ma Zuo looked at him blankly, Liu Boyang's face was very pale, and the signs of life were fading very quickly.

Here I want to explain that the so-called moon-reading space technique of Venerable Ma Zuo is actually a kind of illusory technique. She just used a method similar to blindfolding to make Liu Boyang fall into a vivid illusion. In fact, Liu Boyang His soul has been staying in mid-air without moving, and Venerable Ma Zuo has not really done anything to him, she is just using illusion to make Liu Boyang from a fake death to a real death.

So what is "from fake death to real death"?To give a very simple example, scientists once experimented with a criminal. They kept the criminal in a closed room, pulled his arm out of a small hole, and scratched his wrist with a knife. Tell him it's slit his wrists and let him bleed out to death.

The people in the house didn't know when their blood would run out, so they could only hide in the closed room nervously, sweating profusely and anxiously waiting to die. Every drop of blood on his wrist made his face turn more sallow .

In the end, before the blood in his body was drained, he died first, died of physical and mental exhaustion and excessive tension.But looking outside the house, his hand has never been cut. There is only a bottle full of water next to it, dripping water. The blade that cut his wrist before is just a rubber knife. .

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