The best boy on campus

Chapter 1814 The Alcoholic Tie Zheng!

Yang Lin took a puff of cigarette, looked out the door with some displeasure, and said, "Feng Hu told you this?"

Liu Boyang leaned on the sofa and said: "You don't care who told me, I'll ask you now, what's going on with you?"

The old cat was upright, and hurriedly said: "Second Brother, don't blame Feng Hu, he only said it because he was worried about you, did you really vomit blood?"

Yang Lin was a little absent-minded, and said lightly: "I'm fine. Feng Hu made a big fuss. I just caught a cold a while ago, and I didn't eat on time, so I was exhausted. I'm fine now!"

But Liu Boyang looked at Yang Lin's eyes dodging when he spoke, and knew that he clearly had something to hide from him, so he said lightly: "If you have anything to say, don't worry about it, wait until you are busy today, and I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow. If everything is fine after the doctor's examination, you can go back to work normally, if you hide something from us, I will give you a month's leave, and come out after recovering your body!"

Yang Lin laughed, as if he was perfunctory, then changed the subject, and started calling brothers from other provinces, asking them to come to City G for a reunion tonight!When Tantai Mieming and Li Wanhao heard that Brother Yang was back, they were so excited that they couldn't speak. They immediately booked a flight ticket to G City. Ren Xiaotian was even more aggressive. He flew back in a private plane, and it took at most two hours to reach G City.Yang Lin was in charge of making arrangements. Liu Boyang was free, so he asked Feng Hu to drive, and took himself, Gao Zhenfei, Mao Mao and others out for a stroll. First, he hadn’t been home for a long time and he missed him a little. Besides, Du Dewei was the first When he came to City G once, Liu Boyang always wanted to let people familiarize himself with the city in order to show his friendship as a landlord.

Unknowingly, Feng Hu drove the car to the West District, which is where Liu Boyang first started his business. He came to the entrance of a restaurant called "Bullfighting". He said to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, mynah usually drinks here, and he still doesn't know you're back, do you want to go in and look for him?"

Tie Zheng is the eighth of Liu Boyang's sworn brothers, but being called "Brother Tie" or "Brother Zheng" is not pleasant, so the people in the hall are used to calling him "Brother Ba".

"Is that brat really inside? You park the car at the door, let's go in and take a look!" Liu Boyang ordered.

Feng Hu pulled the Mercedes-Benz RV to the side, and there were a few gangsters and guys who came to drink nearby. As soon as they saw this car, they hurried away in a hurry. In City G, anyone with eyesight can see it at a glance. This Mercedes-Benz caravan is exclusively for the high-level officials of Zhanhuntang, and those who have no eyesight will have to take a detour when they see the "Dongxing Media" logo on it. Who doesn't know that "Dongxing Media" is an existence that cannot be offended?

"It's full of smog in there, so don't go in, let's get that brat out and leave!" After Liu Boyang got out of the car, he saw that Sun Xiaorou, Song Qianxia and Ma Ling wanted to get down too, so he waved his hands with a smile.

The three girls were obedient, and immediately sat obediently in the car and couldn't get out.

After Polly came to Country Z, she saw Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei and the others surrounded by people, she was very reserved, so she didn't dare to move around at all, and Du Dewei was of course not interested in going in, so Liu Boyang only brought Gao Zhenfei, Lao Mao Five people, Cui Guodong, Wan Ziliang, and Long Tianyang, went into the wine, and Feng Hu stayed to watch the car.

This "wine" is obviously an industry under the Zhanhuntang, but the Zhanhuntang is too powerful today, with flourishing branches and leaves, and it governs tens of thousands of wines. In a place like this, the people inside He is not qualified to know Liu Boyang at all, just like a petty official in the county cannot see the emperor in his life.

The six brothers Liu Boyang opened the door and went in, walked around the dance floor, and saw a drunk guy lying there in the corner of the wine room, and he didn't know if he was sleeping, holding an empty wine bottle in his hand, motionless.

Liu Boyang curled his lips helplessly, who else could that drunk dog look like if it wasn't Tie Zheng?So he walked over there, and sitting next to Tie Zheng was a young lady with heavy makeup, wearing a pair of hot pants, showing two snow-white thighs, with only a silver earring on her ear, who was trimming her nails, turning her head and looking Seeing Liu Boyang and others approaching, subconsciously felt that he was not a good person, so he quickly pushed Tie Zheng's arm, but Tie Zheng was so drunk right now that he couldn't wake up at all.

After Liu Boyang came close, without saying a word, he put his foot on Tie Zheng's back and slid Tie Zheng to the ground on the spot. The wine bottle got out of his hand and rolled out.

The little girl screamed and jumped up. Many people in the wine looked this way, and a few guys who looked like thugs came over immediately. The old cat pointed at their noses and said: "Go and play!" , it's none of your business here!"

These thugs are all the bottom-level spectators of the Zhanhuntang, and they don't know the true colors of Liu Boyang and these masters at all, but seeing the old cat's broad arms and round waist, they really dare not do anything recklessly, and they don't dare Say harsh words casually, and one of the clever guys went to the wine boss immediately.

Tie Zheng was woken up by Liu Boyang's kick, dizzy, got up unsteadily, and cursed: "Who the fuck kicked me? Are you tired?"

Turning his head to look at Liu Boyang, he felt that this figure was very familiar, but his head was dizzy, and he couldn't remember who it was for a moment. He hammered his forehead hard, took a closer look, and suddenly froze!

" are..." Tie Zheng opened his mouth wide, and couldn't believe his eyes.

"You still know me?" Liu Boyang asked.

"Yang...Brother Yang?" Tie Zheng finally dared to recognize him, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, " all came back? are not dead?"

Liu Boyang went up and kicked him to the ground again, crushed the wine bottle in front of Tie Zheng, and said coldly: "Look at you! What did my mother tell you before I left? If you really die, do you really want to get drunk and stay with me?!"

Tie Zheng hit Liu Boyang's feet, he didn't feel any pain at all, and he didn't feel wronged. Instead, he sat on the ground and laughed foolishly. The more he laughed, the happier he was, and finally he burst into tears. Liu Boyang felt distressed when he looked at it. Grabbing Tie Zheng's hand, he pulled him up, gave him another symbolic kick on the buttocks, and cursed: "I tell you, just this time, don't make an exception! If similar things happen again in the future, I won't let you down!" It will be as simple as kicking you three times! If I really die one day, you have to take good care of yourself, understand?"

Tie Zheng didn't speak, but kept smirking. Liu Boyang had nothing to do with him, so he had to leave it to Lao Mao and Cui Guodong. At this time, the wine boss had already heard the sound, and seeing Liu Boyang and his group, he was stunned. He didn't dare to act rashly, he was much more knowledgeable than his thugs, he knew that the master who came here every day to get drunk was actually the head of the War Soul Hall, and the group of people who could subdue him were definitely not ordinary people !

Liu Boyang glanced at the boss, shrugged his shoulders and walked over, whispering: "Lao Ba has caused you trouble during this time, go to the 'Empire Hotel' tonight and have a drink together!"

"Are you..." the bar owner asked tentatively.

"You'll know when you go!"

Liu Boyang laughed at the boss, turned around and left with a group of people. Lao Mao and Cui Guodong walked out together with Tie Zheng, who was too drunk to walk, and everyone in the wine consciously gave way.

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