The best boy on campus

Chapter 1870 The Bathroom Horror!

The time went back to 5 minutes ago, which was the moment when Enying walked into the bathroom alone.The first thing that catches the eye is a white tube top, a slender white ribbon is looped around the neck, and it is lightly tied in a knot. The white legs are slender and straight, and the exquisite curves are completely outlined. The long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the hot air from the Yuba made the flawless skin glow slightly pink.

Enying walked to the bottom of the shower head with bare feet, just turned on the valve and adjusted the water temperature.The streams of water flowing from top to bottom began to scramble towards her skin. This comfortable feeling made her moan softly after a day of exhaustion.The water droplets were crystal clear, stirring up circles of curling mist.

Due to her unsteady mind, Enying didn't plan to wash for a long time. She just wanted to wash away the tiredness on her body. It took only 2 minutes for her hair to be washed.She wiped it inch by inch with a bath towel, and she never used shampoo, not only because she hated the sticky gel, but also the chemical ingredients might damage her skin and hair.

The heat is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole body is warm, but Enying suddenly feels that the bathroom is a bit strange, as if she is in the twilight cloud, the water vapor is a little bigger than before, and the skin feels weird, and some say It couldn't be smoother, she glanced at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help feeling a little dazed, that face was almost bleeding, it was so bright red, Enying didn't dare to think about it, probably because the things she experienced during the day were too torturous , she took off her disheveled hair, and began to wash her whole body again.

But suddenly, the shower head stopped.Enying was startled, and quickly slapped the shower head hard with her hands, and it worked, and the water finally came out.

At this time, for some reason, Enying's sensitive nose smelled a strong smell of blood!She sniffed hard again and disappeared?

Subconsciously stretched out a finger, tried the water temperature, and then the finger was dyed red by the water droplets.It's not water, it's


Enying opened her mouth wide, but she couldn't utter a word. Her throat seemed to be blocked by a huge cotton wool, and she couldn't breathe.The blood is still flowing out, that is to say, the source of the blood is the shower head!Her feet had already stepped on a pool of blood, and the sticky feeling made her shudder like falling into an ice cellar!

Enying was frightened, and instinctively slapped off the shower head, and the stainless steel material hit the tiles, making a "bang" sound in the small space, bouncing and bouncing, and then rolled to the side.

With a pale face, Enying raised her finger, trembling uncontrollably: "Blood...blood..."

At this moment, Enying only felt that she was extremely exhausted, and her spirit was about to collapse. She propped her hands on the sink, barely supporting her body.

At this suffocating moment, there was a "jump"!Crisp and bright.The vanity mirror facing her on the side of the sink was cracked, and the cracks quickly crawled away like spider webs.

Enying was startled, she tried her best to look up...

It can be reflected in the mirror of the half body, a little white color gradually becomes larger, so abrupt and eye-catching.Gradually, it became clear that it was a woman in a white robe, her eyes were wide open, and her long black hair was wrapped around her neck and body, just like Sadako in the midnight bell!And now this thing is, is struggling to crawl out with both hands!

Enying finally couldn't help but let out an instinctive scream, waved her hand and shot a green light, hitting the mirror, at the same time she turned her head and ran out!

A chill came from behind, the female ghost was obviously not repulsed by Enying, and half of her body had already climbed out of the mirror, stretching out two pale hands in an attempt to grab Enying!

But at this moment, the bathroom door was kicked open with a "bang", and Liu Boyang appeared at the door like a gust of wind, just in time to hold Enying who was about to run out into his arms, and asked with concern: "Girl, what happened?" ?”

Enying was scared out of her wits and shouted, "She's behind me! Brother, let's get out of here!"

But Liu Boyang looked up and looked inside. There was nothing at all. The mirror was still in good condition, and there was no blood on the ground. The clear water overflowed the ground, but a stainless steel faucet fell to the ground.

"Girl, no! Are you hallucinating?" Liu Boyang asked concerned.

Enying turned her head with a blank face and saw that there was nothing behind her, but the scene just now was so clearly reflected in her mind, Enying dared to swear to God that it was not a hallucination, the female ghost really almost fell out of the mirror run out!

Enying buried her head deeply on Liu Boyang's shoulder, choked up and said: "Brother, I won't lie to you, I really saw her just now, we have to get out of here, I have a hunch, she is in this room, If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

The sudden shock and mental torture had completely broken Enying, and she cried helplessly.

Liu Boyang patted her on the shoulder, looked around cautiously, and said, "Okay! Girl, if you think it's not safe here, let's go! Put on your clothes first!"

It was only then that Enying realized that she was hiding in Liu Boyang's arms almost naked, and the girl's shyness made her blush again, but she didn't have time to care about these things, so she quickly wiped her body with a bath towel, and then left Go out and get dressed.

Liu Boyang took the room card, saw that Enying had put on all her clothes, and wanted to open the door, but at this moment, all the lights in the living room suddenly went out, and the whole world was in darkness!

"Ah!" Enying suddenly rushed to Liu Boyang's side and tucked into his arms. Liu Boyang himself was nervous, but he still suppressed the fear in his heart, and slowly stretched out his hand, groping to press the switch of the bathroom .

In such a dark environment, I don’t even know where the door is. I have to use the light to see it. I finally touched the light switch in the bathroom, but I only found out that the light was broken when I pressed it. On the wall, it seems that it will fall off if it touches it again.Unwilling to give up, Liu Boyang pressed it again.It's okay to be uneasy, after pressing it, he only felt that his fingers were not hard plastic, but soft and elastic, like... Human cheeks!

Liu Boyang froze his neck and looked at where his fingers were pressed, only to see a face suddenly appeared on the wall where the switch was originally in the darkness!And his fingers were right on the jaw of that face!

The hairs on Liu Boyang's body stood on end, he quickly withdrew his hands, hurriedly hugged Enying and backed away, and he didn't know how many steps he took back, but a wall seemed to block his back, Liu Boyang had an idea, quickly took out his mobile phone to turn on the backlight, and found the room. The direction of the door, and then rushed over there quickly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Enying lay in Liu Boyang's arms, feeling his heart beating very fast, so she raised her head and asked.

"It's okay, girl, we'll be out soon, close your eyes and act as if you haven't seen anything!" Liu Boyang said and put Enying's head on his shoulders, because Liu Boyang had already fainted. Yue saw a white shadow flying back and forth in the living room, even Liu Boyang was heartbroken watching this scene, let alone Enying a girl.

He turned his back to the door and tried hard for a long time, but he couldn't unscrew the doorknob. Liu Boyang was so anxious that he even broke out in cold sweat. Seeing the white shadow in the room finally drifting towards this direction, Liu Boyang yelled With a sound, he turned around and kicked on the door, kicking it flying from the inside to the outside, and then rushed out holding Enying with his life hanging by a thread.

But after he came out, he found that the originally brightly lit corridor was also pitch black, and the cold air from outside rushed over his body, it was damp and cold, as if it came from the underworld of Yin Cao!

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