The best boy on campus

Chapter 1871 Ancestral Butcher!

"How could this be, what about the lights in the corridor?" Enying cried out in horror.Liu Boyang didn't have time to explain anything to the frightened Enying. He hugged her and rushed towards the elevator. He pressed the button for going downstairs several times with his hand, and finally opened the elevator door. I squeezed in, but the elevator still stopped there safely. No matter how Liu Boyang pressed it, the light just didn't turn on. All the lights on the building are red, green and green, dazzling.

Liu Boyang realized that the elevator could not be used, and if the elevator doors were closed, they might not be able to get out again, so he hugged Enying and squeezed out before the two elevator doors closed, frantically heading towards the stairs run.

"Brother! We are going to die here!" Enying said with a sob in a low voice.

"Don't talk stupidly, there is still a way!" Liu Boyang gritted his teeth and said with the confidence that he could escape.

Enying looked at the doors of other rooms in the corridor with tears in her eyes, and said, "Have the guests in those rooms not noticed what's going on in the corridor? Brother, if we yell a few times, will someone come out to rescue us? "

Liu Boyang said firmly: "No! If I'm not wrong, both of us are now surrounded by the illusion created by that female ghost. The real corridor is definitely not like this. She wants to trap us in it!"

Liu Boyang remembered the isolation barrier they had set up when they fought against the people of the Holy See. In fact, the female ghost used the same principle now. From the perspective of others, the hotel is still a hotel, and the corridor is still a corridor. Nothing has changed at all. All these changes and the atmosphere of panic are aimed at Liu Boyang and Enying!

Finally arrived at the stairs, Liu Boyang put Enying down, dragged her to run downstairs quickly, there was no light in the corridor, what's more, Liu Boyang's mobile phone was almost out of battery, the light intensity was not strong, in the dark corridor Not much use at all.

The entire corridor was eerily quiet, with a sense of lifelessness.Compared with the cemetery.But it's a matter of life and death, who cares so much?It doesn't matter if you stagger or go crazy.The two rolled and crawled together and rushed down!

Just went down to the second floor, wrong!A moderate meow, throwing Liu Boyang's hope to the sky.

"Meow... woo... Meow... woo..."

The chilling cry was exactly the same as the black cat that appeared in Pu Chengjun's temple, with a pair of dark green eyes looming in the darkness.

Finally, something is coming!

Something is coming upstairs!

On the pitch-black stairs, hiss, hiss... hiss... hiss... There was a sound like dragging a wet plastic bag.

coming?But what is it?

Liu Boyang and Enying could only stop, raised their heads and stared blankly at the stairs below. There was a right-angled turn in the middle of the stairs, so they couldn't see directly below.However, it seems that a creature with wet and sticky skin... a large slug, for example... is about to come up from downstairs!

Hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss...

This is not an illusion, and Liu Boyang definitely heard it right!

At this time, he couldn't go up, and he couldn't go down. For the first time in his life, Liu Boyang felt such fear and helplessness!

He continued to stare at the stairs, and...then an unbelievable object came up the stairs, and he actually saw it.

Hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss... hiss...

In the dark place at the corner of the stairs, "that thing" appeared. She was wearing a white robe and lying on the ground, her dead fish-like eyes were wide open, her long black hair was coiled and scattered on her back, and she had a face like broken ceramics. , the bright red lips extended exaggeratedly to the base of the ears, and the blood dripped from the jaw.That is simply a monster!

The half-open mouth was overflowing with sticky blood, and her throat was intermittently emitting a "" smile, and she climbed up slowly, step by step.

"Ah!!" A person as strong as Liu Boyang also screamed out in fright, and retreated desperately!


The blood dripping on the stairs quickly rushed to the three of them. "That thing" stretched out its pale, slender, blood-stained hand, and the rouge-smeared mouth seemed to squirm because it wanted to say something. of vomiting.

But just turned around and took two steps, and suddenly found that the stairs above had disappeared out of thin air!It was as if there was a sudden fault in the corridor, the stairs from the third floor to the second floor disappeared, and only the stairs on the fourth floor were hanging alone above!

Enying next to her was frightened, she buried her head in Liu Boyang's arms and whimpered, Liu Boyang took a deep breath, turned around and stared at the white female ghost coldly, her whole body tensed up, and she used all her courage to think To fight her to the death, Liu Boyang had a premonition that he might not survive, so he had to spray her to death with Amaterasu black fire at the last moment!

Just when Liu Boyang seemed to be forced into a desperate situation and wanted to make a final fight, the lights in the corridor on the second floor suddenly "cracked!" A spark came out.Then the current passed through, and the long-lost light suddenly illuminated the entire corridor.And the ghost hand stretched out gradually faded, and then distorted and diffused into molecules like a puff of green smoke, before disappearing.

It just went away?Liu Boyang was stunned in disbelief, and it took him a while to let out a long breath, but he still didn't understand what happened.

Just when his mind was blank, the door of a room on the second floor was suddenly pushed open from the inside, and then a man emerged from the room and shouted violently, "Master! You disturbed my sleep in the middle of the night What are you doing, call yourself a ghost!" Fortunately, it wasn't a ghost, but a man's voice.This guy is a tall and thick man with a beard around his chin, which is sturdy and tight.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Liu Boyang finally realized that this guy accidentally saved himself and Enying, and said quickly.

The big man glanced at the disheveled Liu Boyang and Enying, then seemed to understand something, and said, "From what I can see, you young couple are having some sort of party? You're crazy."

"I'm telling you ugly things first, it's okay to go to a nightclub and mess around, but here, don't disturb me, okay? This girl is full of water and looks much better than my wife dug out of the coal pile. It's a pity, it's a waste to mess with this stupid man!" After speaking, he sighed, expressing his regret.

It has been described black and white to this point, what else can Liu Boyang say?speechless......

"Be careful in the future, if you get caught by me again, directly... the uncle will directly send you and the others to my factory!" The black man shouted ferociously.

"May I ask, where do you work?" Liu Boyang simply asked the big black man's words as if Zhang Er Monk couldn't figure it out.

"Pig butcher, ancestral butcher!"

Seeing Liu Boyang's dazed expression, the black man yelled angrily: "Why, don't you despise Lao Tzu's industry?"

"No no, you are a pure man, pure!" Liu Boyang gave a thumbs up after finishing speaking.

"You don't need to tell me that, I know what I'm up to." After speaking, the big black man laughed triumphantly, and closed the door behind him with a bang.

"...The butcher." Liu Boyang smiled wryly. Although he was scolded, but he was indirectly his savior?It is said that pig butchers who slaughter animals every day are not only courageous, but also have such a vicious aura that even ghosts will hide when they see it.It seems to be a bit believable.

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