The best boy on campus

Chapter 1893 Shunfeng guest!

"Ling!" Bai Xiaoping raised the hand holding the talisman a little bit upwards, inserted the wooden thorn in his right hand into the unburned paper talisman, and stabbed it fiercely towards the female ghost's eyebrow!

The flames were jumping, just now it was only the ability of a match to burn, but it didn't intend to touch the female ghost's body, so it exploded like crazy, within a breath, a group of flames burst into the sky, killing the female ghost That face, which was as white as gold paper, was burned and scarred everywhere, and it smelled extremely scorched!In addition, the awe-inspiring righteousness of Taoism was on it, and the female ghost was knocked down at once. There was only a shrill scream in the air, and the female ghost disappeared. .At the same time, the two female ghosts below also disappeared one after another.

Bai Xiaoping took a breath, and made a seal around Liu Boyang's hands. In an instant, Liu Boyang's hands returned to their original shape, and the bloody scene just now was no longer there.The mineral water bottle is also extremely clear, and it is also quite different from the previous paint color.

"What happened to my hand just now?" Liu Boyang asked solemnly!What happened just now is really like a nightmare!

"It's nothing, it's just a blindfold." Bai Xiaoping sighed softly, looked at Liu Boyang's lingering fear, and said with a faint smile: "Many unformed ghosts will use this method to create illusions, such as ghosts hitting walls and so on. If you just If I haven't solved your illusion, you will think that your hands, body, and face will fester every inch of it, until your subconscious really thinks that you are dead, then you will die."

"It turned out to be like this, and you saved me again..." Liu Boyang was full of emotion.

Bai Xiaoping said: "I didn't expect that Han Dian would attack us before we arrived at Luoying Village. What happened just now is both a good thing and a bad thing for us. The good thing is that we can now be sure that Han Dian is hiding in Luoying Village, but Bad things mean that we will be in trouble all night, and Han Dian will definitely try his best to prevent us from going to the village, and he plans to kill us halfway!"

When Cui Guodong heard this, he said angrily, "Damn it! It won't take four or ten minutes to get to Luoying Village from here. I'll be there as soon as I put on the gas. I'll see how he stops me!"

At this time, Bai Xiaoshuang, who had not opened his mouth to speak, said slowly: "No, maybe your brother was right just now, we really shouldn't fight Han Dian at night, ghosts are afraid of the sun and love Yin, the current situation is not good for us Unfortunately, he has already made a move before we reached Luoying Village. When we arrived at Luoying Village, it was midnight, so the situation is unpredictable. We should stay outside Luoying Village for the night. Tomorrow will dawn when he is at his weakest. It is most appropriate to go in and deal with him!"

Both Cui Guodong and the old cat had seen Bai Xiaoping's ability with their own eyes just now, so they naturally believed in the words of the two brothers. Since Bai Xiaoshuang said to stay outside for one night, he would stay overnight.

At this moment, Liu Boyang suddenly said: "But even if we stay outside, won't Han Dian come out? Just an example, if he doesn't come out, he can still attack me!"

Bai Xiaoshuang shook his head and said: "That's different. If we don't enter the village, with Han Dian's current strength, he can't use his body to attack us. At most, it's just these small troubles. Big brother and I can easily break through. But after entering the village, What you are facing is his body, so the difficulty is much greater!"

Only then did Liu Boyang nod his head, and Enying next to him held his hand tightly with her small hand, her big eyes were full of distress.

Cui Guodong looked back at Heigulongdong's nature and said: "But we can't stop here. He will bring down a few big trees later, and they will kill us too. I will drive a little bit forward to see if there are any." What a flat section of road."

After Cui Guodong finished speaking, he really drove the car and continued to move forward. Unexpectedly, the road ahead became more and more difficult. In some narrow places, the wheels almost rubbed against the dirt pits. The mirror flashed by, which really made people nervous and scared.

At this time, the heavy rain was still falling, endlessly, and if it continued at this rate, it might not stop overnight.

Cui Guodong drove forward patiently for more than ten minutes, and finally temporarily left the deep mountains and old forests, and came to a flat section of road that had just been developed and repaired in urban and rural areas this year, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The Jinbei van staggered along the bumpy winding mountain road, and the rain kept hitting the windows, making crackling noises.Cui Guodong was going to pick a place to stop the car, but looking out the side window, the valley was so dark that he couldn't see anything clearly, which made people feel cold.

The winding mountain road is not narrow, so the light in front of the car shines far away. Although it is raining, the people in the car can still see clearly the things within six or seven meters in front of the car. After a long time, people will feel numb for a while.

Suddenly, the old cat on the passenger seat screamed: "Fuck! What is that?! Is it a human or a ghost?!"

The people inside the car were startled, and hurriedly looked towards the place pointed by the old cat, only to see a thin figure standing there alone seven or eight meters in front of the car, arms folded, trembling, looking like It's an old man!

"It's a ghost in the deep mountains and old forests! Guodong, just run over him! Let him die again!" the old cat yelled.

Cui Guodong frowned and said, "Brother Mao, don't be surprised, your ghost will stand stupidly by the side of the road? That's a person, didn't he look at us and wave to stop!"

At this time Liu Boyang also saw that it was a person, turned his head and looked at the Bai family brothers with questioning eyes, Bai Xiaoping nodded slightly and said: "Let him come up!"

Cui Guodong stopped the car on the side of the road, and the old man ran over in a panic, Liu Boyang turned his body and opened the car door, and the old man got into the car very gratefully.

Although it was a bit crowded, the old man could barely sit down. He said gratefully: "I'm really sorry, thank you so much! There are too few cars on this road. I have been standing in the rain for almost two hours, and I was drowned." I'm sorry, thank God, a car finally came..."

While putting away the old-fashioned black umbrella with streams of water, the old man kept babbling.

"Old man, where are you from? Why are you here so late? Where are you going?" Liu Boyang asked.

"Oh, you guys want to send me off, that's kind!" The old man put down his umbrella with a smile, grinned with yellow teeth and said, "I came back from the county town market, but it rained, so I can go I came here after a long walk, fortunately I met you, fortunately I met you."

"My brother just wanted to ask where you are going?" Cui Guodong shrugged and said helplessly.

"Oh, look at me, I like to chatter when I get old, I'm going home, it's just ahead of this road, Daquan Township."

"Well... it's really not far ahead, but it's a pity that we don't pass by. Old man, we will take you for a short walk, and you can go back by yourself when the rain stops. We still have our own business." Cui Guodong looked The map, he said casually.

"That's it," the old man was slightly disappointed, but after thinking about it, it's always better to have a car for a while, and it's better than being drenched outside, "That's good, thank you all!"

As the old man said, he let out a long breath, and inadvertently turned his head to look at Liu Boyang who was sitting beside him. Suddenly, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he stared closely at Liu Boyang's Yintang!

After half a long time, he looked away with a pale face, and spoke slowly, with a calm and friendly voice, mixed with a local accent: "Young man, you are from another place? Can you show me your left hand?" ?”

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