The best boy on campus

Chapter 1894 Yin and Yang view of life and death!

Liu Boyang froze for a moment, and the other people in the car also looked at the old man in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.However, Liu Boyang still calmly stretched out his left hand in front of the old man. The old man looked at Liu Boyang's palm carefully, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"Old man, what did you see?" Liu Boyang asked.

After a while, the old man said: "Young man, go home quickly, don't come here again!"

"Oh? Why is that?"

The old man said: "Don't ask anything, it's best to get out of here quickly." As he spoke, he chanted Sanskrit, which seemed to be the original version of the Great Compassion Mantra, and the pronunciation of the words was thick and thick, which cannot be imitated by ordinary temple pilgrims.Everyone in the car was surprised. They didn't expect this ordinary old man to be a senior Buddhist believer, not a monk, but also a Daifa layman.

The two brothers Bai Xiaoping and Bai Xiaoshuang were sitting next to Liu Boyang, and they naturally listened to the old man's words. A strange look flashed across Bai Xiaoshuang's right eye, but he immediately covered it up with a yawn: "This old gentleman Is it a Buddhist disciple?"

"Hehe, I'm just a priest of the Maitreya Temple in the village, relying on the support of relatives and villagers to survive." The old man stroked his chin with a stubble of silver beard and said modestly.But when the callused hand touched his beard from his chin to the tail of his beard, he straightened his expression: "Guys, I don't know whether you are traveling or what, but I sincerely hope that you can go back quickly. Otherwise... ..."

"Otherwise what?" Bai Xiaoshuang laughed coldly, sitting calmly, not intimidated at all.

"Do you really want to listen?" The old man frowned, as if he didn't want to say much.

Bai Xiaoshuang nodded lightly.

"That's good!" The old man put his hands on his thighs, and said slowly: "It's good or bad, I'm a face-to-face reader, and I always speak bluntly. If there is any conflict, please bear with me!"

Without waiting for others to answer, he turned his eyes back to Liu Boyang and murmured: "I see that the lifeline in this little brother's hand was cut in half. It is full of marks of the dead, which makes me sigh. Since the fate is dead, but the person is not dead, such a situation, the old man has only seen it in his life. I don’t know if there is an expert who performed the life-extending technique on him.” Finished He blinked a few times, as if thinking.

After hearing this speech, Liu Boyang was horrified, looked at the brothers of the Bai family beside him, and then at the nameless old man behind him, and said: "These...are these... are you pushing out from my palm just now? "

"Yes." The old man nodded.

"Hehe, you are so accurate!"

"Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Buddhists should be compassionate. Since I met you today, it is fate. So I sincerely hope that you leave this place of right and wrong. Otherwise, follow your direction and go all the way north , It's a direct offense against Tai Sui!" The old man smacked his mouth, and said half-understanding and half-ignoring the rural dialect.

Old Mao Liu Boyang and the others had no idea in their minds, and when they heard the old man say such words, they naturally became flustered, but Bai Xiaoshuang gave the old man a bad look, and said coldly: "Wherever we go, we will naturally be there." The truth. Since you are an outsider, don't bother asking."

"I'm also doing it for your own good... Sigh! Nanwu Guanshiyin Bodhisattva." The old man couldn't bear Bai Xiaoshuang's words, clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name.

But then he was speechless, because at the moment when he put his hands together, he suddenly had a strange feeling, as if he was buried in a huge barn, surrounded by soybeans, Squeezing his skin and organs inch by inch, getting tighter and tighter, just when he was about to die, the picture changed again, this time he fell into the Shura slaughterhouse, countless little devils were sawed off by their bodies, and put into the frying pan Putting the oil pan down, there was a lot of crying.He was also among them, and was directly carried by two impermanent ghosts with green faces and fangs. His stomach was cut open, his heart and lungs were taken out, and he was thrown into the steaming hot oil pan...

"Ah!" The old man stood up from the chair with a jerk, but the carriage was not high, and this time he hit his forehead, and his eyes were stunned.This bump was fine, but he didn't remember long, he missed his lower body but bumped into it again, and then he slumped back to his seat, panting heavily.

I saw that his eye sockets were so staring that they were about to burst, he was lying down on his temples with beads of sweat raining down, and he was making endless fuss like he was peeing like a child.This series of actions of his naturally startled Liu Boyang's old cat, Cui Guodong, Enying and others, thinking that the curse had come again.But they looked inside the car for a while, and then glanced out of the car in fear for a while, but they didn't find anything unusual...

Only Bai Xiaoping and Bai Xiaoshuang didn't say anything, they just looked at the winding road in front of the windshield wipers indifferently, they really had the posture of Mount Tai collapsing in front of them without changing their face, but do they need to change?The scene just now was originally directed by Bai Xiaoshuang!

"Yin Yang view of life and death?" After resting for a long time, the old man finally said a word, it seems that he was indeed treated quite a lot just now.But the eyes that looked at Bai Xiaoshuang were full of awe and fear.He is not very capable, but he has some knowledge of local religions.He knew that those Shura pictures were just the other party's mental attack on him. Fortunately, it was a warning, otherwise he might have suffered a myocardial infarction long ago.And this spiritual incantation is exactly a kind of advanced subject of local Taoism, called: Yin Yang View of Life and Death.The dream of this technique is to make people realize the true meaning of life in life and death, so as to reach a new level in perception.For those who are determined, it is naturally beneficial and harmless.But I didn't expect that the Buddhist scriptures that I had studied hard for decades would collapse as soon as I put them together, I was really ashamed.Thinking of this, the old man's face turned red.

"You know?" Bai Xiaoshuang turned to look at him, very surprised.He wanted to teach the other party a lesson, so he performed a little trick, but he didn't expect to be recognized.

"Occasionally dabbling, just guessing." The old man smiled wryly, "You...should be a Taoist disciple?"

Bai Xiaoshuang didn't agree or object, and acquiesced.

The old man nodded and sighed: "It seems that I lost my eyesight, and it's my fault." The other party's group was in a hurry, and they were on their way all night, so time must be running out.Coupled with the fact that these two older people are from Taoism, they must have something to do with the dead breath between the young man's brows, maybe this trip was just to save him.As a Buddhist believer, I have been pointing and pointing again and again since I got in the car. To put it bluntly, it is a trick, but to put it seriously, I have given in to the taboo of the other party. It is reasonable for the other party to punish me.

"It's nothing, you rest for a while." After Bai Xiaoshuang finished speaking lightly, he began to close his eyes to rest his mind, but the brothers Liu Boyang and the others looked at it in a daze, not understanding what these two people were talking dumb.

After a while, the old man who couldn't hold back his curiosity asked again: "Where are your destinations?"

"Oh, Luoying Village." Liu Boyang smiled, trying to break the oppressive atmosphere just now.But he didn't know how much disaster he caused after he said those words. The three words "Gu Ying Village" were like a magic catalyst, breaking the old man's psychological defense at once. In an instant, his face changed Turned pale, both eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets, and his mouth was wide open. He only pointed at Liu Boyang with a trembling finger: " go there...go...go there what?"

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