The best boy on campus

Chapter 194 Chapter Remembrance!

"How is the situation in Boyang?" Liu Tianlong looked at Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenjiang blankly, and asked calmly

His voice is actually nothing special, it is the voice of an ordinary old man, but for some reason, once it is uttered, it has a condescending and overbearing aura that makes people dare not look directly at it With his eyes, he can only bow his head and answer respectfully.

Don't look at the ones standing in front of him at the moment are his two biological sons, big men in the business and political circles who can cover the sky with one hand, but when faced with his question, they are so horrified that they don't even dare to breathe. Those who don't pass the test are guaranteed to be paralyzed by fright

It can be seen that Liu Longwang exudes pressure from the inside out

"The doctor said...he's out of danger..."

The furious Liu Tianlong is the scariest, both Liu Zhenjiang and Liu Zhenhai know this, so they have to think twice before speaking at the moment, for fear that if they accidentally irritate the old man, then they will suffer

"I don't listen to nonsense, what do you mean at the beginning? Is it Lao Tzu who taught you to speak half? If you want to speak, you can complete it." Liu Tianlong said coldly

"Well, Dad, calm down, Boyang is fine now, the doctor said that as long as he wakes up within the next 24 hours, he will be safe and sound in the future," Liu Zhenjiang said cautiously

"Is it okay to fart before you wake up? Don't fool me, go open the door" Liu Tianlong said coldly

"Yes" Liu Zhenhai responded. At this moment, there is no such domineering arrogance that he usually gallops in the shopping malls. Like the most obedient son in the world, he walked over there honestly and opened the door of Liu Boyang's intensive care unit.

Liu Tianlong didn't waste any time, and directly led the people towards the ward.

"Grandpa" Liu Xiaoying saw her grandfather approaching, ran over with open arms, and threw herself into Liu Tianlong's arms

Liu Tianlong only showed an imperceptible smile when facing his granddaughter who had grown up with him since he was a child. He gently touched Liu Xiaoying's forehead and said lightly: "Xiaoying don't cry, grandpa is here. Your brother is in charge"

"Yeah," Xiaoying responded with a hoarse voice.

Both Liu Xiaoman and Liu Shasha stood up blankly at the moment, looking at their grandfather nervously. They never lived in Liujiawan since they were young, so their affection for Liu Tianlong was not as deep as that of Xiaoying. This grandfather is more fearful than dependent. After all, Liu Tianlong has indeed neglected to take care of his grandchildren these years, and there is inevitably a gap in his relationship.

He is not as good at this as Cui Bajuan. Cui Bajuan is a typical model old man in front of his children and grandchildren. He is very kind and smiling when he sees everyone, so Cui Guodong often made troubles in his arms when he was a child. , did not pull out his hair and beard. If it were Liu Boyang, he would not dare to give him ten guts.

After Liu Zhenhai opened the door, Liu Tianlong led a group of people in. Before entering the door, he turned his head to look at the girls sitting on the other side of the row of chairs, and saw Song Qianxia, ​​Sun Xiaorou, and Zhao Jiayi staring blankly at him.

The old man didn't say anything, so he could more or less guess which one of them was his grandson-in-law, but at this moment, he was not in the mood to ask. It's important to go and see his grandson first.

At this time, Liu Boyang still closed his eyes tightly, lying quietly on the big hospital bed, with an oxygen tube in his nose, bandages wrapped around his chest and shoulders, his face was extremely pale, even his lips were pale, and his brows were slightly pale. Frowning, as if doing something haunting his nightmare

Liu Tianlong saw that his grandson was injured like this, and the hale and hearty ambition in his chest that hadn't rippled for so many years suddenly hurt severely.

Even the eyes were slightly sore, and there were muddy hot tears that couldn't help but want to fill up. In my mind, the memory of this lively grandson as a child hit my mind in an instant.


"Hey, old man, why is your face so ugly today? Is there something wrong in your heart? Tell me, let me see if I can give you advice?" In the courtyard of Liujiawan, Liu Boyang, who was only 11 years old, Seeing myself sitting in the yard frowning, I ran over to comfort myself like a little adult, pretending to be careless

At that time, I just gave him a cold look, and scolded: "You are so young, you know nothing!"

"Being a donkey's liver and lungs with good intentions..." Liu Boyang muttered in a low voice, then turned around and walked away. In fact, at the moment he turned around, Liu Tianlong had already seen the flash of loneliness in Liu Boyang's eyes. Not to mention the good intentions, the important thing is that he accidentally hurt his self-esteem...


"You little bastard, I sent you to school because I want you to study hard for me, do you know how to make trouble for me all day long?" That time, Liu Boyang got into trouble again in Songkou Middle School Few people, the old man found out, Liu Tianlong rushed out from the house with a mourning stick, making a gesture to break Liu Boyang's legs

Liu Boyang was so scared that he ran and yelled: "Old man, I was provoked by others first, can you stop kicking me out? You said that members of the Liu family should not be bullied by others." He was so scared that he didn't even look back ran out of the yard door

But Liu Boyang didn't notice at that time. After listening to what he said, Liu Tianlong froze in the yard and stopped chasing the old man. My mother is not around, I am really lonely, I am afraid that my grandfather will ignore him all day long, except for protecting himself, he has no one to rely on. If he is bullied, he can only find it by himself. A worthless person hides in the dark and cries...


"Boyang, tell grandpa, what is your greatest wish in this life?" That night, the old man sat in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, while Liu Boyang lay on the stone platform and looked at the stars. The two had an unprecedented heart-to-heart exchange

"Me? I don't have any big wishes. In the future, I just want to earn a lot of money and find many beautiful women as wives." Liu Boyang looked at the stars in the sky and said unobstructed

"Hey, what do you want so much money for when you're so promising?"

"Hey, I just want it, you don't care about me" Liu Boyang said with a smile

Liu Tianlong snorted coldly and stopped talking to him

But suddenly, Liu Boyang turned his head around again, and said to Liu Tianlong: "Old man, if I have money in the future, I will definitely spend more than half of it to honor you and give you a pension. I mean what I say."

"Hmph, I'm short of your money?" Liu Tianlong suddenly felt a great comfort in his heart, but he still said coldly

"You have, it's yours but I'll give it to you, that's my heart..." Liu Boyang said seriously

He never blamed himself for being cruel all these years. In his heart, he truly regarded himself as his grandfather and his closest relatives.


Memories came one after another, the more Liu Tianlong thought about it, the more sour and bitter he felt in his heart, it didn't mean that his baby grandson who was laughing and joking in front of him was hurt like this, and he was still lying unconscious on the bed, not fully understood. How can he not be angry and distressed by being out of danger

After a while, Liu Tianlong turned his head and asked bitterly: "Have you found out who did it?"

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