The best boy on campus

Chapter 195 Removal!

"No matter _pao'book' I came here this time to shake the mountain and kill the chicken to warn the monkey. Since the bastard can teach such a bold son, it must not be a good thing. Do you know where he is now?" Liu Tianlong kept looking at the hospital bed. Liu Boyang didn't even turn his head, and continued to ask coldly

He Xiaobin witnessed with his own eyes the domineering aura emanating from Mr. Liu's body at this moment, and he felt his blood churn in his chest and his heart surged.

This is the idol in his heart, this is the god in his heart

It's just that no one pays attention to the hotness in his eyes now. After Mr. Liu finished his question, Liu Zhenhai and Liu Zhenjiang looked at each other. Just as they were about to say something, Cao Huabin suddenly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Grandpa Liu, you Good boy, I am the second son of Cao Binhuang from the Cao Group. I have heard my father mention your reputation as Grandpa Liu. I saw you today, and you are truly extraordinary. It is a great honor to see you today."

Cao Huabin's words are all from the bottom of his heart. He finally knows who Liu Boyang's backer is this time, and he is really domineering and awesome! Before that, he only knew that Liu Boyang himself would definitely not be someone in the pool in the future, but who would have thought that he would still be the same as before? The grandson of Liu Tianlong, the old dragon king of Niantian Bahui

At this moment, he felt relieved: he was right, his decision was correct

Liu Tianlong turned his head lightly when he heard the words, and asked, "Cao Binhuang?"

"My father often talked about you at home, saying that if it weren't for your support and help back then, our Cao family would not be what it is today. When I was young, I taught my brother and I to always remember the great kindness of the Liu family, and if there is an opportunity in the future, we must repay it with blood." Cao Huabin said with a sincere expression

His words were sincere, and of course he also wanted to please the old man. In fact, Liu Tianlong just helped Cao Binhuang unintentionally back then. At that time, Tianbahui was famous in the whole city of W, and Cao Binhuang happened to have just founded Cao's The budding of today's Cao Group, the Cao family has not yet developed, the company is small in scale, poor in profitability, crowded out everywhere, and constantly bullied by black and white people.

And because of a coincidence, Cao Binhuang was lucky enough to meet Liu Tianlong at a wine bar. During the banquet, Liu Tianlong saw his downfall, and after hearing about his experience, he just said a word casually: If anyone dares to come to him in the future For your business, just report the name of Tianbahui

Unexpectedly, it was just such a sentence. After that, in the whole city of W, no one dared to make fun of the troubles of Cao Binhuang and Cao's company. Who would be so courageous as to not take Dragon King's words seriously?And Cao Binhuang also seized this opportunity, frantically expanded the company, and finally developed the Cao Group into one of the three major commercial giants in the entire city of W in less than 30 years.

Cao Binhuang is quite a conscientious person. When Mr. Liu was in power all over the world, he couldn't touch his side. Later, when Mr. Liu returned to Liujiawan for retirement, he prepared a generous gift for him almost every year. However, Mr. Liu He refused to accept it. Originally, it was just a casual sentence at the beginning, and there was no need to make people grateful for a lifetime. Mr. Liu is not bad for this kind of favor

But Cao Binhuang didn't think so. The more Mr. Liu refused to accept him, the more he felt sorry for him, so he often took the trouble to whisper in the ears of Cao Huabin and his brother Cao Tianchen: "What our Cao family owes to the Liu family, as long as we When the Liu family encounters difficulties, the Cao family must do their best to help

So, if Caohu Bin had drawn Liu Boyang out of some kind of selfishness before, then after learning about this relationship, he sincerely wanted to contribute to his affairs

"Don't be so polite and go back and tell your father. I just said a word back then. Your Cao family can have today because of your father's 30 years of hard work. There is no need to be overly grateful to me," Liu Tianlong said lightly.

"Grandpa Liu said that you don't forget the well digger when you drink water. Without your help back then, how could our Cao family gain a foothold in City W? Grandpa Liu, let me stop talking nonsense. I know where Zheng Fanchen's home is." Cao Huabin finished his polite words, he could see Liu Tianlong's temper, so he didn't dare to say more about these useless things

"you know?"

"Yes, they live in the villa area over the Wanghai Garden. You can see it at a glance after entering the main entrance. It is located near the center. In the whole area, his family's villa is a different kind. It is all red and European style." Although Cao Huabin himself did not I have dealt with Zheng Fanchen before, but once I went to Zheng Fanchen's house with my elder brother Cao Tianchen, of course I know something about it

Of course, if Mr. Liu hadn't been here, and if it hadn't been for the relationship between the Liu family and the Cao family, he might not have revealed Zheng Fanchen's hiding place all at once. all will suffer

Mr. Liu looked back at Cao Huabin, and nodded lightly. Cao Binhuang is a good son. He is so good at handling things at such a young age, and his etiquette is in place. Given time, he must be a character

"Hutou, you go and do it for an hour, and let the Zheng family be expelled," Liu Tianlong ordered lightly

"No problem haha, boss, you're fine." Hutou scratched his forehead and laughed, and winked at the Snake King behind him. The two of them immediately turned around and left the old man. It was an imperial decree for them. Now that the imperial decree has arrived, how about that? What can I say?Follow up directly

"You two bastards, wait for me" Liu Zhenlong didn't want to see those two people leave, how could he leave himself behind in such a thing?He knew that Hutou's car came directly with a detonator, and he might have to play blasting later. How thrilling and exciting, how can I not do it?

Hutou turned his head and asked him in surprise: "Aren't you staying here to see your nephew?"

"It's only an hour, and it doesn't take a lot of effort. When I come back, I can catch up with him. That kid died so easily. I don't know him yet. I'll take care of his enemies first, and I'll have something to say when I come back." Liu Zhenlong held his head in both hands coolly, and walked towards the door disapprovingly, "Zhenlong is an urban area, don't make too much noise for a while." Liu Zhenjiang is a mayor after all, and he was so murderous when he saw this group of people Going out, I'm bound to be a little worried

He knows the methods of the Hutou gang and his fourth brother best, which is really more powerful than Monkey King Panicked, it will not end well, and I can't explain it to my superiors after piercing the sky

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