The best boy on campus

Chapter 196 Start!

"Oh, second brother, what are you worried about? Didn't I come here without a nuclear bomb? Is it possible to blow up this city W? Our men are just going to clean up people and won't make you a big mess *book*(" Liu Zhenlong hehe laughed

"..." Liu Zhenjiang was speechless for a while

After both Liu Zhenjiang and Hutou walked out, the Snake King slowed down and stopped, and said to Liu Zhenjiang, "Don't worry, Mayor Liu, I will watch what they order, and there will be no major problems."

Liu Zhenjiang nodded when he heard the words. He still knew what the Snake King was doing. With him around, it probably wouldn't make too much trouble, so he said, "Old Sen, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Yeah," Snake King Wansen responded with a smile, turned around and walked out again.

The rest of the old cat, Yang Lin and other brothers in the room looked at each other, feeling anxious, how can I avenge Brother Yang without myself?So they chased after him without saying a word. The old cat was the most impatient, and ran to Hutou and shouted: "Uncle Hutou, don't leave us alone, we will go with you too."

Hutou froze for a moment, then smiled slightly and said, "What are you little dolls going to do? Is your hair all grown? Can you hold a knife?"

"Uncle Cut Tiger Head, don't look at my old cat's age, I'm not necessarily cutting fewer people than you hahahaha, let's go together, we also want to see if that bastard named Zheng Fanchen has three heads and six arms, and actually moves?" The knife moved to Brother Yang's head." The old cat scratched his hair and laughed.

"Okay, I also want to see how fierce the little tigers of our county H are in the future, so let's go together," Hutou joked heartily

A group of people didn't hesitate anymore, and when Da Ma took the lead downstairs and rushed to the parking lot, Hutou called Baoshan and asked him to bring all the younger brothers in and rush to Wanghai Garden together. Many people come over, and they will make a fuss according to the old man's wishes, so why don't you let him turn his back on his back?

At the crossing of the national highway outside the urban area, after Baoshan hung up the phone, he turned his head and yelled at a line of people behind him: "Little ones, it's time to go!"

"Okay!" The group of younger brothers were excited when they heard it, and immediately roared

Just now, Mr. Liu took Boss Hu and the others there for so long, and there was no news from them all the time. They had been impatient for a long time. Now that they finally heard that they were going to do something, it was as if they were on a stimulant. Throwing away the cigarette butts in his hand, he turned around and rushed into the car

In an instant, a long queue of nearly a hundred vehicles turned on their searchlights at the same time, and the sound of accelerator pedals followed one after another, starting with Leopard Mountain, followed by Black Eagle, and behind them were hundreds of younger brothers. The vehicles in the same style started together and drove directly towards the Wanghai Garden in the city.

Although Baoshan and the others don't live in W City and don't hang out in W City now, they are very familiar with this place. It was their world here more than [-] years ago. Although it has been divided up by the four major gangs, the What is it to them?It's just a group of later generations who pick up what they eat and play with, and they are just self-righteous

What are people like Dongfang Shuo and Fourth Master Qiao when they are messing around?Of course they won't take those people seriously

On the other side of the road, a taxi with its lights off was quietly parked there. At this moment, the people in the car saw that the hundred cars over there had finally moved, so they hurriedly dialed the phone number of the director Li Qirui: "Li bureau, they're moving"

"What? How did you move? In what direction did you go?" Li Qirui was also shocked and asked hurriedly

"It's not clear yet, but it's driving towards the city," the plainclothes policeman truthfully reported.

"Follow the other, carefully hide your whereabouts, don't let others see it" Li Qirui warned

"Yes" the plainclothes policeman responded, then turned on the lights, then carefully activated the accelerator, and sneaked after the last car of the Baoshan group. But after following for a while, his face I was drenched in cold sweat on the way, and my palms were sweating. Seeing the hundreds of cars in front of me felt scary. If I was discovered, they would come to silence me and take away my bones.

On the other side of the phone, Li Qirui who hung up the phone also had a solemn face, and Ding Qiulin on the other side came over to him and asked him, "Old Li, what happened? Did they take action?"

"Yeah, we've entered the urban area." Li Qirui frowned and said

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know, what should we do now?"

"Why don't you call Mayor Liu first? It's impossible for him not to know about such a big matter. It's harder for him to be in the middle than the two of us. We're right to do what he wants."

"That's right, old Ding, you have a good brain so that we can greet the mayor first. If there is a real trouble in the future, the higher authorities will find out, but they will not be able to find us..."

Here at the hospital, Liu Zhenjiang is really suffering at this time and can't tell. Originally, with his status, it would be easy to avenge his nephew. Since there is evidence that Zheng Fanchen did it, he can't move his mouth. Can he be arrested and handed over to the law?But the old man's temper is very strange, he insisted on going out in person and using logical means to solve it, it's really hard for him to be caught in the middle

Just as he was upset, the phone rang suddenly. He took it out and saw that it was Li Qirui calling. The last thing he wanted to receive at the moment was Li Qirui's call, because it was not appropriate to say anything.

"Hi, it's me," Liu Zhenjiang continued

"Mayor Li, I want to report something to you..." Li Qiruiming knew that Liu Zhenjiang could not have been ignorant of what happened just now, but what he wants now is to pretend to be ignorant and pretend to be confused about such a big matter. How?


Li Qirui didn't waste any time, and immediately reported to him the situation of more than a hundred cars driving into City W just now, and asked him what he should do by the way

After hearing this, Liu Zhenjiang frowned. This kid was obviously playing tricks on him and asking for his opinion. Isn't that just pushing himself ahead of him?

But even if Liu Zhenjiang understands now, he can't say anything more. Who made this matter really be done by his old man?Frowning, pretending to be puzzled, he asked, "Where did you go?"

"I don't know yet, I just entered the urban area now," Li Qirui said

"You send someone to follow. Besides... don't conflict with them unless it is absolutely necessary. If they want to do something, you should 'cooperate' more. They will leave early after finishing their work. I don't need to teach you that. You?" Liu Zhenjiang said

"It's Mayor Liu, I understand, I know what to do"

After hanging up the phone, Li Qirui let go of his heart a lot, seeing that the mayor meant to turn a blind eye to him, since he wanted to warm up to Liu Tianlong, it would be easy, he immediately I called my subordinates: "Listen, just follow along, don't conflict with Liu Tianlong's people. Where are they going? You can isolate that area for me, and then go in and end the scene after they finish their work. ,Understand?"


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