The best boy on campus

Chapter 197 The Zhengs and Sons!

At this time, Wanghai Garden is located in a European-style villa with an area of ​​[-] square meters in the center.

A long-haired boy who had just taken a shower came out with shirtless arms and bare feet, sat down on the sofa carelessly, took the remote control to turn on the TV, and was blowing his hair with a hair dryer while staring at the TV.

At this moment, a few servants' voices came from behind: "Hi, sir!" Immediately, a middle-aged man with an imposing appearance came in from the door with a gloomy expression.

The young man turned a deaf ear to all of this, and didn't even look back, just staring at his TV screen with a blank expression on his face.

But when the middle-aged man at the back saw him, he immediately yelled: "F*ck, you little bastard, you are so fucking ruthless! You actually took someone to kill that Liu Boyang?" One side came up aggressively and gave the young man a hard push on the head.

The young man tilted his head, twitched the corners of his mouth, then turned his head around with a "swish", and stared at the middle-aged man.

"Why are you staring at me? Tell me, when did your heart become so cruel? Huh? Can you use your brain before you fucking do things? Don't you think about the consequences? Just rely on my words, say hacked to death Is he hacking to death?" The middle-aged man roared angrily.

"Have you finished?" the young man said coldly

"What's the matter? You still dare to bully me? You can't listen to what I say, can you? Your wings are hard enough to fly, right? Fuck you, you would be where you are today without me? Who raised you for the past 20 years In exchange for your attitude towards me?" Seeing the long-haired boy looking at him like an enemy, the middle-aged man suddenly became furious and shouted

"Heh, are you fucking my mother? You don't have that life, even I don't know who she is, who are you going to fuck with?" The boy suddenly sneered.

"Shut up, don't be mad at me, what the hell did you do? I know in my heart. I'll tell you. I haven't told the boss about it. If he finds out..."

The middle-aged man hadn't finished speaking when he was suddenly interrupted by the long-haired young man, who said coldly: "Boss, boss, do you know that the boss looks at you like a bear, and you were born to help others? Damn, I'm surprised." It's weird, 20 years ago you were considered a person in this W city, but now you are so desperate to have no status, no status, no status, being a bad driver for others all day long and still complacent, you old bastard Why are you so unambitious? Are you regressing the more you live?"

The boy had just finished speaking when he heard a "snap" and was slapped hard on the face, and was directly slapped to the ground by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was completely angered by his scolding, and he rolled up his sleeves and continued to rush forward to fix him.

"Master..." At this time, two bodyguards rushed up behind the middle-aged man, trying to hold back his employer

"Go away, it's none of your business. Damn, I raised this kid for 20 years. In the end, I was such an image in his heart. Even if I, Zheng Bin, have no eyes, how could I adopt such a heartless thing like you back then?" Middle-aged man Zheng Bin blushed with anger, pointed at the long-haired boy on the ground tremblingly and cursed

At this moment, Zheng Bin's heart is chilling. I suffered from the accident 20 years ago, and I was forced to retire from the Jianghu. In the past 20 years, I have been suffering from inner torment all the time, and I have endured the eyes of those old buddies who used to hang out with me. My boss, Ning Huatian, no one in the world can understand that now I didn't expect that even the godson I adopted would look down on me from the bottom of my heart

How can he not be uncomfortable?

how could he not be sad

"Don't pull him!" The long-haired boy on the ground was Zheng Fanchen. At this moment, he yelled at the two bodyguards behind Zheng Bin with red eyes, then turned his head to stare at Zheng Bin, and said with a sneer: "If you have the guts, you can do it." Come on, come on, fuck me, you're just out there with my awesome skills, you're an ass, you go out and inquire, who knows your Zheng Bin's name on the road now? You're so useless Why don't you let people tell you?"

"You little bastard, how dare you say that I have abolished you?" When Zheng Bin heard this, his lungs were about to explode, and he ran up and stretched out his hands to strangle this scoundrel alive

After all, the two bodyguards behind him couldn't just sit idly by. Although the two of them usually quarreled and fought a lot, this time it seemed that they were serious about it. They were so scared that they rushed up to hold Zheng Bin, and kept talking Persuading: "Master, calm down, young master, he has been in a bad mood since he came back just now, he didn't mean to target you..."

"Get out of my way. When is it your turn to teach me, you two bastards? Get out of here." Zheng Binfei shook off the two bodyguards behind him with a flick of his hand, and continued to walk up angrily, pointing at Zheng on the ground. Fan Chen scolded: "You take it out on me when you are so fucking upset? You never treat me as your father? Okay, okay, hello, you heartless thing, I don't get angry with you, today I have to kill you" he said, he directly copied the TV remote control on the sofa, and slammed it down on Zheng Fanchen who was on the ground

Zheng Fanchen has sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately stomped on his body, only to hear a "snap", the remote control exploded where he stopped just now, and the broken fragments directly shattered his arm

Zheng Fanchen was also angry, jumped up from the ground with a bang, pointed at Zheng Bin's nose and cursed: "You old thing, come on!"

"How dare you scold me, you bastard!" Zheng Bin was so angry that he stepped on the sofa and rushed over to smash Zheng Fanchen's body into thousands of pieces

Zheng Fanchen frowned, and suddenly felt a little regretful in his heart. His tone and attitude just now were indeed a bit harsh. In fact, he didn't really mean to target the old guy. Like Zheng Bin himself said, he just accidentally thought It's just to vent his anger on him. Who caused Zheng Fanchen to suffer such a heavy loss tonight, losing so many confidantes in a row, and even himself almost died under Wu Tian's hands?

At this moment, seeing Zheng Bin's posture, Zheng Fanchen really wanted to rush up and strangle himself to death, so he immediately jumped back and shouted: "Okay, old man, I was wrong just now because of my bad attitude, don't you fucking stop!" Is it okay to be as knowledgeable as me? Are you fucking my father and let me scold you seriously? I almost won’t be able to come back tonight, don’t you know?”

When Zheng Bin heard this, the anger in his chest immediately dissipated a lot. After all, the 20-year parenting relationship is here. Although the two are not biological father and son, they get along day and night every day, and the relationship is indeed not mixed. If it is not for Zheng Fanchen just now, it is true If it stimulated him, he wouldn't be so hysterical

You must know that every man has a restricted area in his heart. No one is allowed to touch it, sometimes even his relatives and sons are not allowed. The restricted area in Zheng Bin's heart is that no one is allowed to mention his past more than 20 years ago. It was the pain of his whole life

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