The best boy on campus

Chapter 1949 Brusson who jumps over the wall in a hurry!

Brusson was taken aback, obviously he didn't expect the old cat to dare to confront him face to face, in a fit of rage, he pointed at the old cat with a baseball bat, and shouted: "Give it to me! Beat them all to death!"

The group of younger brothers behind them all rushed up immediately, and surrounded the four brothers Liu Boyang and Peng Xiaoxiao in a vicious manner. Peng Xiaoxiao subconsciously hid behind Liu Boyang, while Liu Boyang stood still on the spot expressionless. On the contrary, Mao and Cui Guodong greeted him with sneer faces!

Seeing a group of people rushing up with baseball bats, the old cat kicked on the shelf next to it, and immediately the two-meter-high shelf full of dog food fell towards them. People were startled, and they couldn't hide in time, they just happened to be smashed right on the ground, and countless cans of dog food poured down, covering their faces and burying them underneath!

"Bastard! Bastard! Get up! You idiots!" Brunson shouted angrily from behind!

The group of terrified guys who were smashed hurriedly pushed away the shelf and got up, staring at the old cat, their eyes were red with anger, and then rushed towards the old cat with strange screams, and the old cat picked up the few things on the ground with its feet. A can of dog food kicked them directly on the forehead, and knocked these people to the ground on the spot. The can of dog food was crushed by the body, and a large pile of dog food was spilled all over the ground.

The other gangsters got mad and threw baseball bats towards Liu Boyang and the others fiercely. A few of them also imitated the old cat and ran over to push the shelves, trying to beat Liu Boyang and the others to death with the shelves!Unexpectedly, before the shelf fell down, it was kicked by Gao Zhenfei. Gao Zhenfei was alone, and on the opposite side were five big men with broad arms and round waists. Yang, I can't even move!

Gao Zhenfei tilted his head, looked at those guys grinning their teeth hard, and smiled disdainfully. As soon as he exerted force on his feet, the shelf began to tilt slowly again, and fell heavily towards the five people on the opposite side. Use your strength, and now you can compare them with a little strength!

These five unfortunate guys were crushed to the ground by the shelves again, but this time they couldn't climb out. The ones who got smashed were Guilulanghou, and the baseball bats thrown by others didn't have any effect at all, because Cui Guodong first Catch two baseball bats empty-handed, and then knock off the countless sticks flying in the air like a baseball. In the end, Brusson's martial arts was futile, and he suffered heavy losses!

Brusson was secretly startled, no wonder Russell Kidman and the others were beaten so badly in the morning, these boys from country Z are really not easy, but it's already at this time, how can he retreat?Even if you bite the bullet and knock down, you can't lose to these boys from country Z!

Such a large-scale brawl happened in such a good shopping mall. The boss of the shopping mall was alarmed, and rushed down angrily with a few shop assistants, wanting to ask for an explanation, but when he saw that the person who took the lead in the trouble was Bruce When it was time for Bruson, it was misfired, because the owner of the mall knew that Brusson was the biggest boss in the area, and he really couldn't afford to mess with him!

"B...Mr. Brunson, please hold your hand high and stop making trouble with me!" The boss came up and said with a bitter face.

Brunson was in a fit of anger at this time, and the evil fire that was full of worry had nowhere to vent. He turned around and slapped the boss on the face, angrily said: "Get lost! Otherwise, I will burn your shop down!"

Liu Boyang looked at Brunson and smiled disdainfully. This guy was indeed a paper tiger. He casually took a fine liquor bottle, unscrewed the cap, pointed a lighter at the mouth of the bottle, and threw it at Brunson. Passing by, Brusson subconsciously waved his hand to block it, only to hear an explosion of "Bang!!", Brusson's entire arm was blown up, and the fire surged up crazily with the help of alcohol, and burned instantly Half of Brunson's body, hair and eyebrows were burnt off in an instant!

"Ah!!" Brunson let out an inhuman scream, and fell to the ground and rolled wildly, trying his best to put out the fire on his body, and the dozen or so boys around were also frightened. He hurriedly found some cola purified water and poured it on the boss, who knew that the alcohol fire was getting more and more intense, and Brusson's skin was burnt to pieces in a short while, it was too horrible to look at!

Peng Xiaoxiao let out a soft cry, covered his face and hid behind Liu Boyang, while the shop owner, clerks and a few customers were also terrified, they had never seen such a ruthless person like Liu Boyang, Dare to burn a living person in broad daylight!

"Boyang, save him, don't let him really burn to death here, otherwise we will definitely cause big trouble!" Peng Xiaoxiao hurriedly persuaded in a low voice.

Liu Boyang himself came to Country A with the identity of a wanted criminal on his back. In fact, he didn't want to make trouble here. His intention was to frighten Brunson. After winking at Gao Zhenfei, Gao Zhenfei walked quickly to the adjacent exclusive area, came back with a bag of flour on his back, and sprinkled it on Brunson, and the fire on Brunson's body was instantly reduced a lot!

At this time, none of the dozens of people brought by Brunson dared to act rashly. They looked at Liu Boyang as if they were looking at death!Even if it is a real underworld, I have never seen anyone who dares to burn people to death in public!

"Bruson, what else do you have to say now?" Liu Boyang squatted down with a smile, looked at Brunson and asked.

Brunson on the ground had been burnt beyond recognition. His hair, eyebrows, and beard were all gone. His whole body was burned red and swollen. His handsome face was completely disfigured. He gritted his teeth and raised his head, dead. He stared at Liu Boyang fiercely, wishing he could tear him to pieces!

"Do you know what will happen to me?" Liu Boyang looked at him close at hand, and said with a sneer, "I hope you can remember the lesson this time, and don't hit my daughter-in-law Xiaoxiao's attention again, otherwise I will really let you You have no place to die!"

After Liu Boyang finished speaking, he stood up and said to Brusson's dozens of terribly embarrassed subordinates: "Drag him away, and don't let me see you again!"

The dozens of guys trembled in shock, no one dared to say a word, they dropped the sticks in their hands one after another, and then walked up cautiously to carry their boss away.

Liu Boyang watched them retreat outside the shopping mall, then walked back and held Peng Xiaoxiao's little hand with a light smile, and asked, "Daughter-in-law, did it scare you?"

Peng Xiaoxiao nodded with a pale face, not daring to speak.

"Hehe, it's okay, he won't dare to mess with you again in the future, but it seems that we can't buy the clothes today, so go home first." Liu Boyang laughed.

"Hmm..." Although Peng Xiaoxiao agreed in a low voice, she was not as relaxed as Liu Boyang. After all, the fire just now was too shocking, enough for her to have a good nightmare!

Liu Boyang took his daughter-in-law's little hand and took her forward with big strides. When he passed by the boss, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry for disturbing your business!"

The boss smiled wryly and said: "It's okay, as long as you leave quickly, the police should be here soon..."

Liu Boyang nodded, and was just about to take his wife and three brothers out, when the haunted Brunson rushed to the entrance of the shopping mall again, roaring loudly with red eyes: "Bastards from the country Z! You fucking mess with me!" If you leave me, don’t even try to run away! I will die with you!!”

Brunson has been so angry that he is like a lunatic, completely losing his mind, holding a double-barreled pistol in his hand, and fiercely shoots towards Liu Boyang. This gun is the one in his mouth. That "old buddy" Pedro, Brusson bought it at a big price back then, and didn't use it easily, only when others really pissed him off, he would take it out and use it!

No one in the mall expected that Brunson would dare to shoot in public. The bullets of the large-caliber double-barreled guns are not just for fun. A lot of things were smashed on the shelves, drink bottles and food bags were flying around, juice residue splashed, the mall owner and clerks screamed and dodged, but unfortunately the mall owner was hit by a bullet in the thigh, and the Howled and fell to the ground!

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