The best boy on campus

Chapter 1950 Gold List Killer, Brother Payne! (2nd more

The Liu Boyang brothers didn't pay attention to Brunson's dog-jumping. The double-barreled pistol looked bluffing, but in fact he might not be able to hit it if he stood there. The store owner could only Said it was too unlucky to be hit by a blind cat and a dead mouse.

But not everyone can be as calm as the four Liu Boyang brothers. Peng Xiaoxiao was so frightened that she instinctively screamed and dodged with her head in her arms. How many can keep calm?

But it’s okay if she didn’t bark, as soon as she barked, Brunson locked her position, and then fired wildly in this direction, dozens of bullets hit, Liu Boyang dodged with his wife in his arms like lightning, and easily avoided it. All the bullets, but people are not as good as heaven. One bullet hit a nearby shelf and exploded. The shrapnel that popped out still hit Peng Xiaoxiao's right shoulder. Peng Xiaoxiao yelled and almost fainted from pain past!

Liu Boyang was furious, holding Peng Xiaoxiao tightly in his arms, holding a baijiu bottle in his hand and threw it towards Brunson. At the muzzle position, Brusson fell into a state of madness, his eyesight was not working well, he only focused on firing the gun, but he didn't expect that the wine bottle burst out of the gun, and the alcohol sprayed him all over with burning flames on the spot. Poor Brunson was caught by the fire for the second time, and fell down screaming desperately, and Pedro in his hand fell to the ground because he ran out of ammunition and food.

Outside the shopping mall at this time, Brusson's gang saw his boss turn into a burning man and shake out, and the voices in his mouth were no longer human voices. Everyone was terrified, and hurriedly rode on a motorcycle and drove away. He slipped away. On the streets around the shopping mall, countless pedestrians watched this scene in shock. Brunson didn't last long, and was soon burned into a scorched human body, lying on the ground and dying.

Liu Boyang didn't care about Brunson's life or death. He was only worried about his wife now. After Peng Xiaoxiao's shoulder was hit by a single piece, the blood soon stained a large area of ​​clothes red. It was obvious that the shrapnel pierced deeply, and it might hurt everyone. To the bone!

"Daughter-in-law, are you alright? I'll send you to the hospital right away!" Liu Boyang hugged Peng Xiaoxiao and said with self-blame. He never wanted to hurt his daughter-in-law, but he didn't expect Peng Xiaoxiao to be hurt in the end!

"Boyang, it hurts..." Peng Xiaoxiao said with tears in his eyes.

Liu Boyang swallowed hard, and encouraged her: "It's okay, don't be afraid, this is just a minor injury, just take out the shrapnel and it will be fine! Don't be afraid, you know?"

Peng Xiaoxiao nodded with a pale face, Liu Boyang rushed out with her in his arms, Cui Guodong had already gone out to drive, Gao Zhenfei and Lao Mao followed closely behind, when everyone went out, they heard that the unlucky mall owner was still lying down. Shouted on the ground: "Quick! Quick! Call an ambulance, call the police, I'm injured too..."


Cui Guodong drove the car and rushed towards the nearest hospital at a very high speed. The old cat was sitting in the passenger seat with complicated expressions, while Gao Zhenfei and Liu Boyang were sitting in the back, and Liu Boyang was holding Peng Xiaoxiao tightly in his arms. He kept talking to her, afraid that she would fall asleep, but the blood from Peng Xiaoxiao's shoulder was seeping through his clothes and dripping on the ground...

Liu Boyang's mind was in a mess, he didn't notice anything except Peng Xiaoxiao at the moment, but Gao Zhenfei faintly felt something was wrong, because he felt that there was still a huge danger slowly approaching them, could it be Brusson? The help of his men?They followed up recklessly?

Gao Zhen turned his head sharply, staring at the back through the rear window, and saw that there was indeed a black car following them every step of the way. Inside were two unfamiliar faces, wearing black suits and black sunglasses. It doesn't look like a person from country a, but a bit like a person from country m!

Gao Zhenfei immediately understood that these two people were not in the same group as Brunson, but where did they come from? Why did they make him feel murderous?

"Guodong, turn left ahead, hurry up! Don't walk in a straight line!" Gao Zhenfei said coldly.

Cui Guodong was stunned for a moment, and just about to ask why, he suddenly saw through the rearview mirror that someone in the car behind showed a silver-white **** and pointed towards them!

"Bow your head quickly!!" Cui Guodong yelled quickly, and at the same time, he grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and spun it violently. The Maserati shook quickly, but the bullet behind it still flew. It flew over his scalp, pierced through the front windshield and flew out again, leaving a small round hole!

Liu Boyang's face turned cold immediately, the killers behind them were even more ruthless than them, and they dared to shoot in the bustling street, even though they were equipped with mufflers, it would still cause accidental injury!

"Where are they coming from?" the old cat asked, looking behind him.

"I don't know! It looks like a person from M country! It should not be with Brunson and the others. I don't know which of our enemies has come to the door again!" Gao Zhenfei said lightly.

While speaking, the other party fired a second bullet, and the Liu Boyang brothers barely avoided it. Peng Xiaoxiao, who was already in panic, was completely terrified. He held Liu Boyang tightly with his little hand, and cried: " Boyang, I'm afraid..."

Liu Boyang sighed softly, clutching his wife's hand, he had nothing to say. Originally, my daughter-in-law lived her ordinary life in Melbourne, going to school and shopping, how leisurely she was, but when he came here, he made her live a peaceful life. It was messed up and made him suffer so much for no reason...

"Brother Yang, let Guodong drive you and sister-in-law to go first, Brother Dafei and I will go down to meet them, stop them first, don't delay sister-in-law's time to go to the hospital!" The old cat stared closely at the back said!

Liu Boyang thought for a while, nodded and said: "Okay! But you have to be careful and keep in touch with me at any time!"

For Gao Zhenfei and Lao Mao's skills, Liu Boyang is absolutely trustworthy, two mere killers can't do anything to them, not to mention Gao Zhenfei also has the finale "Inviting God Art", in the world, no one is his opponent except himself!

After obtaining Liu Boyang's consent, Lao Mao and Gao Zhenfei opened the car door one after another, and then jumped out of the fast-moving Maserati. Many passers-by on the side of the road saw this scene and were stunned on the spot!

After Gao Zhen jumped out of the car, he rolled sideways on the ground and stood firm, then Lightning took a few steps and rushed towards the car behind. The moment the calcium carbide sparks collided, Gao Zhen flew up and kicked Kicking at the car glass, the opponent's windshield was kicked into pieces with a sound of "slap!", and Gao Zhenfei kicked the driver's head unambiguously!

At this moment, Gao Zhen froze on the spot!

Because his foot obviously kicked into the driver's head, but the driver's head was not a head at all, but wrapped around Gao Zhenfei's foot like a mass of molten metal. The driver's lower body was still human, while the upper body It has completely turned into liquid metal that has just been smelted from a high-temperature steel furnace. Although the temperature is far from that high, it is in a vortex shape and firmly seals Gao Zhenfei's entire leg inside!

Immediately afterwards, the man in the black suit and sunglasses on the co-pilot seat, who looked exactly like the driver, unexpectedly disappeared without anyone noticing.

Cui Guodong drove the Maserati, and finally opened a certain distance from the car behind, and was about to make a sharp turn to completely throw away the other party, when suddenly he and Liu Boyang felt a strong fluctuation in the air in the car, and then the position next to Liu Boyang Suddenly the outline of a person appeared, that person grew from nothing, from invisible to visible, and finally turned into a living person, wearing a black suit and black sunglasses, bowing his head and sneering!

Peng Xiaoxiao also witnessed the process of this person appearing suddenly from nothing, so scared that he buried his face in Liu Boyang's arms on the spot. Liu Boyang looked at him coldly and asked, "Who are you?"

"The killer on the gold list, Brother Payne! I came here specially to take your life today!" The man in the sunglasses raised his head, looked at Liu Boyang with a smile and said!

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