The best boy on campus

Chapter 199 Kill the door!

"The license plate number is xx6662**bubble!book*" Zheng Fanchen said it without thinking. He had clearly memorized the license plate number of Wu Tian's Hummer before he left.

"xx6662?" Zheng Bin repeated, suddenly remembered something, and said in shock: "***, I guessed that the person who could kill you out of thin air at the last moment would not be easy, it turned out to be her car "Although Zheng Bin is no longer in society, he still knows the name and license plate of some big shots and "celebrities", such as the car of Red Coral.

The reputation of that ancestor has reached the point where there is no one who is unknown among the big shots in the entire city of W. Even if Zheng Bin doesn't know the background of Red Coral, he has heard from Ning Huatian that the woman is not easy to mess with. , the background is very hard

"Whose car?" Zheng Fanchen saw that his old man's face changed color when he heard the license plate number, and he was a little shocked at the moment, and asked in surprise

"You have caused a disaster, you have caused a disaster." Zheng Bin pointed at Zheng Fanchen's nose and said angrily

"Fuck you first tell me whose car caused the big accident?" The more Zheng Bin was like this, the more impatient Zheng Fanchen became, and immediately asked

"You still said that you didn't leave any clues, and that you did it cleanly and neatly. Didn't you leave a disaster in the end?" Zheng Bin took a deep breath, looked at him and said

"What do you mean by leaving behind trouble? Old man, please speak clearly." Zheng Fanchen said impatiently

"Let me ask you, were you found by the people in the Humvee when you narrowly escaped death?" Zheng Bin asked back

"No, if he finds out, can he run away?" Zheng Bin Fanchen thought it was ridiculous

"Don't be too happy, let me tell you, the person in the Humvee is not an ordinary person. Even if you escaped under his nose at that time, he will definitely notice it later, and he must check it out again. Good luck, I ran away earlier and didn't get caught by him."

"Damn, old man, are you kidding? Who is the other party that deserves your praise?" Zheng Fanchen said disapprovingly.

"You know what, you only know a few tiger people in city W. Let me tell you, the owner of the car is nicknamed Red Coral. He is a typical little ancestor who likes to punish evil and promote good. Although she is a woman, she is no better than Tao Those vicious men are not good, they are notoriously difficult to deal with the person you have offended her this time, be careful and you will have to pay for it.” Zheng Bin said more and more excited

"Is it that serious?" Zheng Fanchen put it bluntly, that is, he is well-known among the younger generation of people in society, and it is not a secret among many big people, but he knows very little, like the name of Red Coral. This is the first time I heard that seeing Zheng Bin's face so solemn at this moment, I couldn't help feeling flustered

"It's more serious than this, let me tell you, if you accidentally left some clues to let her know that you were still alive and ran away, she probably wouldn't let it go, and would definitely follow the clues to find you," Zheng Bin said seriously.

"Are you kidding that city W is so big, where did she go to find me? Besides, I didn't leave any evidence at the time." Zheng Fanchen still shrugged disapprovingly.

"I'm not afraid of [-], but I'm afraid that if she really comes to the door, won't you be in trouble?" Zheng Bin thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said: "How about this, I will contact you Uncle Hu for you, you go He hides there for a few days, if the weather is calm and nothing happens within a few days, you can come back and play with him, but if the people from Red Coral come to you, then you will not be caught by them, the best of both worlds, How about it?"

"There's no need for that, Dad, who is that red coral? Why are you so afraid of her? You said it too, isn't it a woman if you die?" Zheng Fanchen was speechless.

"If you don't understand anything, don't talk about it." Zheng Bin didn't bother to explain to him. How can a woman who can kill Du Laosan in the Eighth Street Fish Market be an idler?Once she came to the door, she would not dare to contact the boss Ning Huatian by herself.

"Anyway, you listen to me. Your survival is more important than anything else. I'll call you Uncle Hu right now." Without waiting for Zheng Fanchen to speak again, Zheng Bin took out his mobile phone and called a person surnamed Hu

It rang for less than three seconds, and someone answered the phone. First, there was a burst of noisy voices. There were men and women, and the men yelled at the women. They probably didn't do anything good, but now Zheng Bin can't take care of that much anymore. I lied at the moment, and only told the other party that my son Zheng Fanchen has been disobedient at home these two days, always making troubles, making me angry, and I can't control him, so I decided to send him to where you are, you help me discipline he two days

The other end of the phone laughed out loud after hearing it, and first made a few jokes about Zheng Bin, saying that Zheng Bin is so tragic that you can’t even control your own son, it’s really sad, and then he agreed, saying that you can send it over whenever you want When will it be delivered, I promise to take care of him for you

After hanging up the phone, Zheng Bin breathed a sigh of relief. This guy surnamed Hu is named Hu Hansan. Although he is not a member of the four major gangs in W City today, he is also the leader of a small faction. He has no wife and no children. He recruited a group of desperadoes to be his younger brothers, and every day he did some shady activities such as bullying, kidnapping, and robbery. Even his dens were set up in a dilapidated office building in the wilderness of the old city.

However, he is the only one who still maintains a good relationship with Zheng Bin among the people who are messing around now. Of course, it is because of his own interests. Maybe it can help him in some way

And Zheng Bin also knew what the other party was planning, but he didn't care about it at all. He and the other party have always been regarded as brothers. People like them live in society and use each other. It is more convenient to have a friend from a mixed society

Zheng Bin didn't want to have long nights and dreams, who knows if Red Coral will come to his door tonight, so he temporarily decided to send Zheng Fanchen over now, and this time Zheng Fanchen didn't refuse any more. He just heard Hu Hansan on the phone. It seems that there are women's voices over there so late, with Hu Hansan as a person, surrounded by a group of women, it is not difficult to imagine what they are doing

Thinking about it is crazy enough, anyway, Zheng Fanchen is fine at home, why not go play with him

The two didn't hesitate any longer, and Zheng Bin personally sent his son there. Before going out, Zheng Bin told the two bodyguards to watch the door, and he went back when he went, and then took Zheng Fanchen out.

These two bodyguards and this villa were all awarded to Zheng Bin by Ning Huatian. With Zheng Bin's current strength, he will definitely not waste money on this

Who would have thought that as soon as the two of them drove the car, countless black cars turned in from the other side of the road and stopped slowly at the side of their villa.

A black car in front opened the door first, and then a burly man with a thick face strode down first, holding a black object in his hand

At the same time, on the other side of the car door, a man dressed as a government official and wearing glasses came down. The two looked at each other without saying a word, and walked directly towards Zheng Bin's door. go to the villa

Behind them, countless black heads stepped out of the car, and the surroundings were filled with the continuous sound of "bang bang bang" closing the car doors

A few young men came out of the car behind the burly man just now, without wasting any time, they just ran a few steps and caught up with the burly man walking in front

In Zheng Bin's villa, the two bodyguards heard the noise from the road outside, and rushed out from inside in a hurry, but when they saw the formation in front of them: a dragon full of vehicles, and a black mass of people's heads, the two bodyguards were horrified immediately. People stand still and can't speak

I couldn't help but guess, what happened?

"Hey, buddy, may I ask, does Zheng Bin's family live here?" The burly man walking in front raised his neck and asked

A bodyguard was stunned for a moment, before turning his head completely, he replied instinctively: "Yes."

"Oh, he's home?"

"not in"

"Who are you?"


"So it's a gang?"

As soon as the burly man said this, the bodyguard suddenly felt that the words were wrong, and just wanted to do something, but the burly man had already pointed the half-meter-long black imported rifle at him, and only heard " With a bang, a group of dazzling sparks burst out in the darkness

The bodyguard didn't even have time to react, his chest exploded directly, blood spattered, his whole body was beaten upside down and flew more than three meters away, and rolled directly into the villa

Note to readers:

Brothers, this chapter is [-] words. I wrote it with painstaking effort. It’s been a long time since my head exploded. I haven’t asked for votes and bricks. Please read and vote

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