The best boy on campus

Chapter 200 Confiscating the family and destroying the family!

"You, you..." Another bodyguard saw that his companion was shot away with a gun in an instant. He was so frightened that his scalp was numb, his whole body trembled, and he looked at the burly man in horror.

The burly man himself was also quite surprised. After many years of playing with guns and knives, it was the first time he had touched such a powerful Laifu. He could knock people into the air with one shot and blow up his entire chest. See Come to think that the things sent by those Russian old men on my last birthday are really not bad things.

"Uncle Hutou, what kind of gun is this? It's more powerful than his mother's rocket launcher." A 1.9-meter tall boy with a big waist and a round waist ran up and asked excitedly.

The burly guy in front is naturally a tiger head, and the fat boy who spoke just now, needless to say, everyone knows that he is an old cat

"I don't know, just use it if you can." Hutou laughed and said that this is true. How many people in the real society know about guns?It's not like a soldier weighs it up so that he can give it his strength.

"Everyone, big brothers... Please don't kill me. I'm just a caretaker here. I don't know anything else. Please, please let me live." The bodyguard immediately frightened I've seen fierce ones, but I've never seen such fierce nonsense without saying a word, just who are this group of people who are upset and shoot guns?What are you here for?

"Zheng Bin is really not in there?" Hutou pointed a gun at him and asked

The bodyguard was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground with a "plop" and begged for mercy in panic, "'s not that Zheng Bin is really not at home. He just took his son out just now. If you had come a second earlier, you could have stopped him."

"What are you doing?"

"Looks like he ran away with his son"

"Why run away?"

"I don't know about this. It seems that something happened. I was worried that someone would come to the door, so I took his son and hid it with someone else..." The bodyguard said honestly

After Hutou listened, he and Snake King looked at each other, and the two of them knew everything in their minds. Now there is no need to doubt, what happened to Liu Boyang was most likely done by that guy, otherwise why run away?

"Do you know where they went?" Snake King came up and asked

"I know, brother, if I tell you, can you let me go?" This bodyguard is really a coward, and he keeps asking for life

"Look at your performance, get in the car and lead the way" Snake King said lightly

"Yes, yes" the bodyguard didn't say a word, and hurriedly walked towards the car on the other side of the road very consciously.

Countless younger brothers over there were standing in the darkness and staring at him coldly. He was so frightened that his legs became weaker and weaker, and he was a little paralyzed when he approached the car door.

"Little ones, go in and look for it. Is there anything valuable in the house surnamed Zheng?" Bao Shan suddenly shouted.

"Yes..." That group of younger brothers couldn't wait a long time ago. Taking advantage of the fire has always been the style of tiger heads and others.

What kind of benevolence, righteousness and morality are talked about in the underworld? To put it bluntly, who is not out for money?Is it really a pleasure to lick blood with a knife?

Only a small part of the group of younger brothers stayed where they were, and with a "bang", most of them rushed into Zheng Bin's house, starting from the ground on the first floor of his house, all the way to the ceiling on the second floor, from beginning to end. When the bottom came, there was a big cleaning, and nothing that looked valuable was left behind. When they came out, almost everyone had a lot of things in their hands.

There are two little brothers who are not greedy enough, and they ran out while holding a 46-inch rear-projection large color TV in someone's house, but they were glared back by the tiger head. It's not too heavy, is there room in the car?I don't know if I smashed it and picked a few useful parts to take away...

The ancients said: "Confiscate the house and destroy the family" The family is first searched, and the family is destroyed after the family. The most important thing in the society is frugality, and a little bit of valuable things should not be wasted.

In just ten minutes, all the valuables in Zheng Bin's house were basically looted, and the expired passbook hidden at the bottom of the bedside table that had not been used for many years was turned out. What do you think is left?

Those younger brothers all had red faces. Although many of the things they snatched out had to be handed over to their bosses, they were able to keep some of them themselves. A few younger brothers were the most excited, with tight arms Carrying the out-of-print Ai Muto Ran Iijima that Zheng Fanchen once bought in Japan, this thing is now rarer than giant pandas, and even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it

In Hutou's car, the bodyguard witnessed all this with his own eyes. It was really a stunned villa. There was a crackling sound, probably a lot of things were smashed to pieces

What kind of rebels did my boss and young master offend?Why are they all scarier than jackals, tigers and leopards?

If he had the life to come back and see all this by himself, he wouldn't need others to do it at all, he would be so angry that he would die

There was such a commotion here that many people from other villas around heard the noise and rushed over to check the situation, but when they saw the countless black heads, they immediately ran back in fright, only daring to hide in the Behind the window of my own home, I poked out one eye to watch them quietly. No matter how stupid I was, I would have guessed that Zheng Bin and his son had messed with someone in the right way this time, and they were robbed so badly.

"Who's right? It's you. Get the hell out of here. What are you hiding? Damn, is that Lafite in your hand?" Liu Zhenlong had sharper eyes, and at a glance he saw that one of the last boys who ran out was pregnant. holding a bottle of red wine

"Oh, yes, brother Zhenlong, I was thinking of honoring you with the one from [-]. I guarantee you like it." The little boy ran over and said that he didn't mean it. Originally, he wanted to be greedy alone...

"Fuck you, hide so tightly and say you respect my tiger head, your little brother is so promising?" Liu Zhenlong pouted

"It's not mine, you go ask Hei Ying, this is his younger brother" Hutou said with a smile

Hei Ying who was standing on the side heard it, his forehead was immediately covered with black lines, he hooked his fingers at the little brother who was hiding the wine, and said calmly: "Come here"

"Master Hei, it's..." The little brother knew that he was going to be in trouble, so he walked over tremblingly with a bitter face

Hei Ying kicked him several meters away, and shouted: "F*ck, get out of here, you'll embarrass me!"

The old cat Yang Lin and a group of brothers next to him wanted to laugh when they saw it. They didn't expect these bosses who are now all-powerful in H County to be so quarrelsome. It's really interesting...

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