The best boy on campus

Chapter 209 Chaos!

City W at night was the most chaotic, bloody, and riotous night in history. With the central hospital as the center, within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area, there were extremely tragic fights in everyone's alleys and turret intersections. The place even used guns and cannons, the whole scene was in a mess, and the flames were billowing

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that everything in front of them would be so exaggerated. Even the most realistic war documentary in history is not as fierce as the fight at this moment. Some people who were not hacked to death on the spot, but were hacked alive and had their arms and legs severed, were struggling in pain and crawling towards their severed limbs in the distance...

Fortunately, this place is located in the center of the city, and there are not many residential areas around. Except for some innocent citizens left in some big cities and big hotels, there are not many people in other places. It will definitely cause the most tragic human tragedy since the establishment of W City

The innocent citizens shrank and hid on the top floors of those large cities, looking at the hoarse shouting and slashing below in panic, each and every one of them was terrified, anxious like ants on a hot pot, I don't know when they will end the killing, but some guys with bad intentions took advantage of the fire at this juncture to rob, pretending to be members of the underworld, and smashed and looted some gold stores and shopping malls frantically, which caused a great commotion among the crowd, and all of them were everywhere for a while. The screams of women and the cries of children can be heard

The whole scene has broken away from the boundaries of the world, and has become a complete purgatory on earth

People almost don't know what is the reason why the people from the following two parties killed so terribly

Is it a terrorist attack?Or religious conflict?Or could it be that the East Turkistan terrorists have come to play tricks again?

They would never have guessed that everything in front of them has been silent for more than 30 years. The dragon king Liu Tianlong, who was famous all over the world in the past, has been killed again, and Qin Wangshan, the old patriarch of the underworld in this city who has not been born for many years, has vowed to... Fight him to the death

These two people are talked about by people on weekdays, they are both demons and killing gods, and their status in the underworld is Saibi Guan Erye. into such uncontrollable consequences

That night, almost all of the four major gangs in W City, Tianwangtang, Bawangtang, Death Gang, and Wolf Club, were mobilized. surrounded in an attempt to annihilate

But in the face of the disadvantages of the enemy being strong and we weak, and the number of people and the few, Liu Tianlong's people were not afraid at all, and instead killed more and more bravely

The joke is that no matter where the men in County H go, they are only grandpas and not grandchildren. No one has ever dared to ride on their own foreheads and bully others, but their heads are as big as a bowl and have a scar. Who is afraid of others?

If you kill one, you will pay back your money, if you kill two, you will earn money, and if you kill three, you will not be wronged in this life.

The people on both sides were so red-eyed that they all burst out the long-suppressed blood in their hearts at this moment. Anyway, the incident has gotten out of hand, so there is nothing to worry about. Kill his mother!

The members of the four major gangs in City W really didn't expect that the gang of tigers in County H would be so fierce. They had a five-fold advantage in numbers, but they were being killed by others and retreated steadily. If you cut off your hands and feet, you can get up from the ground and bite your neck. How can you fight even if you have a knife and a gun?Don't you only have one life?

Fighting is just a word, but how much can be done

The gang of tigers from County H in front of me showed the world what a fight is.

According to Mr. Liu's order, capture the thief first and capture the king first. Among the four generals under him at this time, Hutou was the first to be injured. Holding a machete in his right hand, he chopped over 30 people in a row, and the whole body was covered in blood, and it was impossible to tell that it was a person

Snake King is absolutely inferior to Tiger Head in terms of bravery. He is a wise general, but he has a good marksmanship. Even a hundred paces piercing Yang is not enough to describe him. He can use a big sniper as a charge. , whoever is stared at by his cobra-like eyes will not be spared

As for Baoshan, the current situation is better than that of Hutou. Although his body is soaked in blood, he can still see the appearance of a person, but this killing god is also addicted to fighting. First, a group of people came here on purpose. In the dark alley, he was single-handedly slashed out in less than 5 minutes, and the whole alley was covered with corpses and blood flowed into rivers, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this fucking has only just begun

However, unfortunately, Black Eagle was the first to die in battle among the four. With his sharp eyes, he recognized Dugu Miao Xing, the boss of the Death Gang, from the crowd of people who were crazily killing him. He rushed towards him like an arrow, Dugu Miaoxing was startled, and shot him three times in a row, but Hei Ying insisted on swallowing the blood gushing up from his mouth, and pulled the detonator to die with Dugu Miaoxing. After the flames and loud bangs, the two bombed at the same time, leaving no residue...

The explosion irritated many people, Hutou and others' eyes were red, they shouted the name of Black Eagle, and then the hysterical old brother blew up to death. I don't have much strength left, but I fight to the end with my last breath

Liu Zhenlong is the most elusive one among this group of people. Just now he was killing people here, but the next moment he ran to somewhere to rob him. Dongfang Shuo had been paying attention to him all the time. After all, he also I have heard the legend of Liu Zhenlong in the Golden Triangle, and I know how terrible this person is

However, even in this situation, Liu Zhenlong was able to avoid his sight, and appeared elusively less than ten meters behind him. In an instant, a sharp throwing knife shot at him, almost killing Dongfang Shuo.

Fortunately, Dongfang Shuo also has a veteran soldier who has been tried and tested as his personal bodyguard. At that critical moment, Dongfang Shuo was pushed away, and he was stabbed to death.

Dongfang Shuo broke out in a cold sweat, his scalp was so numb that he couldn't scratch it. Before he could get mad, he heard that Mr. Qiao's car on the other side had exploded, and it was also Liu Zhenlong who did it.

Fortunately, Fourth Master Qiao is a shrewd person. He never really sits in his own car. Every time he finds a substitute, and he himself sits in his younger brother's car. blown to ashes

At this moment, Liu Tianlong was still standing at the top of the main building of the Central Hospital with a blank expression on his face, looking at the two desperately fighting people downstairs, with neither pain nor remorse nor fear in his eyes.

Since ancient times, a general who has become a dead man and came out to join the underworld, Liu Tianlong's heart has long been tempered like iron, he knows that everything in front of him is just the beginning, and the collision between him and Qin Wangshan soon will be the decisive round tonight

The news of Liu Tianlong's fight with Qin Wangshan in City W was sent back to County H immediately. After hearing this, Cui Bajuan, He Jiuxiao, and Yang Tinglei were all furious

***Liu Tianlong, if you want to fight hard, don't call yourself, don't you think of yourself as a brother?

***Qin Wangshan, a dying person dares to jump out and jump around, isn't he alive?

Liu Tianlong is not alone in the old accounts 30 years ago, but the three of us also have a share

Immediately afterwards, they immediately called out their old subordinates together, and with a majestic and domineering power no less than that of Mr. Liu, more than [-] people also rushed to City W with murderous aura.

Don't destroy the door of Qin Laowang's bastard, swear not to be human

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