The best boy on campus

Chapter 210 Put it to death and then live!

Such a large-scale riot occurred in City W, and the news quickly spread from the city to the province, and then from the province to the central government. For a while, even the high-level officials in the central government caused a great sensation

In today's peaceful era, in the dignified city center, the number of thousands of people actually took place in the street.

what a bad influence

how serious the consequences

Is country Z really without a government?

So the central government dispatched special commissioners at the first time, rushed to W city all night to suppress and appease the work, and at the same time sent the news to the province. In any case, before the special commissioners arrived, the scene must be controlled to the greatest extent, and all measures should be taken. Find a way to rescue the innocent citizens who hurt Chiyu and arrest the perpetrators

After the provincial general office received the order, Huo sent people out to directly block the national highway to ensure unimpeded traffic, and the police force arrived in City W as soon as possible.

At the same time, the commander of the military region stationed in W City also received an order to send out troops to assist the police to stabilize the current situation, and to give the diehards the right to kill them on the spot, all for the purpose of suppression

All of a sudden, apart from the undercurrents of the underworld, which became bigger and bigger, and the forces of the white way were also mixed in. Liu Zhenjiang's phone was about to explode. It is estimated that after tonight's incident, he will not be the mayor. Not to mention that he is the son of the big boss who caused the accident tonight, and he will inevitably be implicated, even his negligence of duty and negligence is enough to be severely punished by the superiors.

But Liu Zhenjiang waited until Liu Tianlong and others left before he began to answer the phone. He saw that there were as many as a hundred missed calls from above, including both the leaders above and the subordinates below. It is estimated that those people would find him quickly. Crazy, Liu Zhenjiang connected the phone call of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhao Ziming immediately, and was scolded immediately. Zhao Ziming ordered him to take measures to suppress the perpetrators first, and then said that if he could make up for the crime, he would be punished. he gets a lighter punishment and so on

Liu Zhenjiang could only smile wryly when he heard that, among the group of people downstairs, the most ruthless ones were his own father's men, could he tear down his own father's stage with his own hands?It is estimated that after Zhao Ziming hears that he is the son of the perpetrator Liu Tianlong, let alone a lighter punishment, it will be a strange thing not to deal with him to the end or even lock him up.

It's a real dilemma for him to be caught in the middle.

But at this moment, many things have not been determined after all. Once a person has power, he absolutely does not want to let it go. It is the same with Liu Zhenlong.

Before he hung up the phone and called Li Qirui, Li Qirui had already called. The guy on the phone was already in a hurry and had no voice, and asked him anxiously what to do with the current situation

Just now Liu Zhenjiang has been refusing to answer the phone, Li Qirui has already decided to dispatch all the officers and police under him, he knows that with the manpower he gathered abruptly, he will definitely not be able to control the rush of thousands of people over there. One might be able to pay for it, so he didn't let his subordinates arrest people first, but ran to the big market to rescue those innocent citizens who took refuge first.

Unexpectedly, Liu Tianlong and the members of the four major gangs have long been red-eyed, and they are risking their lives at this moment. It doesn't matter if you are a policeman or not, but if you see anyone in uniform, you will stop fighting and rush up to knock down those Besides, people usually don't suffer from the uselessness of those guys

So Li Qirui's subordinates, those dignified policemen, became the targets of those ruthless guys. They couldn't be scared by shooting. After being caught, they were pressed to the ground and greeted to death. Actually killed a lot of policemen

This made Li Qirui's hair almost grey, and he still cared about his reputation and status. At this moment, he was completely driven by his consciousness and conscience as a policeman, and he called all the policemen in W City over through various channels. In an instant, there were piercing alarm bells from far and near all around.

The reason why Li Qirui called Liu Zhenjiang was to get his approval to dispatch the anti-riot troops, and to ask Liu Tianlong what he was thinking and when he wanted to make trouble.

Of course Liu Tianlong understood Li Qirui's anxiety at the moment. After thinking about it for a while, the old man and Zhenlong had left a long time ago. If something happened, someone would have to take care of it. It would be difficult for the younger brothers below, so he replied: "Hurry up and dispatch the anti-explosion troops. , In can kill anyone who dares to resist at any time." After he finished speaking, his heart was empty. This short sentence means how many people will be killed by gunpoint?

After Li Qirui got his approval, he felt more at ease, and immediately notified the anti-riot troops to come over

In fact, the riot police had already arrived without his notification, but the traffic jam was so far away that they couldn't squeeze in. Even batons and shields couldn't drive away the crowds who were hundreds of meters away. The chaos is in a mess, the movement is so loud, how can there be no one hiding in the distance to watch quietly?

This is really burning my eyebrows

At this time, Liu Tianlong had already walked out of the back door of the hospital, and got into Liu Zhenlong's car, followed by the tiger-headed snake king, Baoshan, and their most confidant younger brothers. They shared two cars and quietly Leaving the central hospital, under the cover of night, he rushed directly to the villa of Qinwangshan——Phoenix Garden

Qin Wangshan must have racked his brains and never imagined that Liu Tianlong could escape under the siege of so many people from the four major gangs, so he must be negligent and not on guard at this moment

This is also the reason why Liu Tianlong allowed his younger brother to fight with the four major gangs. He just wanted to make this gimmick to divert Qin Wangshan's attention and hoodwink his news, while he played a plank road to secretly sneak into Chen Cang and kill him directly. lair

Although this trick is a bit cruel at the cost of so many appointments, but the opponent is Qin Wangshan, if you don’t do this, you have nothing to do with him. It will be difficult to insert the needle of your own protection. If you don't take the method of putting yourself to death and then living again, you will never see his face until you die.

And the facts really made Liu Tianlong count. When the two of them drove into the only villa in Qinwangshan in Fenghuangyuan, most of Qinwangshan's direct subordinates inside had already been sent out. The rest of them saw Liu Tianlong's car coming in, and before they could speak, they were shot in the head by the Snake King, and then the two cars rushed into the hinterland of the villa without anyone noticing.

Liu Tianlong got out of the car with a gloomy face, and rushed into the villa with a pistol in his hands. He was so relieved at the moment, and his mind was so excited that he was almost crazy

The old enemy of more than 30 years can finally be killed by the gun at this moment. Is it a revenge?

Hutou, Baoshan, and Snake King Liu Zhenlong, who were soaked in blood, followed behind him, and rushed towards the villa with big strides, followed by those most confidant younger brothers.

This group of people is also grinding their fists, and finally they can kill this old beast

At this time, Qin Wangshan didn't realize that so many people rushed into his room at once, he didn't know that the black muzzle of his gun had been raised behind him, he was still sitting on the sofa watching TV

Liu Tianlong's eyes were fierce, and his passion burst out like 30 years ago. He strode forward quickly, turned around and aimed at Qinwang Mountain, and fired six shots in a row, four shots directly on his head, and two shots into his heart.

Liu Tianlong's marksmanship is much stronger than that of the Snake King

However, what shocked Liu Tianlong was that even though Qin Wangshan had been shot six times in a row, he still sat on the sofa without moving.

Take a closer look, he's already dead

His complexion turned blue, his seven orifices were bleeding, it was obvious that he had been poisoned and died

it's a trap

Someone killed Qin Wangshan before Liu Tianlong and others came in, and deliberately pretended that he was sitting on the sofa watching TV, just to trick Liu Tianlong into being fooled

Liu Tianlong was stunned by this unexpected situation, and his mind was blank for a moment. This old thing...has died long ago? ? ?

It was still the Snake King who was thinking fast, and immediately regained his composure, and rushed towards Liu Tianlong, shouting: "Boss has an ambush!"

But he was one step too late in the end, and only heard a "bang", a sharp bullet instantly penetrated the window, and hit Liu Tianlong accurately...

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