The best boy on campus

Chapter 2095 Liu Boyang breaks out!

A strong stench came to the nostrils. This tall and thin guy is indeed the incarnation of a shark monster. After revealing his true form, his mouth is full of sharp fangs like barbs, and the cold light is shining. As long as Gao Zhenfei is really bitten by him, his face will definitely Abandoned!

But of course Gao Zhenfei would not be bitten by him, he turned his head sideways, held his chin firmly with his hand, and pushed him out forcefully, the shark monster took two steps back, shook its neck and turned the shark face back into a human face , with a bloodthirsty grin on the corner of his mouth!

"Brother, I want to kill this kid!" The shark monster pointed at Gao Zhenfei, and said to the "Brother" behind him!

The "big brother" shrugged his shoulders, shrugged his shoulders pretending to be helpless and said: "That's okay, the third guy is too careless, he has lost our 'Bermuda' face, now you can help us earn it back!"

"Hey, no problem!" The shark monster looked at Gao Zhenfei with a smile and said, "Boy, it is an honor you have accumulated in your previous life to die at the hands of my Xavier today!"

After finishing speaking, there was only a sound of "whoosh!", and Xavier disappeared strangely, and suddenly appeared behind Gao Zhenfei in the next second. His speed could no longer be described as "fast", it was directly a kind of space. Instant displacement, five fingers into claws, directly grabbing Gao Zhenfei's back heart, this is his favorite way to kill enemies, "Black Shark Heart Claws!" Chew your heart out and swallow it alive!

Gao Zhenfei couldn't react to Xavier's abnormal teleportation if he just looked at it with his eyes, but the miracle is that Gao Zhenfei turned around like lightning and hit Xavier's side face with an elbow, before he took out his own Blow him out before the heart!

Now not only Xavier himself, but even the "big brother" and the other three "Bermuda" sea monsters looked at Gao Zhenfei in amazement.

Xavier covered his side face with a sneer and said, "Not bad, you are so clever that you actually know that I am behind you?"

"Your speed is very fast, but I can smell the stench in your mouth!" Gao Zhenfei said lightly. i^%&*";

"Hehe, when your meat is chewed by me, it will also taste like this!" As soon as Xavier finished speaking, his figure appeared in the sky on the left side of Gao Zhenfei, this time Gao Zhenfei failed to react in time , was severely grabbed by Xavier, and five finger marks appeared on his arm in an instant, and blood gushed out!

"I forgot to tell you, the fresher the bloody smell I smell, the more excited I will be!" Xavier licked his fingers, his long knife-like nails were full of blood, and he still licked it with relish The son swallowed it down.

Gao Zhenfei stared coldly at Xavier while clutching his burning and painful arm, and the old cat shouted from behind: "Brother Dafei, don't be polite to him, this bastard will be fooled by his speed, you just 'please God' destroy him!"

Gao Zhenfei knew in his heart better than anyone else that if it was true, he might not be the opponent of Shawell, but if he used the "Invite God", killing him would be the same as playing, but the problem is that it is not suitable to use it now. "Invite the magic spell", if it really leads to thunder and blows up the entire hospital, it will be troublesome!

"'Please God Art'? Quack, what is that? Is it your trump card? Use it and let me see. I still want to know how you killed Yunus!" Xavier laughed strangely. With a sound, he suddenly appeared on the left side of Gao Zhenfei, and his five fingers were as sharp as knives and grabbed Gao Zhenfei's back longitudinally. Suddenly, five long wounds were cut open on Gao Zhenfei's body!

Gao Zhenfei kicked back, Shaweier suddenly disappeared, suddenly appeared in front of Gao Zhenfei, and slashed at Gao Zhenfei's throat. Fortunately, the trachea was not cut, otherwise Gao Zhenfei would have to give his life here today!

"Haha, is that all you can do? Use your unique move, let me open my eyes, why are you dawdling? Is my move too fast for you to use it? But this is already my basic speed, if You can't even handle this, and today you can only be played to death by me!" Following Shaweier's ferocious laugh, his figure appeared on the right side of Gao Zhenfei again, kicked Gao Zhenfei's chest, and directly Gao Zhenfei kicked and flew out, fell along the ground for a long time before barely stopping.

"Brother Da Fei! What are you waiting for? Damn it, I'll help you!" Seeing this scene, the old cat was angry and anxious. Just as he was about to rush over to help Gao Zhenfei, someone grabbed his ankle hard. Looking down, I saw that the big stupid whale "Third" who was kicked half to death by himself had woken up at some point, and said angrily: "You just hit me so hurt!"

The old cat pulled out its legs twice, but failed to pull it out. It saw that the already huge body of the "old three" swelled up again strangely. No, he held the old cat's foot, and no matter how the old cat struggled, he directly lifted the old cat upside down and stood up. This was the first time in history that the old cat was controlled by others and was unable to resist, not to mention how angry it was. up!

"Your fate is great, isn't it? Then I'll throw you off the roof to see if you can survive!" "The Third" sneered, and walked towards the edge of the rooftop with the old cat in his hand.

Lei Gen's face was ashen, he didn't guess wrong, Gao Zhenfei and Lao Mao were really not the opponents of these people, this was still in the land environment they were not familiar with, if it was in the water, it is estimated that the strength of these "Bermuda" monsters would be stronger abnormal!

But Ragen himself is also blocked now. Apart from the "big brother" who may be the incarnation of the electric eel, sea turtle monsters, octopus monsters, and short masked male jellyfish monsters have also surrounded him. Even with great abilities, it is impossible to easily break through the defense of these four people and rush to rescue Gao Zhenfei and Lao Mao!

Now Gao Zhenfei has been tormented by the afterimage of Xavier flashing everywhere, and every time he appears, Gao Zhenfei will have several wounds on his body, but as long as Gao Zhenfei is still alive and awake, he cannot use the "invoke the gods" Unless he doesn't care about the life and death of his elder brother Liu Boyang and the four sisters-in-law in the building!

Just when the situation was extremely unfavorable, and Gao Zhenfei, the old cat and even Lei Gen, were in an unexpected predicament, suddenly the skylight on the roof of the building bounced upwards, and a figure rushed out like a dragon, from the extremely tall and strong man like a ghost. The "third child" brushed past him, and then stood firmly in the middle of the roof!

The bruised Gao Zhenfei and the old cat hanging upside down both stared wide-eyed, looking at the figures in the field in disbelief, "Yang...Brother Yang?"

The figure that appeared out of the sky was none other than Liu Boyang!What makes people wonder is, wasn't he still receiving rescue in the operating room just now?Why did he rush out in the blink of an eye, and there was not even a trace of injury on his body? !

With a sound of "Bang!", the extremely fat head on the neck of "Old Third" fell to the ground without warning, leaving only a standing body cavity!

ps: That’s all for today. On the last day of April, I won’t say anything else. Starting from the first day of May tomorrow, the new book "The Personal Care of Beautiful Car Models" will be updated in the morning with three chapters. "Continue to update two or three chapters in the afternoon or evening.Tomorrow is the first day of the official release of the book. Let’s make a big splash. I sincerely hope that brothers will join us. I’m not boasting. The new book is really good. Everyone can log in to the 3g bookstore and search for it. Qingdi is waiting for new and old readers Welcome brothers!

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