The best boy on campus

Chapter 2096 The crazy shark-like Xavier!

A gust of cool wind suddenly blew across the roof, causing silence and shock!

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes, the big stupid whale "the third child" was standing there alive and well just now, how could Liu Boyang's head just flashed from his eyes in the blink of an eye, and his head fell off?

"Brother Yang, why did you come up here? And your injury...?" The old cat was freed from the grasp of the "old three", and got up and looked at Liu Boyang with a puzzled face!

Liu Boyang turned his head to look at him, smiled evilly, but didn't say anything. i^ But just this smile made the old cat feel creepy. It stands to reason that he shouldn't have this kind of feeling because of his brother relationship with Liu Boyang, but the old cat felt that Liu Boyang's smile was very strange, as if the person in front of him was not Not the Liu Boyang he was familiar with, but another person!

Following Liu Boyang's fierce appearance, Huzi and Cui Guodong under the skylight also jumped up one after another, and then Sun Xiaorou, Ning Yeqi and the others also climbed up, looking at Liu Boyang at this time with a similarly surprised look .

The old cat walked over suspiciously, and asked Huzi in a low voice, "Huzi, what's going on, Brother Yang?"

Huzi shook his head with a bitter face and said, "We don't know either. Not long after you came up, those doctors, Brother Bangyang, sewed up the wound and were about to send him to the ward, when Brother Yang woke up suddenly and didn't say anything. , looked up at the ceiling, jumped off the bed and rushed out, all of us were confused by him, so why don't we come up together!"

"Why do I feel that this person is not Brother Yang, don't you think his eyes are weird?" the old cat whispered.

"That seems to be the case, Brother Cat, who are these people?" Hu Zi asked looking at the "Bermuda" sea monsters. %&*";

"A bunch of genuine monsters! Look, Brother Yang is different today, he will definitely be able to cripple them!" The old cat looked at the battlefield with a sneer.

At this time, those "Bermuda" sea monsters finally recovered from the shock. The second child, Shaweier, had the most violent temper. He glanced at the body of the "third child" who fell down suddenly, and stared at Liu Boyang: "You Where did this bastard come from? He actually killed the 'third child'?"

The short masked man in the back—that is, the jellyfish sea monster said faintly: "Second brother, this guy is Liu Boyang! Yunus killed him! I almost killed him before, but he used the 'blood magic mirror' to destroy him." My Shadow Summoning Technique!"

"That's it, then let me experience his skills, and avenge the third brother by the way!" Xavier shook his neck and laughed, and his figure disappeared instantly!

In the next second, his afterimage appeared behind Liu Boyang. He just wanted to use the "Black Shark Heart Claw" on Liu Boyang, but was kicked by Liu Boyang with a lightning kick and flew away.

The quiet atmosphere in the night breeze is even more suffocating!With Gao Zhenfei's skill, there is no way to deal with Xavier's teleportation?But Liu Boyang was able to capture his movements in advance?

"You bastard is quite nimble, I'm going to tear you to pieces today!!" Xavier got up from the ground with his fangs bared, roared angrily, and the figure came to Liu Boyang in an instant, thinking directly He tore Liu Boyang's face with both hands, but Liu Boyang didn't even try to hide, he grabbed his hands directly, broke them hard in the opposite direction, folded his arms into a weird angle, and kicked him on the knee at the same time On the spot, Xavier screamed and knelt on the ground. Liu Boyang kicked Xavier on the chin first, and kicked him in the air. Xavier fell to the ground with his eyes turned white, kicking The legs twitched!

"Brother Yang, that's great!! You broke that bastard's limbs, and he's still pissed!" The old cat shouted excitedly!

Gao Zhenfei remained silent. Now he also noticed that Liu Boyang was completely different from usual. The usual Liu Boyang, no matter how powerful he was, would not be so strong. Something unusual must have happened to him!

Gao Zhenfei is not like the old cat who is only excited about what he sees, instead he is very worried now, worried that Liu Boyang will lose his mind due to some unknown reasons, and thus become another person completely.

As for Sun Xiaorou and the others, they were even more horrified by the scene they just saw. Their pretty faces were already pale, and they dared not say a word.

"Damn it! actually crippled my hands! I won't tear you to pieces today, I will never stop!" Xavier limped on the leg that was injured by Liu Boyang's knee, and once again, his face was filled with hatred. He stood up, his hands were drooping, and he couldn't exert any strength at all.

At this moment, the "big brother" behind him spoke up, "Second brother, haven't you noticed yet? This kid is different from others. He has a problem! We'll stop here tonight, let's go!"

Xavier laughed strangely and said: "Brother, you know my temper, Xavier would rather drain the last drop of blood with the enemy than be a deserter! If you are afraid of him, then you go first, I will stay Play slowly with this kid!"

When he said this, Xavier's eyes had turned blood red, which was extremely creepy, and the "big brother" was shocked when he saw it, and said with a cold face: "Second brother, you don't even listen to my words You actually want to use the 'Mad Shark Technique' here! If you have any troubles, how do you want me to explain to the Shark King?"

"Don't the old man always think I'm useless? He doesn't feel sorry for me when I die. Besides, it's the glory of our shark clan to fight the enemy!" Xavier grinned and grinned: "Brother, You guys go first! You're getting in my way here!"

That "big brother" persuaded him not to listen, he was angry and anxious, maybe he shouldn't be here tonight at all!But looking at Xavier's shark-like state, there is no way to stop him now, and he can only desperately think about how to minimize Xavier's casualties!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xavier's body suddenly rose, and then his back arched. A long shark tail grew out of the tailbone, and fins grew out of the back spine. The face turned back into a shark's head, with fangs It was completely exposed, and the two arms also grew and widened, becoming like two sickles!

"Ah!!" Sun Xiaorou and the others had never seen such a weird scene before, and they all shrank together in fright and screamed. Could this be a horror movie?How could a living person become a monster?

"Those four are your women? They look fresh and tender, hehe, I'll kill you later, and tear them up to eat meat, quack, they must taste delicious!" Xavier licked his tongue Said!

Liu Boyang just looked at him indifferently, and suddenly opened his mouth and smiled. That kind of smile made people who are familiar with him look very uncomfortable, always feeling creepy!

"The 'Shark Transformation' me is ten times faster and ten times more powerful than before. I can play with you endlessly! So - die!!" Xavier gave a strange laugh, and with the "scythe" in his right hand With a wave, an incomparably swift and powerful jet of water appeared in the air and hit Liu Boyang, at the same time Shawell rushed towards Liu Boyang with that jet of water!

ps: There will be another update later. I released a new book today. I feel much more deserted than I imagined. I'm not in a good mood and I don't have much motivation for coding.well……

Brothers, let’s not mention the past, I was wrong, please go and support the new book, I will not let you down again with this book!

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