The best boy on campus

Chapter 2097 There is only one reason for your defeat! (1nd more

Everyone couldn't imagine that on this high-altitude and waterless rooftop, Xavier could actually condense such a fast-moving water column, even if Liu Boyang used the power of water elements, he could not do this!

As the water column slammed into Liu Boyang, the chilly water vapor could be felt in a wide range of air, and Xavier rushed towards Liu Boyang madly mixed in the water column, screaming strangely from his mouth!

Liu Boyang dodged his body, and his whole body jumped into the air. The water column rushed past the place where he stood just now with a "boom", and Shawei suddenly burst out from inside, and the two sickle hands turned into afterimages to cut Liu Boyang , but Liu Boyang disappeared out of thin air, and Xavier also disappeared immediately after, the two of them seemed to have evaporated in an instant!

Except for Lei Gen and the "big brother" from "Bermuda", no one could see that Liu Boyang and Shaweier were actually fighting fiercely at a speed that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. Hitting from the ground to the sky, dozens of moves may be passed in a second, and the air is full of harsh winds and strong explosions!

But soon, Xavier discovered that his speed was not as fast as Liu Boyang!This is simply unimaginable!You must know that the Shark Clan is the fastest clan among all the Kraken Clans in "Bermuda". Except for the Shark King and Xavier's three elder brothers, no one can be faster than the mad shark-turned Xavier!Unexpectedly, when Xavier first came to the land, he encountered a strange creature. Liu Boyang's agility and offensive were unmatched by him!

But Xavier has the purest bloodline of the Shark Demon. Even though he knew that he was bound to lose, he still didn't flinch. Instead, he continued to fight fiercely with Liu Boyang with the mentality of dying together, and was kicked away by Liu Boyang in the end. The sickle hand directly pinched his neck and fell from mid-air, hitting the ground with a bang!

At this time, the two of them appeared in front of everyone again after a lapse of one minute. Unlike Liu Boyang who was intact, Xavier was already bruised and bruised. Liu Boyang choked his neck and pressed him to the ground. It burst out!

No matter how unwilling Xavier was, Liu Boyang still lowered his head with a sneer, looked at his ugly shark face close at hand, and said with a sneer: "There is only one reason for your defeat, and that is because of me. enemy!"

Xavier's lungs were about to explode, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Liu Boyang's hand, and could only be forced to endure the extreme pain of suffocation, and slowly stick out his tongue!

The other "Bermuda" sea monsters couldn't stand it any longer, they had already lost their third child, but they must never watch Xavier die again!At that moment, the "big brother" took action himself, raised his hand to shoot out two lightning bolts, and directly blasted two power grids on Liu Boyang's body!

Xiaorou and the others covered their eyes in fright, and then couldn't help but spread their fingers and look at her husband, but saw that Liu Boyang was fine, and turned back to look at the "big brother" with a sneer: "Don't worry , you all have to die tonight, it's not your turn yet!"

That "big brother" was stunned, the thunder and lightning light he sent out by himself, even if a master like Lei Gen was hit by the bomb, it was impossible for him to be indifferent, but this kid in front of him carried it through so calmly?

The short masked men who were just about to rush up—the jellyfish siren and the skinny octopus siren stopped abruptly when they saw this scene. Only the short and fat turtle siren went up to rescue his "second brother" recklessly. After he showed his true form, he looked like a "Turtle Immortal", with a huge turtle shell on his back, only his head and limbs were exposed from it, but this was his natural armor, which could provide him with the best protection. Strong defense!

Seeing him jumping up and trying to jump on Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang didn't even look at him, and sent him off with a kick, and fell to the ground on the shell of a tortoise, unable to get up for a long time. i^i^

The old cat laughed loudly: "Now we can see what is called 'four-sided and eight-pointed', Wang Bajing, you can't do it, you are far behind your two idiot brothers, so don't come out and show yourself!"

The turtle sea monster was furious, and with a fierce force, it bounced directly from the ground, opened its mouth and sprayed a few bubbles at Liu Boyang, these crystal clear bubbles were still very fast, Liu Boyang pinched Javert with one hand Er, he slapped away the first water bubble with his backhand nonchalantly, and there was an explosion with a bang! The power contained in the water bubble was no less than that of a compressed water bomb, and half of Liu Boyang's body exploded. numb!

Now Liu Boyang didn't dare to be careless, he lifted Xavier who was on the ground violently, and used it as a meat shield in front of him. Following Xavier's miserable howl, the remaining few blisters all exploded on his body Hey, he was bloody and scorched inside and tender on the outside. Originally, he wouldn't die so quickly, but now he only has half his life left!

Looking at Xavier who was half dead in his hand, Liu Boyang waved him without hesitation and threw him towards the turtle sea monster. Only a thick little hand caught Xavier, but Liu Boyang also followed him like lightning, and kicked Xavier in the heart!

The force of this kick was so great that it kicked Xavier and the turtle monster behind him away on the spot, and Xavier sprayed blood in the air, and the blood was mixed with countless internal organs. His heart was smashed to pieces by Liu Boyang!After he fell to the ground, his body shrunk rapidly, turning into a half-human, half-shark body monster, with blood foaming from his mouth, and he was dead.

But the Turtle Sea-Monster was even worse than him. After two consecutive falls, the turtle shell on his back was cracked. It is estimated that it will take a long time to recover from the root of the injury that fell this time.

Just when Liu Boyang rushed up to kill the turtle sea monster, suddenly the "big brother" came to Liu Boyang in an instant, punched out, Liu Boyang dodged sideways, then twisted his body and swung his fist again, two movements The connection is so airtight that Liu Boyang can only raise his hand to resist!

But as soon as Liu Boyang caught his hand, he felt a strong electric current jump over him. This time the voltage was more powerful than the two lightning bolts just now. After one shot, the "big brother" picked up the turtle sea monster on the spot, turned over in the air and retreated to the distance, staring at Liu Boyang faintly and said: "Your name is Liu Boyang? Remember it, from now on, we' Bermuda's not finished with you! You are waiting for our endless revenge!!"

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed and disappeared, and the octopus siren and jellyfish siren also turned into two bubbles and evaporated away in place.Liu Boyang rushed to the edge of the rooftop in front of him, looked into the distance with a sneer, but he didn't choose to continue chasing him, but just smiled a little bit.

ps: Everyone support the new book more, Qingdi's voice is hoarse...

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