The best boy on campus

Chapter 2100 Regan's heart chapter!

With a face full of confusion, Liu Boyang looked at Lei Gen with questioning eyes again, and Gao Zhenfei also looked over, only to see Lei Gen's face was extremely unnatural, standing there silently, but he never said anything. %&*";

Liu Boyang hesitated for a while, and finally walked over and asked, "Old Lei, you must know what happened just now? You don't want to tell me?"

Lei Gen's expression was extremely complicated, and he said vaguely: "This is not a place to talk, go back to the palace first!" After speaking, he strode away.

Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei looked at each other. The more Lei Gen was like this, the more they felt that they had no idea. That guy had always been a cynical person, and he never pretended to be worried, but now he looked preoccupied, which meant that there must be something It happened!

But at the moment Liu Boyang has no other choice but to go back to the palace to make a long-term plan. He asked Gao Zhenfei to call the old cat Cui Guodong and the others back, and then went to the palace to meet together. Gao Zhenfei said in surprise: "Brother Yang, your injury is not healed yet! You You were stabbed before and bled so much, the doctor told you to stay in the hospital for recuperation, is it appropriate for you to return to the palace like this?"

Liu Boyang said lightly: "I'm fine, isn't the wound already sutured? Get some medicine from the hospital later, and I'll just go back and apply it. With so many things going on all day, how can I have time to lie in the hospital?"

Seeing that Liu Boyang had made up his mind, Gao Zhenfei had no choice but to agree, and then went back to the hospital to explain some things (for example, everything that happened tonight was not revealed to the doctors and nurses), and helped Liu Boyang get the medicine by the way.

Liu Boyang calmed down his thoughts, walked back to Xiaorou and the others, and said with a light smile, "Did what happened tonight scare you?"

The four girls nodded weakly, and Song Jiayao asked: "Boyang, are you...really still the old Boyang?"

"Hehe, what do you mean? I'm not Liu Boyang, so who else am I?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile. %&*";

"But I always feel that you are completely different from before. When you were in China, although we were not with you often, we still felt that you were always by our side psychologically. But since you went abroad, and Bizarrely becoming the king of this small country, we feel a little distance from you, your whole body is full of some magical colors. Coupled with what happened tonight, we feel that you are even more incredible, have you already... ..."

"Do I no longer belong to human beings and have become a demigod?" Liu Boyang laughed and asked.

Song Jiayao blushed, pouted and said nothing, but she really thought so...

"Hehe, don't think too much about it. No matter what I, Liu Boyang, am, I will still be the husband who loves you and loves you. I once swore to take good care of you for the rest of my life. This will definitely count! I admit, the current me It is indeed a little different from before. The reason why I didn’t tell you some of the things I have experienced and the changes that have taken place is not because I don’t trust you, but because you are too simple, and I’m afraid to scare you. Mature, I will definitely tell you the stories that happened to me, your husband has nothing else, there are quite a lot of weird and bizarre experiences!" Liu Boyang laughed.

The four girls saw Liu Boyang's smile as familiar and gentle as ever, and the little discomfort in their hearts finally dissipated. Sun Xiaorou walked up with red eyes and said, "Boyang, I'm sorry, I heard from Wang Tianhai that it was me and Ye Qi Your shadow hurt you, we really didn't expect this to happen..."

"Come on, silly girl, what kind of apology do you want to apologize to me? It's none of your business. If I ask you to say this, it's my own shadow that almost played me to death. Then don't I have to make trouble with myself? You guys, stop thinking about it. What happened tonight, if you can treat it as a dream, that would be the best. I really don't want these crap to affect your life. Now go back to the palace with me , I also have a lot of things that I don't understand!" Liu Boyang pinched Xiao Rou's face and smiled.

After coaxing a few girls for a while, when Gao Zhenfei also came out of the hospital, Liu Boyang led a few people back to the palace first.

Afterwards, the old cat Cui Guodong Huzi and the others hurried back to the palace to meet him after they heard the news that Liu Boyang had returned safely.


At this time, it was the middle of the night, and in the dead of night, in the empty main hall of the palace, only the five brothers of Liu Boyang and Lei Gen sat.As for Sun Xiaorou and the others, they were all coaxed back to sleep by Liu Boyang.

After a brief silence, Liu Boyang looked at Lei Gen, and said calmly: "Old Lei, you know the relationship between the two of us, since the moment I rescued you from under the ice crevasse by chance, we two have been in love. Bound together by fate. In the beginning, you did cause me a lot of trouble, but later on, we didn’t make a deal. I’m not good at expressing my feelings, and I think it’s really annoying for a big man to be as pretentious as a woman Yingren. But from my heart, I have always regarded you as a big brother, because when I was most desperate, it was you and Zhou Cai who helped me and have always supported me silently."

"I can't remember what happened just now, and no one else knows. Only you know what happened to me. But if you have something to hide and don't want to say it, I will never force you. I respect your wishes. .”

After listening to Liu Boyang finish these words, Lei Gen sighed heavily, and said, "You boy, I don't even know whether to say you are a lucky star or a cursed star. Ask yourself, I don't understand why I am a blood race, why would I want to be with you?" You little guys who are thousands of years younger than me play together, maybe it’s the brotherhood between you that infected me, or maybe some love-hate parting that is unique to you humans has influenced me invisibly, I feel that I can only be with you Together, I can find my own sense of existence, and I can really calm down and recall some of my past gains and losses.”

"You may not believe me when I say it, but I am very envious that you have these life and death brothers who support you and support you like this. Do you know? I was sealed under the ice crack for thousands of years. During this long time, I Constantly reminiscing and reflecting, if I hadn’t fought for power with my elder brother, and hadn’t single-mindedly wanted to be the leader, then what would I be today? Would our blood race be what we are today?”

Ragen said with a wry smile, "It's hard for you to imagine, who is the person I miss the most now? It is Cain who I should hate the most! He has sealed me for thousands of years, but I didn't suddenly think about it until today. Clearly, he showed mercy to my subordinates at that time, because it was so easy for him to kill me at that time, maybe his original intention was to seal me up and let me think clearly!"

"If I can go back to the past, I swear, I will never fight against him again. I also want to be like you, to join hands with him as always, and to carry forward our blood race together!"

"Old Lei, why did you suddenly tell me these things?" For some reason, Liu Boyang faintly sensed something was wrong, so he quickly stopped and asked!

ps1: Please support the new book more!Everyone who has seen it says it's good!

ps2: Just a weak question, do you want Lei Gen to die?

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