The best boy on campus

Chapter 2927 Lantern Ancient Buddha VS Moxiza!

Without further ado, the Tathagata Buddha hurriedly led all the immortals to leave Lingshan, and went to Nantianmen for emergency support, while the ancient Buddha Dieng asked Liu Boyang to go with him to the "Nirvana Pool" with the body of King Jinming, the Dapeng, Eighteen arhats are responsible for sending Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to the stupa.

This is the first time in the history of the great immortals of Daleiyin Temple that they mobilized their teachers on such a large scale. It can be seen that in order to fight against those foreign demons, the Tathagata Buddha really made up his mind to go all out, but when their figures left the boundary of Lingshan Suddenly, two figures appeared above the illusory white mist in Lingshan, one was covered in black robe with long flowing hair, the other was wearing a black cloak, with three pairs of wings behind, it was Moses and Satan!

"Hmph, the Tathagata Buddha has been fooled, let's go! We will act according to the plan!" Moxi Zha said with a grinning grin, and led Satan directly into the gate of Lingshan. At this time, Pofa King Kong and Shengzhi King Kong had just left Dalei Yinsi happened to come to the foot of the mountain, and suddenly saw these two figures rushing in. The Pofa King Kong opened his eyes and shouted violently: "Who are you?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a flash of black light, and he and Shengzhi King Kong's head were thrown into the air, blood spurted out, and the two King Kong's heads rolled to the ground with wide-eyed eyes.

Mo Xizha smiled disdainfully, and continued to stride forward, killing two King Kong in seconds. He didn't even have a drop of blood on him. The person who has been able to kill in Lingshan since ancient times without even blinking his eyes, I'm afraid It must be him!


On the way to the "Nirvana Pool" side by side with the ancient Buddha, Liu Boyang stopped suddenly, his face was full of solemnity, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the road up the mountain, feeling inexplicably restless!

"What's the matter?" Randeng Ancient Buddha asked with a slight frown.

"Gufo, I have an ominous premonition, as if someone has broken into Lingshan! If I'm not mistaken, it's Satan!" Liu Boyang said in a serious voice!

The burning lamp ancient Buddha looked at Liu Boyang in surprise, and asked in confusion, "Why do you say that?"

"I have dealt with Satan not once or twice, he has harmed me several times, and he has been attached to my body, so I have a special sixth sense for him, as long as he appears near me and does not deliberately hide his breath , I can feel his existence!" As Liu Boyang spoke, he felt the aura of Satan gradually approaching him more deeply, so he asserted with more certainty: "That's right! It's him! That guy dared to come to Lingshan! "

Looking at Liu Boyang's serious expression, the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng knew that he was not joking, so he believed it a little bit. He didn't care about going to the "Nirvana Pool" at the moment. Just as he was about to go down the mountain to see what was going on, he suddenly saw two figures flying towards him like ghosts, stomping their feet lightly to a distance of more than ten meters in front of him and Liu Boyang!

"Liu Boyang, we meet again!" Satan greeted Liu Boyang with a smile like an old friend.

Liu Boyang clenched his fists and said angrily, "Satan, is it really you?"

"Haha, accident? I just happened to feel your breath here, so I led Master Moxiza here together. We are really destined!" Satan said with a wicked smile.

Liu Boyang was secretly startled, the man in black robe with long flowing hair standing next to him was actually Moses Zha? !

"Bold and different! Lingshan resort, is it a place for you to run wild?" Randeng Ancient Buddha said angrily. As one of the three masters of Lingshan, people have broken into his house. How can he bear this tone!

"Well, let me guess, you old man must be the most senior and oldest burning lamp ancient Buddha in Lingshan? Hehe, the aura is really strong, but it is still not as good as the Tathagata Buddha." Mo Xizha smiled lightly Said: "You said something wrong, we didn't come here to play wild, but deliberately led the Tathagata away, and came here to rescue an old man, it's really sad, the patriarch of ten thousand Buddhas can't even do this little trick I can't see it, so easily fell into our plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

When Liu Boyang and Randeng Gufo heard this, they were shocked!It turned out that they had premeditated it, attacking the Heavenly Court was false, and using that side as a bait to plot Lingshan was the truth!

The ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng changed his face instantly, and said coldly: "Are you here for '魃'?"

"That's right! That boy '魃' has been suppressed by you under the Lingshan Mountain for thousands of years, and I'm going to release him today, heh heh, when the three demons join forces, I see who can be our opponent in the sky and the earth !” Moxiza said with a sinister grin without concealing it!

The burning lamp Buddha realized the seriousness of the situation, and said to Liu Boyang in a low voice: "Liu Boyang, you go first! Go straight along this road, and you will be able to see the temple of the Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva. Everything told her that King Peacock Ming has great supernatural powers, and joining hands with me can stop these two people!"

Liu Boyang smiled wryly, he really wanted to leave, but he, who had witnessed the true strength of Mo Xiza with his own eyes, knew very clearly that it was impossible for him to escape from the hands of these two men!

"Let's go? Hehe, don't dream! The reason why I told you everything is because I regard you all as dead, how can I let you escape? Burning lamp, I heard that your time to become a Buddha is earlier than you come. Today's leading figures in the Five Elements and Three Realms are qualified to fight with me, and today I will send you back to the west first!" Moxi Zha said with a grinning smile, and his figure attacked the ancient Buddha in an instant, before the black light arrived, Thunder Before he could cover his ears and slammed into the body of the ancient Buddha of the lamp, the ancient Buddha of the lamp obviously did not expect the opponent's speed to be so fast. With a palm block, the entire old body was knocked out, and after falling to the ground, he staggered back a few steps !

After standing firmly on the foot of the Lantern Ancient Buddha, he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy carelessly. His whole body was shrouded in golden light, his face was full of solemnity, and Moxiza appeared again with a flash of black light, shaking his head contemptuously: "After all, you are old, and that's all. I really overestimated you!" After finishing speaking, he punched down hard, and suddenly a ferocious black dragon pierced through the sky and flew out of the cracked ground, and rushed towards the ancient burning lamp Buddha - this is not The real black dragon is just an image composed of black light, but it can open its mouth and roar, making a deafening roar, just like the real thing!

Watching helplessly as the black dragon swallowed the unavoidable Burning Lamp Buddha into its belly, suddenly, countless golden beams of light shot out from the black dragon's stomach in all directions, and then the entire dragon's belly exploded, and the Burning Lamp Buddha He flew out unscathed, and his appearance changed at some point, like a rejuvenated young man, with a grain of red sand on his forehead, a solemn face, full of fighting spirit!

At the same time, the phantom of the black dragon whose stomach was exploded screamed in pain and disappeared. Moxiza looked at the ancient Buddha who was completely in a fighting state, and said with a sneer: "It turns out that you are still hiding your strength, and the aura is still there." It's interesting to keep improving, it seems that I want to solve you easily, it's not realistic!"

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