The best boy on campus

Chapter 275 Sha Xiaoli!

The girl who was dragged here by Guan Shijie at this moment is named Sha Xiaoli. She was unlucky today and bumped into Guan Shijie's muzzle, that's why she was treated like this

We know that in the class of high school students, there are always some beautiful girls who like to hang out with bad boys all day long, play around, but when it comes to the truth, they will abide by their duties and never indulge themselves. Many boys like to call them behind their backs As "social butterflies", it is also said that they are skittish

But no matter who it is, when they point at them behind their backs, they will show disdain and righteous indignation. Similarly, no matter who speaks sarcasticly to them, their crotch will be bulging, as if the more they speak The more ruthless you are, the more you can vent your anger. In fact, you may be secretly pointing out why YY people want to push them to the ground to do their best work.

And this beautiful girl, Sha Xiaoli, is a well-known socialite in Guan Shijie's class, and she is also a class flower. Her favorite thing to do is to fight with the gangsters in the class like Guan Shijie, as if she can satisfy her inner vanity

But once it comes to issues of principle, she will never give in. For example, Guan Shijie can touch her thighs at will, rub her plumpness when people are not paying attention, and even hug her in his arms through his pants to symbolize Twice sexually, but if she really wants to have sex or kiss twice, she will never agree. This is not only because she already has a husband in the outside world, the important thing is that she knows that people like Guan Shijie are unreliable. , It’s okay to play with it a little bit, but once you are really fucked by him, after he gets tired of you, your end will be to be kicked away

In the fourth class this morning, Guan Shijie, who had suffered a great loss under the hands of Cui Guodong's old cat Li Wanhao and others, returned to the classroom angrily. novel

During one class, the more she looked at her, the more sexual she became, her lower body was already standing tall, her heart was full of itch, she was thinking about which girl to find a good blowout at noon. For people like them, sex is like smoking Similarly, if you don’t come a few times a day, it’s more uncomfortable than eating a few meals. Suddenly, Sha Xiaoli came to your door

As soon as the bell rang for the end of class, when the other students were packing up and going home, Sha Xiaoli came to the back as usual. She wanted to flirt with Guan Shijie, swear, and ask Guan Shijie during the break between classes Taking so many people out in a short time, who did they fight with, and what was the result, but who would have thought that as soon as she came here, before she could speak, she saw Guan Shijie's tent in his crotch raised high, holding I am reading a thick network h novel

Sha Xiaoli covered her mouth with a coquettish smile, stretched out her hand and snatched the novel from Guan Shijie's hand indifferently, flipped through a few pages randomly, glanced at Guan Shijie, knowing the consultant's smirk and said: "What is this?" novel?"

Guan Shijie raised his chin, looked Sha Xiaoli up and down a few times, and suddenly had an idea in his heart, and said with a smile: "Novels you can't read."

When Sha Xiaoli heard this, she rolled her eyes at him charmingly, and walked to the front with her two bright thighs dangling, instantly bringing a scent of high-end perfume. Gently tapped Guan Shijie's nose with his finger, and said with a frivolous smile, "Why can you see it but I can't?" He purposely leaned his body very close so that Guan Shijie could see the pair of snow-white plumpness inside her, bringing With the aroma of temptation, blowing towards the face

Guan Shijie was no stranger to this girl's tricks, and said with a faint smile, "H novels? Can you read them too?"

"Cut" Sha Xiaoli gave a disdainful "cut", blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "What's the matter, isn't that what it is? It's not like I haven't tried it..."

"Hehe, you are quite open." Guan Shijie smiled with ulterior motives, sat up suddenly, put his arms around Sha Xiaoli's delicate neck, and said with a low laugh, "I knew you were not a good fucker long ago, How many men do you know? You're going to have fun with me at noon today, will it work?"

Sha Xiaoli blushed immediately, and hurriedly took off Guan Shijie's big hand, and spat: "Nonsense, you think I'm just like you! Except my husband, no one has ever touched me. Don't touch me. Others have seen it." how bad"

"Damn, who dares to say no when you see him? I don't blame you if I don't kill him. Is there anyone in our relationship class who doesn't know? Good Lily, why don't you let me do it once? I don't go around talking nonsense." The more Sha Xiaoli refused to let Guan Shijie touch him, the more he wanted to seduce Guan Shijie. The idea of ​​wanting to fuck her was not so strong, but after her teasing, she really couldn't hold it back.

"You think beautifully, don't talk nonsense, what's the relationship between the two of us? There's nothing shameful about it, it's not good for people to hear it, you just watch it here, I have to go home, so I won't accompany you, Hehe" Sha Xiaoli knows the true meaning of seducing boys, it is wise to whet the appetite and leave

"Really so amazing?" Guan Shijie said displeasedly with a straight face

"Oh, Xiaojiejie, don't embarrass me. You don't lack a girl like me. There are plenty of girls out there who are willing to sleep with you, and I already have husbands. Please be considerate." Sha Xiao As Li said, she straightened up and fiddled with the small satchel on her shoulders, and finally said with a smile: "I'll go now. Reading too much of this kind of book is not good for your health. You should stop reading it and go home first, haha. Look at you, what's swollen down there..."

At the end, even Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed Guan Shijie's lower body like a thief, the tentacles were really firm and strong

Guan Shijie was caught by her cleverly, and his whole body immediately sat upright, looking at her with his face turned sideways

And Sha Xiaoli was surprised, bit her lip, smiled lightly and looked at Guan Shijie, and suddenly leaned into his ear, giggled and said: "You are much bigger than my husband, if I had known, I would have been yours." Daughter-in-law, giggling"

After speaking with a smile, without waiting for Guan Shijie to respond, he directly picked up his satchel and walked out towards the back door with a smile

Guan Shijie looked coldly at her receding back, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, even if you ran fast, the people in the classroom just now didn't leave completely, otherwise I would definitely strip you naked and press you on the ground to fuck you Desperate to live, see if you dare to tease me

Guan Shijie was so tempted, he took a deep breath, continued to hold the book and leaned on the table to read, but in his mind YY was the figure of Sha Xiaoli, that girl was wearing a pair of shorts and hot pants today The T-shirt, the thighs are so shiny and white, the breasts are so plump and swollen, and the whole body looks like a vixen, if I can really ride her well, I will be so fucking happy

Leaning there, yawning unbearably hot, suddenly heard the sound of sandals stomping on the floor from the corridor outside the back door, and then there seemed to be a familiar fragrance wafting along with it, Guan Shijie sat up straight suddenly, Throwing away the book, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth, how dare that bitch come back?

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