The best boy on campus

Chapter 276 Guan Shijie's Overbearing! !

"What, figured it out? Are you willing to accompany me?" Guan Shijie saw Sha Xiaoli entering the door in a hurry, stood at the door and said with a smile

"You think so beautifully." Sha Xiaoli didn't even dare to look at him, as if she also knew that there were few people in the corridors of the classroom. If Guan Shijie really went crazy, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she didn't dare to tease him anymore, and just panicked Zhang ran towards his seat

"Then why are you coming back?" Guan Shijie asked

"Take the key," Sha Xiaoli said while leaning over to find the key from the desk drawer

But she didn't notice that the posture she bent over was the most seductive to men: one hand was propped on the table, her plump buttocks were raised, her two snow-white thighs were stretched tight, and her beautiful and slender legs were raised. Yuzu——in Guan Shijie's own words, isn't this what you owe?

"Then, I found it, hehe." Sha Xiaoli shook the key in her hand, straightened up and smiled at Guan Shijie, and for some reason, facing Guan Shijie at this moment, she suddenly felt a little instinctively afraid, and coped with it: "So It's late, why don't you go home?"

"Wait for you" Guan Shijie said with a smile

"It's nothing serious, then I'll go first." Sha Xiaoli finished with a forced smile, rearranged her satchel, wiped Guan Shijie's body and ran towards the back door

Unexpectedly, Guan Shijie didn't intend to let her go this time, he shot like lightning, grabbed her wrist, and directly pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly with one hand on the waist, and the other Gently stroking her soft cheek with his hand, he said with a sly smile: "Hehe, do you think you can still go now? Just now you deliberately teased me, you can go if you want?"

"Guan Shijie, don't be like this." Sha Xiaoli frowned, flustered, and shook her body vigorously to break away from Guan Shijie's embrace. She was just about to continue running out desperately, but suddenly there was a loud "boom" in front of her eyes, and Guan Shijie He even kicked the door shut

Suddenly, the light in the entire classroom dimmed.

"Sha Xiaoli, I said you can't run today, you can't run today, but you provoked me first, I didn't intend to fuck you at first, but you fucking dare to tease me, if you don't do it today, It really can't be justified." Guan Shijie finally showed his fierce face at this moment, and said with a lewd smile

Sha Xiaoli was terrified, she really didn't expect that her temporary provocation would cause trouble to her upper body, she stomped her feet angrily and screamed: "Guan Shijie, don't forget that this is a classroom!"

"I know, that's why I wanted to try it. Recently, many of those Japanese AVs were made in the classroom. We don't know what it's like, so I'll try it with you today." Guan Shijie walked towards her with a smile, swearing foul language

Sha Xiaoli's face turned red. As I said before, she is only a "social butterfly" type of girl. It's okay to play with boys hypocritically, but she never wants to have a real fight with a man other than her husband. Live, seeing Guan Shijie approaching me unscrupulously at this moment, I was really terrified in my heart, and begged for mercy while stepping back: "Guan Shijie, don't do this, can we? We are classmates, and we usually have a good relationship, so you can't treat me like this mine"

Guan Shijie snorted, he didn't care what she said, what about her classmates, what about her good relationship before, can these be the reasons for quitting you?

A man with a sperm on his head is terrifying, and Guan Shijie is no exception. At this moment, all he can think about is how to ride Sha Xiaoli under him and gallop wildly, how can he have time to control you?

Without saying a word, he rushed forward and broke Sha Xiaoli's arm...

Sha Xiaoli let out an exclamation, pushed Guan Shijie hard, and struggled desperately. After all, she was a girl, so she burst into tears, her eyes were red, she tilted her neck around to prevent Guan Shijie from kissing her, and mouthed He kept begging for mercy: "Guan Shijie, don't be like this...I beg you, please don't be like this..."

However, her begging and struggling like a helpless lamb not only failed to arouse Guan Shijie's pity and old friendship, but also made Guan Shijie so provocative.

Panting heavily, Guan Shijie stretched out a pair of big hands to grope Sha Xiaoli's body recklessly, while persuading her not to resist, and let her go when he finished.

And at this moment, Sha Xiaoli was really terrified, how could she believe his words, let him vent before leaving, then what face would she have to stay in this class in the future, and she was worth a piece of money, that's not a problem Is the bus gone?

Even if others don't know, she can't accept it psychologically.

So she cried helplessly to Guan Shijie and begged Guan Shijie to let her go

Her resistance to the death finally angered Guan Shijie, and he slapped her severely on the spot, which directly knocked Sha Xiaoli into a daze. No matter what, she never thought that Guan Shijie, who usually flirts with her, would do it Beating her, and beating her so hard, is this person such a beast?

Guan Shijie crazily asked for kisses from Sha Xiaoli like a mad dog, frantically groped Sha Xiaoli's body with both hands, and finally stretched directly into Sha Xiaoli's upper body T-shirt and lower body hot pants...

After putting his hand in, Guan Shijie was even more satisfied. Unexpectedly, Sha Xiaoli is the best girl from the inside out. She looks stunning on the outside, but she is far from being comparable to ordinary girls on the inside.

Sha Xiaoli was angry and impatient, almost desperate, Guan Shijie had violated her bottom line of defense, this was a matter of principle, she must not give in

So when Guan Shijie was about to succeed, anxious Sha Xiaoli pulled out Guan Shijie's big hand that hit his chest, aimed at the back of his hand and bit hard

Guan Shijie yelled in pain, flew into a rage, took a few steps back, pointed at Sha Xiaoli's nose and cursed angrily: "Damn, it's not like I didn't let me touch it before, why are you pretending to be pure, dodge me! The words are put here, if I quit you today, I will take your surname from now on." He said and once again rushed towards Sha Xiaoli with a hungry wolf

ps: I saw a brother saying that I was dragging the plot. Indeed, I also feel that these two chapters are a bit too late, brothers. Let me explain, the stories written in these two chapters are real people in my high school. I think it is very It’s unbelievable, and it’s very explosive, so I specially wrote it to share with my brothers. In fact, I’m a pervert, and I like this kind of plot. I originally wanted the protagonist to be strong against a certain woman, but everyone would kill me if I wrote it like that. Don’t be so cheap, Guan Shijie, this guy, can be regarded as an appetite for everyone like me. I swear I won’t do this in the future, and the next chapter will wrap up this matter. Everyone pays six cents for watching movies. ,hey-hey……

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