The best boy on campus

Chapter 307 The Ma Sisters Flower!

Since what happened at noon three days ago, Ma Xiaoyu has been afraid to look at Liu Boyang for the past few days. Whenever she sees Liu Boyang, she will blush involuntarily, and then secretly avoid him.

Xiaobaicai is still angry in his heart, it is this bad guy who took advantage of him while he was not paying attention

I couldn't bear to see him being bullied by Pang Tianxin, so I kindly helped him inform, and even endured such a bad environment, and took him to the sixth floor to hide. Who would have thought that not only did he not know how to be grateful, but he also took the opportunity to eat his own tofu, and finally even kissed him forcibly Own

Don't look at Ma Xiaoyu standing with Liu Boyang after the matter was dealt with at noon that day, she didn't feel so embarrassed, but when the juicy little cabbage came home at noon that day, she came back to it, the big villain Yang Qingdi, The super villain, he didn't even ask what he meant, and domineeringly took possession of his first bosom and first kiss, despising him

However, although Ma Xiaoyu forced herself to think this way, it was strange that she didn't have much intention to really blame Liu Boyang in her heart. Even when she couldn't sleep these few nights, she would secretly hide on the bed, tossing and turning, quietly alone. The cat is in the bed, recalling the feeling of hugging and kissing with Liu Boyang, that feeling is so mysterious, so exciting, so content, so...nostalgic...

Even Ma Xiaoyu herself felt that she had an incredible nympho, she was bullied by "Emperor Yang Qing", but she couldn't get angry with him

The more contradictory she felt in her heart, the less she dared to face Liu Boyang. Seeing Liu Boyang all day was like seeing a nemesis, and she hurriedly avoided him.

Seeing this phenomenon, the rest of Class [-] were stunned. How come they are so pure and invincible twin sisters who have always been known as the peerless twins, who are unattainable and unapproachable. The whole first-grade flower-level characters, I don’t know how many boys dream of their heartbroken sister. Ma Xiaoyu, seeing "Emperor Yang Qing" acted so embarrassed?

You must know that Ma Xiaoyu has always been the only one who refuses others, and I haven't seen any boy who can force her to hide...

"Hehe, you're here?" Liu Boyang also felt that the little princess he was scaring all day long was running around, which was really not normal, so he greeted her with a smile

"En." Ma Xiaoyu lowered her head and blushed and snorted. She swayed two steps in succession, but seeing that she still couldn't get through, she said in a low voice, "Please let me go, I want to go over."

"Oh, okay." Liu Boyang shrugged his shoulders and made way for her with a smile

Ma Xiaoyu puffed her cheeks and blushed, and walked past where Liu Boyang got out of the way. No matter how she looked at her back, she looked like she was running away

Liu Boyang touched his nose very depressed, was he really that scary, didn't he just kiss her?As for avoiding this?Could it be... that was really... her first kiss?

"Hi..." Just as Liu Boyang was making wild guesses, a white hand pie suddenly patted him on the shoulder behind him.

"Huh?" Liu Boyang looked back, and at some point, a beautiful figure who was almost exactly the same as Ma Xiaoyu had stood behind him, with a white peaked cap on his head, looking at him with a smile on his face

"It's you?" Liu Boyang looked at Marco in surprise

"Nonsense, who am I? Come here..." Marco smiled and tickled Liu Boyang's pale fingers

"What's the matter?" Liu Boyanghu questioned. This is the first time that Marco has spoken to him since he came to this class.

"Come here." Ma Keer blinked her big clear eyes and looked at Liu Boyang with a smile.

Liu Boyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he walked towards her a few steps, and just about to ask something, he suddenly felt a few more heads beside his shoulders, turned his head, and saw Tong Wen, Li Bing, Zhang Haonan, Lu Fei, and others also turned curious poked his head over, wanting to hear what Ma Keer was going to say to Liu Boyang

Liu Boyang curled his lips, these ignorant bastards don't wink, they don't deserve scolding

But before he could speak, he suddenly saw Ma Ke'er with one hand on his hips, pointing at the noses of Tong Wen and the others with the other, and said fiercely: "Look at what you are looking at, and then chop off your necks."

Tong Wen and the others were startled, quickly retracted their necks, covered their necks exaggeratedly and peeked at Ma Keer

The whole class knows that although the Ma sisters look similar in appearance, their personalities are very different: the older sister Ma Xiaoyu is innocent, kind-hearted and full of justice. Even when rejecting boys, she can't bear to say anything Taijue

And the younger sister belongs to the typical little hot girl, like a tomboy all day, very clear about who is good and who is bad, has a carefree personality, and likes to go to the basketball court to play basketball with boys when she has nothing to do. The body is bouncing around on the basketball court, making other boys love and hate and are too embarrassed to grab her ball, but this girl's hair is going to be terrible, even people like Tong Wen have to let her three points, no To be honest, she can really smack your head with a pencil case, she is really a standard little ancestor in the class

"Is there something wrong?" Liu Boyang was the first time to experience Ma Ke'er's "fierceness", and asked him with a smile

Ma Ke'er puffed up her cheeks, Tong Wen and the others, who realized what was happening, took a look, and spat: "You all want to hear what the idiot has big ears to say, no way Yang Qingdi, come here, I have something to ask you "After she finished speaking, she walked towards Liu Boyang's seat with a "tap-tap-tap" of the pair of delicate white sandals under her feet.

Liu Boyang glanced at the stunned Tong Wen and the others, smiled and walked towards Ma Keer

Tong Wen and the others froze for a long time before they finally regained their composure. Tong Wen suddenly raised a hand, smacked his face with a "slap", and muttered: "Tragedy... life is full of joy." It's a tragedy that Brother Yang has only been here for a few days, and he can get along with the two beauties. Look at us who have been in the class for so long, and we are not even half as good as Brother Yang! Comparing people to others is just maddening."

Liu Boyang walked to the side of the seat, and saw that Ma Keer sat down on the seat at the same table without any politeness, with two jade hands casually playing with a pen, and two snow-white feet with sandals, directly stepped on the legs of the table On the top, the shorts slid down, revealing those two tight white and delicate thighs, which looked extraordinarily attractive

This girl is wearing almost the same clothes as her sister today, with a small T-shirt on her upper body, a pair of shorts on her lower body, and a peaked cap on her head, but Ma Xiaoyu's T-shirt and peaked cap are the same. It is a quiet white color, but Marco is a naughty black color

"Sit down, am I scary?" Seeing Liu Boyang standing beside her in a daze, Ma Keer smiled and said

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "No."

"Then what are you doing standing there?" Marco asked with a smile of interest.

"I'm not used to sitting so close to a beautiful woman," Liu Boyang teased.

"Haha, you Yang Qingdi can speak, no wonder you can fascinate my sister." Faced with Liu Boyang's intentional teasing, Ma Ke'er was not angry at all, but whispered to him with a smile

"What did you say?" Liu Boyang really didn't expect Ma Ke'er to say such a thing, and asked in surprise

He didn't waste any more time, and just sat next to Mar Ke'er just talking, how could he really be like those good-for-nothing boys whose legs go limp when they see beautiful women?

"Hehe," Marco bit her lips and smiled lightly, turned her head and glanced at her sister, then leaned her body in front of Liu Boyang without any notice, and instantly brought a refreshing fragrance like a rain lily. She smiled and asked, "Emperor Yang Qing, tell me honestly, what did you do to my sister at noon three days ago?"

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